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Man into Male Scenthound Dog Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Joe was in a rush, as usual after work. He didn’t mind skipping the pedestrian lights, even when it clearly wasn’t a good idea. Living in a small town had its many disadvantages, at least in the man’s head. The major downside was…

A dog that suddenly ran out of an alley next to Joe and started barking at him aggressively. Joe gave the dog a chance, as he usually did. There was nothing he hated as much as nuisances, all he wanted was to go home and rest for a bit, but because of someone’s ignorance their dog is running around the city without a collar and assaults pedestrians.

“Fuck off!” – Joe finally yelled at the dog. Such an action meant escalation for the stray dog who started going back and forth more aggressively and barking louder while at it. Joe clutched his head and hearing three more barks and the dog trying to bite down on his leg made him snap.

The dog whimpered after the impact with Joe’s shoe, but other than that it didn’t seem more harmed than shocked. The dog hanged his head low and ran away. Joe felt the anger finally leave him as the dog ran away. Only then a slight sense of guilt appeared in the man’s head, he started regretting what he has done, but what’s done was done.

“Whatever. He started it, I just wanted to freaking pass…” – Joe muttered and started walking towards his house again with mixed feelings. Joe was getting hungry too and he decided to buy some fast food to sate his hunger at least partially. A hot dog stand nearby was as good place as any in this hellhole – He thought.

“Hi. Big one with salsa… Please.” – Joe said unsurely, while looking at the huge elderly man who was apparently earning money, despite being on pension judging by his appearance. The old man had long grey beard and if not for his apron he wouldn’t look much like a hot dog vendor at all.

The man grumbled something, but nodded and went straight to fulfilling Joe’s order. Joe shrugged and checked his phone. Before a minute passed his hot dog was ready and served. “There you go. Enjoy.” – The old man said. “Thanks.” – Joe replied.

Joe wasn’t a huge fan of walking and eating, he considered it would make him look silly – Strolling through a town and munching on a hot dog as if he was a brat running to his friend’s house. Joe leaned against a lamp pole and started eating.

The taste wasn’t as bad as he expected, but there was something weird about it too. Joe has never eaten a hot dog with such a strange hint of taste – Kind of sour. Perhaps it was the sauce? – He thought to himself and continued to eat.

The hot dog vendor worked in his stand, cleaning it up and preparing for the next customers, but he continued to discretely glance at Joe from time to time, which the man hasn’t noticed.

Joe’s back was starting to hurt, but he thought it was because of resting against a narrow pole, so he ignored it. The man’s spine was moving underneath his skin and throbbing unpleasantly. Joe grunted as he felt a strange pressure form in his underwear.

The man tried to control an urge to feel what happened there through his jeans. In the meantime the bump in his underwear continued to grow until with a silent snap the growth slipped out of the man’s boxers and jeans and began to  move behind him instinctively.

“W-what the fu-fuck?!” – Joe exclaimed and looked at his rear. His lip started trembling as he noticed a fleshy, lively appendage sway behind him. It was his own, he felt it and it was starting to sprout brown hairs. The fact that Joe paid attention to his forming tail, only made the appendage more excited and forced it to wag faster.

“I have a fucking tail, oh my God! I- Ow! Please, no m-more…! What’s happening to me?!” – Joe started freaking out and he dropped his food on the ground as his chest began painfully barrelling out into a rounder, but slim shape. The man rubbed his altered chest and stomach through his shirt and to his horror he felt strange, tiny bumps forming in two lines on his torso.

Joe gulped as he realised that those were somehow nipples. Was he turning into a goddamn animal, or what?! – He panicked in his mind further. He stumbled around as he tried to grab his tail, but he stopped in place as painful cramps began to assault his hands and feet.

The man began to groan in discomfort as his digits started shortening and plumping up, becoming practically useless for grabbing stuff. The man watched as dark, slightly curved claws began to form on the tips of his weird fingers. His hands and feet were starting to feel numb in places too, more specifically on their undersides as the flesh there began to sizzle and bloat into black fleshy pillows – Joe’s developing paw pads.

“Nooooo! Not my hands. Dude, call p-police!” – Joe exclaimed and yelled at the hot dog vendor who seemed to freak out at the situation in his own way. Joe whimpered in pain as his thumbs shrank more than the rest of his fingers and got pulled higher on his lengthening hands. As Joe’s feet began to elongate and thin down it was enough to make the man fall over onto all fours humiliatingly.

Joe continued to grow in discomfort as his insides began reshaping into relatively simpler forms. His stomach sank inwards a bit and changed his silhouette permanently. The man felt his shoulders forcefully press inwards too into more streamlined forms.

A throbbing sensation mortified Joe to his core as it appeared all over his head. The man started breathing heavier as he realised that his hair was falling out and regrowing, but as short brown fur. The man sneezed abruptly as his nose began to swell, turn moister and become almost completely black. Joe’s ears turned more pliable and softer as they started becoming floppier and longer.

The changing man tried to jump up in hopes of regaining his humanity, but his skeleton was altered too far. The only thing Joe achieved with his frantic jumping was his lower clothing slipping off him and leaving his lower body humiliatingly exposed.

“Ah…! Fuck!” – Joe growled out as he felt the cool air on his raised ass. His buttocks were losing practically all fat they previously had as they turned leaner and more canine. Joe’s tailhole became more pronounced and visible underneath his tail. However the man worried more about what was underneath as his testicles and penis started to heat up and itch.

Joe yelped and looked underneath himself only to see that his cock and balls were slowly hauled closer towards his asshole, into a more feral position. “Nhr- Ohghr-ghrroooosh…” – Joe growled out in his altering voice as he saw his foreskin swallow up his entire shaft. The foreskin began to tighten and turn furry just like the rest of the man’s body.

The pleasure the forming sheath provided Joe with caused him to moan in a canine manner, especially as his balls began to alter. The scrotum pulled his testicles closer to each other and made them more streamlined against his body. They suddenly began to clench as they started expelling Joe’s human seed.

“Ghrrooooooowhhoooo…!” – Joe howled loudly as his cock filled with blood and began to push out of his sheath in a highly arousing way. It started spasming and forcing out loud after loud of cum which forced Joe’s entire changing body to tremble.

Joe stuck out his lengthening tongue lewdly as his body gradually finished trembling in pleasure. However the changes to the man’s genitals weren’t over. Joe shook his head and fell over onto his side as he felt his cock throb again, this time with transformative energies.

The man stared at his mostly human flesh sticking out of the animalistic sheath that he now sported. The tip of his cock was pushing out into a sharper, lipstick-like shape. The changes made Joe moan in humiliation and pleasure more. The head of his cock began to fused with the shaft and lose its human shape as it became smoother.

Something started pushing itself into Joe’s shifting cock from the inside. “Gh-ghrshrooooph… Ghu-ugh!” – Joe moaned as he felt his penis bone force his cock to tilt upwards and humiliate him further with how doggy it looked. A swelling sensation made Joe growl louder as a fleshy, stiff knot began to form at the base of his red rocket. The erect growth forced the entire sheath to unfold and reveal the sight in full glory.

Joe knew that the vendor was still there, but he wasn’t able to stop himself. He felt like his canine body insisted him to explore it. The changing man bent over, while lying on his side and to his own shock he managed to reach his cock with his blackening lips. Despite the pain of Joe’s morphing legs the man’s maw grabbed his cock and began to work on pleasuring it.

Frantic movements stimulated him further as his skull began to malform and turn more canine. Joe’s forehead began to slope down and his cranium diminished in size. His sight worsened slightly as his eyes turned brown and canine. Joe’s gums began to throb painfully as his teeth started sharpening into canine fangs.

Joe however ignored the painful sensations as he focused himself entirely on sucking his cock. His jaws were almost wholly human still, so he wasn’t able to take his entire length into his oral, but nonetheless the sole fact he was able to suck himself off, even partially did it for him.

With a fully canine yelp Joe felt his jaws start to push out. The man’s body was now wholly covered in mixed brown and black fur. His body was almost entirely that of some scenthound mutt, except for the part of his face, which still kept marching forward and forming a muzzle. With a lustful pant the painful transformation ended.

Joe thrusted his hips violently and as his sharp fangs brushed against his stiff erection for the tenth time, he finally managed to come. His cock began to pulsate inside of his doggy muzzle and several thick loads of cum landed in the changed man’s throat, this time solely canine.

Joe sighed and allowed his head to hit the pavement. Only now as the lust daze ebbed Joe was able to think clearly. “I-I’m a dog. A fucking mutt, like the one that attacked me! And… Oh God I…” – Joe thought to himself in panic and he started spitting out the cum out of his muzzle in shame.

Suddenly his canine ears perked up as he heard clapping. Joe whined and looked up, only now he realised that he shrank quite a lot and the humans were towering above him now. “Wait, humans?!” – Joe thought to himself in shock as he realised that there were two people above him. One of them was the vendor and some lanky middle-aged man.

Joe jumped onto four legs and his tail instinctively tucked between his legs in shame and confusion. Joe have let out a single bark at the two men. “Thank you again, for allowing me to wear your apron man. I knew another chance wouldn’t appear.” – The big, bearded man who sold Joe the hot dog said as he handed over the apron to the middle-aged man next to him.

Joe started trembling as he continued to watch the scene from below confused. “He still doesn’t get it, does he?” – The red-headed lanky man said. The bearded man nodded and crouched down to be closer to Joe’s eye level. “The dog you kicked earlier was mine… But that’s not the point. The point is that you kicked an innocent creature and you had to pay. So as I’ve said earlier – ENJOY… Your new life as a mutt.” – The bearded man said and got up.

The trembling scenthound that Joe became howled in sorrow for what he has done and ran away. The bearded man nodded and whistled. Almost instantly the dog from earlier showed up joyfully. The old man petted him and the two went their way leaving the red-headed vendor alone with his hot dog stand.

The lanky hot dog vendor started humming a strange tune as he opened a lock and then a hidden drawer with tens of tiny bottles of all sorts of colours and labels on them. He then put a vial with an image of a dog in the drawer and closed it…


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