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Man into Male Skaven Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

“Why give the good stuffs, when he should suffer? Let’s jab him with a chaos crystal instead and see what happens, yes-yes!” – Some strange voice exclaimed loudly right above Rick, which woke him up. The man lied on some metal table and the moment he saw the rat-men around him, he started thrashing about, only to realise that he was strapped to the table tightly.

“What the hell is going on?! What are you even?! Let me gooo…!” – Rick shouted at the beady-eyed monsters that encircled him. Rick quickly spotted the medical and lab equipment lying all around the dark room he found himself in. Only that the equipment didn’t look like it was actually meant to fix anything, instead it seemed like it was meant to dispense pain.

The taller rat sighed and rubbed his flat head in annoyance. “No! We go with my plan, I need a healthy human to check if the serum works goods…” – The rat said and pushed the shorter one away as he rushed towards a table with syringed full of green bubbly ooze.

Rick kept shaking his head in denial. If not for the horrid smell of chemicals all around, if not for those loud humanoid rats he would’ve thought that he was dreaming. He was a simple merchant – What did he do to deserve this? His carriage was bombarded with strange smoke bombs and he passed out, that’s the last thing he recalled before waking up in this hellhole.

The tall rat wearing a dark black robe walked up to Rick and a smile appeared on its muzzle. Its – Rick didn’t even know the creature’s gender, its intentions were an even bigger mystery. “P-please, let me go. What will you do to me…? Wait, don- Gh-ah!” – Rick pleaded as the rat got closer with a syringe in its clawed hand, before the man had a chance to say anything more he was injected with the contents of the syringe.

The injection didn’t feel pleasant at all, the serum that now course through the man’s veins felt even worse. Rick balled up his fists as his flesh started to sear. The rat man patted Rick on his sweaty forehead and took a step back not to get hit by the man.

“Ghhhh… I f-feel like my insides a-are meltiiiingh-ghluuuurh…” – Rick stammered through gritted teeth, until he opened his mouth and wretched up murky puss. The man panted hard as he spat out the tainted saliva and he accidentally bit his tongue with his elongating incisors.

The rat scientist looked sternly at the shorter rat. “What?! I gave just a tad more chaos concentrate than you said. He’ll be fine.” – The short rat said nervously. “Imbecile – He needs insides to survive. Be careful, damn you!” – The tall rat said angrily and slapped his supposed apprentice.

In the meantime Rick gasped as he began prodding his elongated and sharpened teeth with his tapered tongue. He was transforming – He realised. His entire body except for his extremities started to itch. The human body hair began to morph into rougher, yet longer and more animalistic grey fur. The hair on Rick’s scalp started to thin down and fall out in clumps until only rat-like fur remained on the man’s scalp.

The rat apprentice came up to Rick and freed him from his restraints. Rick’s eyes widened in hope, only to quickly close in pain. He was naive to think that they would just let him go. He was to weak to straighten up as his bones began to malform into inhuman shapes. His back hurt like hell as it began to bend and turn more curved.

Underneath Rick’s closed eyelids his irises turned dark red and grew bigger which left less white parts to be normally visible. Rick’s ears started to turn thinner and at the same time muscles began to form at their base, which allowed them to flick. Rick clutched his head and yelped feeling how bizarre it felt already.

Rick started to dig his nails into his head as his face began painfully spilling outwards into a snout. The growth forced his beady eyes to migrate to the sies of his increasingly narrow head. Rick’s fingernails started sharpening and bringing him more pain as the developing claws pierced his flesh. The most painful however was the compression of the man’s brain as it began to shrink along with his cranium.

“Ghrrrree-yeek…!” – Rick shrieked in agony as his muzzle pushed out fully. At this point his head appeared to be very reminiscent of the rat-men unbeknown to him. Rick curled into a ball as his spine started to painfully elongate and force his torso to become slightly longer. At the same time the man realised that he wasn’t able to straighten up his body in any way as he became hunched like his rat tormentors.

“Skreek…” – The tall rat started. The short rat-man apprentice shivered. “Y-yes-yes…?” – He stammered in fear. “What did I tell you earlier?! I want to see the whole process clearly, why isn’t the subject naked yet!?” – The scientist said while breathing heavily in anger. The rat apprentice didn’t say anything and just ran up to Rick.

Rick groaned in pain, but he still tried to fend off the rat-man with his clawed hands. “H-hey! Stop that!” – The rat-man said and quickly started running around Rick and taking off more and more of his partially ruined clothing. The rat scientist rubbed his hands together as he saw the taut furry skin on Rick’s back.

The changing man tried to cover his privates, but his hands were still changing painfully, which forced them to tremble and swing the claws dangerously around his junk. The digits were elongating and becoming more bestial. Rick began spasming on his side as he felt a fleshy growth begin to force itself between his legs.

The man grabbed the ropey appendage with one hand and shivered at how disgusting it felt. It was meaty, segmented and furless. The tail grew in length rapidly and continued to smack the table, reflecting Rick’s distress. As it began to reach Rick’s toes the man realised that they felt wrong too and they started aching more painfully.

Rick bent over and looked down, then wriggled his toes. His lengthening and claw-tipped toes. His entire feet looked strange, his ankles were strangely high and his toes were sort of bundled up together at their base. Rick’s changing nose caught a scent of potential food nearby as it started to change and turn smaller and sharper on his developing muzzle.

Rick kept grunting and kicking his legs from the pain as they started to bend and elongate, slowly turning more digitigrade. Rick felt something snap in his neck, which forced his head into a more feral position, appropriate for an actual rat.

The rat-like man prayed that his transformation would end at last. He muttered about his disgusting tail like a man – He would be never accepted back into his human society and he knew it. Rick had no clue that the worst was still ahead of him as his inner organs finished shifting and the transformative serum started working on his groin.

“No-no, pl-pleeease…! N-not my- Ahn-hnaaaahn!” – Rick begged in his altered, growly voice until his balls began to clench involuntarily and force him to orgasm abruptly. Thick strands of cum quickly landed on his furry chest and humiliated the poor man further.

Now empty, Rick’s testicles began producing different sort of seed so potent that it forced the man’s balls to inflate almost painfully. The shape of Rick’s testicles became more oblong and way bigger than whatever was considered human. The previously loose scrotum became almost painfully tight around the massive rodent-adequate balls. Rick began to moan as his fat balls started moving lower and closer towards his tail.

Seeing what happened to Rick’s testicles the short rat-man apprentice sighed in self-pity. “Why can’t I have some of this serum.” – He muttered quietly, which forced out a scoff out of the taller rat-man next to him.

In the meantime Rick was panting hard with his sleek tongue out and his maw wide open from the sensations he was forced to endure. His groin was entirely furry by now and his foreskin started to throb with warm energy as it began to remould into a taut sheathe fit for a humanoid animal that Rick was becoming.

The developing sheath unexpectedly sucked Rick’s cock inside completely. Rick winced and started worrying, but he soon felt stirring inside the fleshy pouch as his cock grew harder than ever and underwent its own changes. The shaft became longer and the sharpening tip started to peek out of the sheath, but it was everything but human by now.

Rick’s transformation ended and his throbbing balls begged him to relieve himself. He wanted some actual pleasure after the painful changes, he lost his humanity already – He wanted a blissful break from the reality. His clawed hands got closer towards his sleek rat cock, but just as Rick was about to eagerly grab his long shaft, his hand was stopped by the tall scientist.

“Glad that you’re eager, but save that precious rat cum of yours for the brood females…” – The tall rat said and have let go of Rick’s hand. Rick sighed and quickly considered his options. What was the point of fighting the rat-men now, now that he was one of them. He didn’t have anywhere to go back, he had to behave to get accepted by the vermin that were his kin by now…


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