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Man into Male Eastern Dragon Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Simon didn’t expect that a stereotypical bauble market would catch his attention, but he was proven wrong. He was shocked at how many of the items actually impressed him, not to mention they were at least seemingly of high quality. Some examples were oriental necklaces, wristbands, dreamcatchers and pagan idols. It actually seemed rather interesting.

The man paid special attention to the Asian wares as he’s been interested in Asian myths for his entire life, which the baubles reminded him of. Simon spotted a perfect amulet – A dark blue medallion in the shape of an eastern dragon. “Whoa. I love the details on this one… Excuse me, sir! How much does this one cost?” – Simon asked the seller.

The elderly man in a floral shirt and glasses smiled at the question. “I see the glimmer in your eyes young man. You truly want something extraordinary, don’t you? You seem like a person who has head full of ideas and dreams, but you may be unable to achieve them. The medallion would certainly give you courage, which would perhaps help with just that.” – The seller said and checked the blackboard next to him.

Simon was slightly confused at the elder’s words, but at the same time he was humbled by the kindness. “Oh, thank you. I- I’m not gonna lie – You summed up my situation pretty well, but still. I’d gladly pay the full price for a handicraft of that quality!” – Simon stated and peeked at the blackboard, thanks to which he noticed the standard price. The beautiful medallion costed 99$.

The seller seemed to consider what to say, but before he was able to Simon managed to find the right amount of money in his wallet for the old man. “There you go sir.” – Simon smiled and laid the money on the counter. The old man bowed subtly in appreciation. “I’m just an old man, I’m not all-knowing, but I meant what I said about you. This amulet is special and you’re just the right person to own it. May it serve you well son.” – The elderly seller said warmly and laid a hand on Simon’s shoulder.

Simon couldn’t help, but to smile as well – Then glance down at the amulet in his hands. It glistened almost magically in all sorts of blue hues. “Thank you so much sir, I won’t fo-“ – Simon tried to thank the seller, but to his shock the vendor was already gone. Simon blinked dumbfounded at that and after a while of looking around for the seller he started pondering whether the situation actually happened.

Hours later, at dusk Simon went over to the local lake to sit on the grass and enjoy the beautiful towns in the distance. The man took out the amulet from his pocket and after examining it for a mere while he put on the necklace. Almost instantly a cold gust of wind hit him - Cold but not troublesome somehow.

“H-huh? Strange, I was sure it would be warm tonight.” – Simon whispered to himself as more strange sensations washed over his body. His scalp started to tingle and unbeknown to him his short hair started growing longer and turning silvery white, then it began spreading down his spine. The medallion around his neck started throbbing with potent magical energy and shining in the moonlight.

“Oh jeez! T-the medallion…! What’s happening?! Ow, my eyes!” – Simon started freaking out as he realised that something was definitely wrong with his body and the medallion seemed to be the cause of it. The man shut his eyes as they began stinging. Underneath the eyelids the irises turned azure blue and the pupils started stretching vertically into reptilian slits.

As Simon opened his eyes the world around seemed different, but in a positive way. The change was comparable to getting a new phone with a better camera. “What’s happening to me…? I feel so weird! Is the amulet doing this?!” – Simon questioned his changes as they began working on his entire body. The man winced as his fingernails started darkening and pushing out into deadly claws.

Panting hard Simon stumbled backwards as his feet started morphing inside his shoes. “That’s not g-ghood-ah!” – Simon commented on his changes as his feet had burst through his footwear. The extremities didn’t seem human anymore. Simon was forced to stand on his tiptoes in an animalistic manner as his feet and lower legs altered further into more reptilian shapes.

Simon stared wide eyed as his toenails reshaped into sharp claws. The most unsettling change however was the itching and throbbing of the skin as thousands of shiny blue scales formed all over it. “Scales! I-I’m growing freaking scales! Aaaaah!” – Simon panicked as he glanced at his hands which seemed to lose dexterity and start getting encompassed in blue scales as well.

“I need to call help, I’m turning into some freakin’ mutant lizard! I-ngh-ah…!” – Simon tried to think rationally, but he was interrupted by stunning pain in his back. The man barely managed to desperately reach his back with his morphing hands, before his hoodie and shirt tore in half. Simon’s bare back was not only sprouting the unique blue scales, but also silver fur that basically covered his entire spine-line.

The man grunted as his vertebrae started popping wildly and force him into a more hunched over position. A mounting pressure began to rise in Simon’s tailbone. With a loud thwack the man’s tailbone unfused and started pushing past his hips, forming a decisively reptilian appendage. The serpentine tail rapidly grew scales all over, but also fur at the top and the tip giving it an unique and regal look.

“Uhn… A tail… I- Uh… God, it’s still g-groooowinghhhhh…!” – Simon groaned as his growing tail started slamming against the ground after necessary muscles formed inside it. The appendage continued to grow and ruin the man’s jeans until fell down in tatters. Simon gasped in dread as he realised that his underwear fell onto the ground as well leaving his twisting form completely naked.

The poor man tried to cover his groin from anyone that could possibly stare at him, but that’s when Simon realised another shocking fact. His arms were too far to his groin at this point, it wasn’t just his tail that grew longer – His entire torso became more serpentine as it gained length all this time and still continued to do so.

Simon’s jaw dropped in terror and soon after the changing man himself dropped onto his knees as he was unable to stay upright in the human position any longer. Simon closed his eyes as he felt the nauseating sensations of his organs stretching inside of him and changing to fit his new mythological form. The worst of all was his lower body and groin.

Simon opened one eye to see what was happening to his genitalia. As expected, they weren’t spared from the changes. The scrotum was painfully tight around the testicles and Simon felt a bizarre suction of his balls becoming internal, soon leaving only scaly skin where they used to be.

With a moan the changing man saw a tight slit open around his cock. Simon’s breathing became more frantic and erotic as the man felt his shaft malform into a more bestial shape. Ridges formed over the sensitive flesh. The entire rod grew bigger and turned sharper at the tip. Simon stuck out his lengthening tongue lewdly as his draconic cock began leaking whatever was left of his human cum.

Staring at the stars Simon barely registered that his head started remoulding. His face started pushing out into an impressive muzzle with a maw full of sharpening teeth. The nose flattened against the forming protrusion and turned into reptilian slits. Curiously two tentacle-like growths began to extend from the sides of Simon’s muzzle. The man felt his ears twitch attentively as they began lengthening and sprouting scales all over.

Simon slowly cooled down and started to crawl towards the lake half-consciously. He was mainly focused on the changes, but he knew he had to see his reflection in the lake. As the man neared towards the lake his body continued to grow longer and more snake-like, while retaining many details that made it something more – Something mythical.

The last changes hit Simon, but they weren’t as drastic as the previous ones – Mainly because Simon wasn’t remotely a human at this point. His body finished sprouting shimmering blue scales and the majestic fur on his back ceased to grow longer. Only his bones continued to pop for a while longer as the ribcage turned rounder and the limbs became more adapted to four-legged life.

Simon reached the water just in time to feel the last change. The man boldly withstood the pain of bony protrusions starting to erupt from the flesh of his scalp. Simon was overly absorbed by staring at what became of his head. His human face was gone, replaced by a strong draconic muzzle. His eyes were cunning and sharp. And most interestingly the man stared wide eyed as his draconic head was growing actual horns ending with many tips.

“T-this can’t be me… I must be dreaming… O-or did I really turn into a dragon…? Even my voice, everything – Changed.” – Simon commented on his appearance and blinked. He was intimidated by his form or so he thought initially. In truth he had respect for his new body, that’s all. Besides deep down in his heart Simon started to realise that this was what he always wished for. He never cared about money, luxuries or fame – All he wanted was peace and he finally found it in his new form. In one swift motion he leapt forward and dived underwater with a smile on his muzzle.


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