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Man into Male Fox Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 2nd PoV

You shouted in anger at the sight of an empty cage in your living room. How did it came to be? How did your precious Thumper escape? It was both simple and complicated – The door to the cage was open, while you always remembered to close it. You were furious, but the anger was gradually getting replaced by sadness. Your friend and pet was gone.

While most of your friends and co-workers were owners of dogs and cats, you always were fond of pet rabbits and took good care of them. Since getting your first job you only had one rabbit, which was Thumper and you bonded with him as you would with a good friend. He was there to support you in the time of need, now you were determined to find him in his own time of need.

You realised that the door to your house was open for some reason. “Now it’s clear. Somebody stole him from me!” – You exclaimed, before running to your hallway and preparing yourself to chase after the pet-napper. The only problem was that you lived in a rural area surrounded by forests. Finding the thief didn’t have to be an easy task sadly.

Nevertheless you ran out of your house, not even closing the door. You were scared of who the thief was and why the only thing he stole from you was your best friend and pet rabbit. You ran through the forest, not even properly dressed for that. After a while you brightened up as you noticed footprints leading deeper into the forest and they were still fresh.

“I’m coming for you Thumper!” – You exclaimed, not caring whether the thief heard that. You didn’t know yet what you’d do to the person when you’d find him. You gritted your teeth and failed to notice that they started sharpening inside your mouth, especially your canines. The more you ran the more exhausted you were. You stuck out your tongue and failed to notice as your tongue started growing longer.

You looked left and right as your ears started disorienting you. Your hearing was getting more sensitive as your ears started turning pointy and migrating higher on your head. The forest around you seemed to grow taller and more imposing as you began shrinking in your clothes. As your body became considerably smaller your silhouette altered too.

“Huh…?! W-Wait! What’s happening to me?! Oh God, why am I shrinking?!” – You asked. The bases of your arms started to hurt as your shoulder blades began rotating and forcing your arms into more feral positions. Your hips were narrowing painfully and making you yelp. You grunted in discomfort and confusion.

“This is i-impossible… I- I need to find Thumper fast…” – You muttered in discomfort as you started walking after the mysterious footprints. Walking however proven to be incredibly hard as your limbs continued to change and turn more feral. Your arms were already limited in movement and were less bendable. Your spine started popping loudly as your vertebrae began to force you down onto all fours in a quick manner.

“N-Nooo-ah!” – You groaned as you dropped onto all fours. You made a few weak attempts to get back onto two legs, but it was impossible at this point. Your nose was blackening in your field of view as it gradually turned more canine. Your clothes were falling off you with each move you made. With a few steps on all fours your shoes fell off, then your socks and trousers. You decided to get your shirt off yourself and did just that to move more swiftly.

Unfortunately at the same time your tailbone started to hurt more intensively than before. A pressure began to form and you knew it would lead to no good. In a matter of seconds a fleshy bump started to become obvious above your buttocks. It soon started extending longer and forming a sleek vulpine tail. You swayed it involuntarily and shivered at the sensations.

You wanted to cry. Why was this happening to you in the first place? As your facial features started turning more canine and your hands and feet started turning into paws you decided that it became too much for you. Before losing your humanity and joining the forest you wanted to at least find your friend rabbit.

You started walking swiftly on all fours into the darkness ahead as your eyes began to readjust to the dark forest around. Your irises slowly changed colour to sharp yellow, while your pupils stretched into vertical slits that changed your vision considerably. You were able to see the tracks better and so you followed them with less effort.

You had a feeling that you would soon reach your goal as you started hearing footsteps nearby. At the same time your feet started to ache more than previously. You gasped and looked down at them only to realise that your legs were already digitigrade and decisively canine. Your toes were contracting and turning into compact digits of canine paws. Your toenails erupted into curved and relatively blunt claws. You felt strange numb sensations underneath the tips of your changing feet as they bloated out and many distinctive paw pads formed.

“Shit, no! Not when I’m so close!” – You exclaimed and broke into a somewhat feral run as your hands started changing similarly as your feet did prior. Your fingers started shortening painfully and turning into rather useless digits of a fox. A sort of webbing formed between your digits, which further limited their movements. Your palms started puffing out into pillows of numb flesh and soon after your fingernails started growing out into dark canine claws.

Just then as you looked up you realised that there was a strange figure standing a few metres away from you. It looked like a naked man, but covered in all sorts of forest flora. Besides there was something wrong with his ears. They looked exactly like the ears of your lost rabbit…

You yelped in fear and backed away with your tail between your legs. “W-Who are you?! Where’s my pet rabbit?!” – You asked the mysterious man. He chuckled in a strange, but calm voice. “Friend. It is I – Thumper, at least to you that is. My true name is ancient and the time of my dormancy as your pet rabbit is done sadly…” – The man approached you and patted you on the head.

Before you managed to say anything more you started screaming in pain as your skull began to squeeze into a smaller shape. “T-Thiyips c-can’t b-yiiip…!” – You tried to deny the fact out loud that the man was the rabbit you knew for so long. As your transformation intensified again the strange man’s rabbit ears turned into human shapes.

The man sighed and straightened up, practically towering above your meek vulpine form. You whimpered as your throat started to shift and completely strip you of your voice. You tried to ask Thumper why did he do this to you, but it came out as a series of fox yips. Nonetheless you were shocked to realise that the man understood what you wanted to say. “Oh. Your shifting form? I’ve came to realise that since I had to leave your house I may as well take you with me towards our destiny – The wilderness, the freedom. Soon you will prey on rabbits like me, but that’s natural for sly foxes like you…” – Thumper said and booped your black, moist nose.

You sneezed and lied down on your chest to cover your head with your paws in defeat. You were still confused about everything, but it didn’t matter in the long run as your changes went on relentlessly. Your jaws started pushing out, forcing a narrow muzzle to form on your changed face. At this point there was no part of your head that would remain remotely human.

Your torso had some realigning to do. Your ribcage was becoming more streamlined and rounder as it gradually barrelled out. You felt your insides compress as your stomach sank in a bit. At the same time you felt a warmth grow between your legs. Your eyes opened wider as you realised in panic that it was your penis starting to become canine.

You rolled over onto your back and yipped in shame as you saw your shaft redden and turn pointy. “Oh don’t be shy. Mother nature made it this way to fit your new future mate – Don’t underestimate that…” – The man that used to be your pet stated and pointed at your foreskin which began to envelop your whole penis and turn into a sheath that begin to attach to your lower belly.

You cringed at being so exposed to the view, but you weren’t ready to turn back onto your belly yet as you were too lost in the growing pleasure. You felt the base of your shaft inflate and pop out of your sheath as it became your distinctive canine knot. Your testicles churned as they began producing potent fox seed.

You started pawing at your cock and yipping wildly as your balls squeezed hard. You came hard onto your chest in several hearty loads. You panted with your tongue out as your body began to itch intensively. You barely registered that most of your canine form started to get covered with red, black and white fur.

As you calmed down you heard Thumper clapping slowly above you. You yelped and jumped onto all fours, only to realise that the changes were fully done. You were now nothing more, but a red fox and a part of this forest. “Well done friend. I knew you wouldn’t fail to accept this gift. Now off you go to find a burrow to call your new home.” – Thumper said as he gestured at the woods around.

You yapped at him unsurely, wanting to convince him to turn you back. That proven to be a mistake as human Thumper’s expression became more serious and stern. “I said, off you pop! I have a lot of work to do. I can promise you we’ll meet in the future again. But for now, BEGONE!” – Thumper yelled at you in a booming voice that made the trees tremble.

You barked in horror and run away with your bushy tail between your legs. You were still not able to believe it. Your pet rabbit was some kind of a forest cultist all this time. He didn’t even care that you considered him your best friend for years. He turned you into a fox without thinking of it twice. You sighed and entered some kind of burrow that you just found. Then you curled into a protective ball and fell asleep in your “new home”.


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