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Man into Male Red Fox Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Mike was browsing some of his favourite sites. One of the sites appeared strange that day, its interface was glitched and its functionality was lacking. “Oh well. Wait- What’s that?” – Mike asked quietly as he noticed a strange window suddenly opening up out of nowhere.

It was almost nostalgic to see something like this for the man, if not for the message that the window shown him. It said “Our algorithms have deemed you as an unnecessary asset of the humanity. Choose whether you agree with our conclusion.”. Below the message there were two buttons with negative and positive answers, although the negative one was muted in colours and there was no option to choose it.

Mike sighed and pressed the only answer that he was able to. The man barely budged, before a jolt of energy was sent from his computer screen right at him. “Ah- Wha- Shit!” – Mike exclaimed as he tried to dodge the strange projectile, which he failed at. The bolt entered his chest and froze the man in shock. The energy throbbed inside him, but brought no pain.

“What. The. Hell?! Alright, I need to calm down and think rationally. I must be hallucinating.” – The man tried to reassure himself, but the reality was quickly proving to be too much for him to handle as his skin began to itch all over his body. The man clutched his head only to feel the hair on his scalp gradually become more silky - Unbeknown to him his hair also turned red. All the other body regions that previously were covered by short hair started to shift and turn into patches of rusty fur.

Mike examined his body and barely believed his eyes. The front of his chest was sprouting fluffy white fur. He saw it too well, he felt it too well to ignore or disagree with the facts. Mike’s heartbeat quickened and the man was getting increasingly afraid of his fate. However he wasn’t exactly able to focus either as his growing fur was too itchy. The man started scratching himself wildly, until it started to hurt.

The changing man gulped and looked down at his hands. He yelped as he saw that his fingernails were blackening and sharpening into curved claws. “Oh my God… What’s happening to me?!” – Mike yelled out and clutched his shifting head with both hands. Only to realise that his ears were becoming thinner and pointier, more wary and fur was sprouting from them as well.

Mike glanced at his computer and only now noticed that the screen turned black. This however allowed the man to see his own reflection in the darkness. Mike blinked as his vision started shifting drastically, becoming sharper, but also less horizontal. The pupils of Mike’s eyes were stretching into vertical slits, while his irises slowly became amber in colour.

Most of Mike’s facial features were gradually becoming more feral and animalistic, which naturally terrified the man as he was losing his very own humanity. His lips were blackening, thinning down and turning gummy in texture. Inside of his mouth his tongue was already growing longer and practically all of his teeth were sharpening into a more carnivore-fit dentition.

The increasingly canine-looking man used his long tongue to feel his nose instinctively, which frustrated him because of how silly it must’ve looked. However his premonition was right, his nose was altering too – Slowly blackening and becoming moist and way more sensitive than ever. Mike shook his head and closed his eyes from the discomfort as a tension started building up in his face, specifically his jaws. They were starting to slowly push out his face into a narrow snout and continued to grow longer into a full-fledged vulpine muzzle.

“I- I’mhr becominghr a fhrox?! I- This… Oh nro…” – Mike struggled to speak with his altered teeth, tongue and even tone, but he realised one thing instead. A mounting pressure was growing in his underwear. His tailbone was slowly forced to unfuse and push out into a stubby little tail.

The new appendage made Mike shiver as it continued to grow in little spurts. It appeared almost rat-like, but only because it lacked the luscious fur. When Mike’s fox tail stopped growing it was already starting to grow red and white fur. Mike closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in nervously, then grabbed his tail and cringed at how strange it felt for a human that never had one previously.

“Unnbhrelivable… Waihr, mhry hranhs!” – Mike whimpered as he realised that his hands were indeed starting to change more and losing more of their dexterity. The fingers were slowly shortening and becoming stubbier. Underneath the hands pillows of dark, numb flesh started blossoming and forming many paw pads. Mike lost the grip of his tail and let it go as his hands twisted into simple paws.

Mike sighed in defeat as he felt a slight discomfort in his feet, not to mention the discomfort of trying not to sit on his tail while being on a wheelchair. Mike stared as his feet started elongating and their tip-toes altering in strange ways.

The digits were becoming circa the same size and claws started to extend from them. Familiar sensations of bloating flesh appeared underneath his forming hind paws as soft paw pads slowly appeared underneath them. In a matter of a single minute his human feet were reduced to agile paws of a popular canine. Mike moved his feet to test them, but he wasn’t able to move his toes much anymore at this point.

The red and white fur slowly enveloped Mike’s entire body. It became obvious when his groin started to itch unbearably. Mike tried to ignore it and focus on the other changes, but it became impossible as his very own manhood started to throb and heat up with changes. Mike let out a loud and slightly lustful yip and almost fell off his chair as his cock suddenly stiffened unnaturally.

Mike wasn’t aroused before, but now as his increasingly pointy tip was starting to tent his underwear he had to admit it – He was extremely horny because of the constant stimulation. Mike laid his paws on his underwear and started rubbing them against it. The man wasn’t able to make any human sounds, all that came out of his forming muzzle were vigorous yips of a todd.

The inevitable moment came and Mike suddenly lost balance because of his passionate masturbation. “Yaaahr! Fhry-yip!” – He exclaimed in a majorly animalistic voice as he landed on the floor with a thud. His underwear slid down his by now much thinner legs and revealed a sight to behold, which practically stunned Mike.

The man hardly believed that the red rocket nestled amongst all the fluffy groin fur was actually his, but it was. The tip was slowly losing the remaining features of a human penis as it became tapered and eager for wild action. Even the colour of the shaft was bolder, red in colour with many webbed veins all over it.

A tugging at the base of Mike’s cock made him roll over onto his side and lift up his leg. Mike stared in wonder as a bulbous knot slowly formed above the animalistic sheath that hugged the base of his cock tightly. Mike giggled and yipped in a cute vulpine manner as the soft fur of his groin tickled his altering testicles.

The man didn’t expect that there would be a pleasurable moment of the mysterious transformation, but he was pleasantly proven wrong. Besides the changes that happened to his groin, Mike was fearing less as he realised that he wasn’t becoming just any animal, but a rather majestic fox.

Mike rolled over onto all fours and braced himself for the next changes. His limbs were slowly readjusting to his new form. His shoulder blades popped and arms got permanently locked on the ground. In the meantime Mike’s legs were twisted into a more quadrupedal suited setup. They slowly remoulded into digitigrade shapes as well.

Mike smiled for the last time as a human, before his muzzle fully pushed out and disallowed him to do it again. Whiskers sprouted from the sides of the newly formed protrusion on his face and finalised the changes that were happening to his head. There were a few minor adjustments, like his ribcage becoming rounder and hips narrowing some more, before everything went silent and Mike realised that his transformation was over. He wasn’t a man anymore, but an actual, proud red fox.

Mike started to detect all the scents that he was never able to track because of his limited human nose. Now the situation differed as he had way more means to have fun with his new form. Initially afraid of what was going to happen to him, but now a happy and thankful Todd ran out of his bedroom and towards the open kitchen window…


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