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Man into Male Harbour Seal Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

John was on his way to leave the zoo. He deemed the visit to be an interesting experience, especially since he was never in that zoo before. John was particularly interested in the marine animals and more precisely seals. He has seen them in the huge enclosure do all kinds of stuff which fascinated him.

As if on cue, while John was recalling the memories, he was suddenly stopped from leaving by a zoo worker. “Hello. We’ve seen that you enjoyed watching the seals a lot. Would you like to meet them up close? We want to give our guests a full experience.” – The man politely asked.

John was naturally surprised by that offer, but it wasn’t a bad one either. He scratched his chin and shrugged. “I mean, that would be awesome. I just didn’t know that was an option in your zoo.” – John finally said. Unexpectedly the zoo worker laid an arm on John’s shoulder’s and started leading him back towards the harbour seals enclosure. John gulped as he started sensing the first oddities of the situation.

The zoo worker started chatting with John and successfully easing the slight tension. The man told John all about their seals and how the zoo cared for them. “Alright, alright, hah. It’ll be great to spend some quality time with them. Although I’m still curious what precisely you had in mind? What can I do with the seals?” – John asked the zoo employee as they slowly approached the entrance to the seal enclosure.

The zoo worker opened the staff door. “Silly John… Seal your fate of course!” – The zoo worker chuckled and pushed John into the seal enclosure. “Wha- Ungh!” – John muttered out, before getting shot by an injector dart. John stumbled backwards in shock and fell down into the water tank behind him.

The panicking man struggled to swim at first, but he managed to catch his pace and slowly start resurfacing. The only problem was that his body was cramping in places and his entire silhouette was throbbing with transformative energies. John grimaced and looked down at himself only to see his clothes getting unnaturally loose around his shrinking frame. “Ghr-rl-bl-blrh!” – The man exclaimed in dread and took a lot of water into his mouth.

John’s lower body kept thinning down somewhat, at least in his internal anatomy. For his external shapes were starting to bloat out with blubber building up inside his flesh. The man groaned as his body started to stretch longer and bigger. Some body features were slowly disappearing from sight – Nipples, bellybutton.

John stared down at himself as his body became more streamlined in shape. Besides John was continuingly trying to resurface and so far he only managed to regain some air, but not come back to the surface completely with the continuous waves of changes making it harder for him. The frantic movement caused John’s clothes to slowly slip off him, especially as his silhouette was becoming increasingly inhuman.

The feet were starting to flatten bizarrely and at the same time John’s legs crunched as they were getting forcefully shortened and shrank down into what would soon become his rear flippers. John’s feet were continuing to flatten and elongate. The flesh between his digits was fusing together and forming webbing between them.

The man started feeling nauseous as even his organs were noticeably shifting inside of him. His digestive track was readjusting to his new species’ diet and John felt as if his butthole was slowly moving lover underneath his sausage-like body. With a few kicks of his almost fully formed flippers John managed to swim out of his socks, trousers and even underwear.

The most bizarre changes were happening in what used to be his groin, which has relocated closer towards his rear flippers. John resurfaced for a millisecond only to let out a moan as his human seed was forcefully expelled into the cold water. His genital anatomy was not only becoming that of a pinniped, but also becoming partially internal.

“Nhhh-fhhhuuuck… This isnnht-thappening!” – John groaned as his scrotum tightened and started pushing his testicles deeper inside of him. The wrinkled of his ballsack were rapidly disappearing and soon only smooth blubbery and squishy hide was left underneath his yet to change penis.

John swallowed hard as he felt a tight ring of flesh form around his cock. His foreskin was slowly receding and revealing a pinkish and increasingly alien shaped phallus. John stared in shock as the flesh of his cock’s head was starting to fuse with the rest of the shaft and form a smooth pinniped-fit rod. The tip of his cock was gaining strange, rounder contours. With a few pleasurable throbs John’s entire shaft grew longer and finally stopped changing after freeing some drops of pre into the cold water.

The man panted hard as the changes that already happened to his body were quite meaningful. John tried to move his arms, only to realise that they too were slowly sinking into his blubbery torso and becoming shorter. The man wasn’t able to move his hands much, even less so his fingers as their flesh slowly started fusing together and forming front flippers.

At this point most if not all body hair detached from John’s oily skin. The colour of his skin and its texture changed drastically as well. It became silvery and somewhat gummy. John’s skeleton was continuing to alter in the meantime. His hips were pressed into a narrower shape that made up his pinniped lower body. His spine was thickening, except for its end which was starting to elongate and strain the flesh above his rear flippers. Slowly a very short, triangle-shaped tail pushed out.

Swimming was becoming increasingly more natural for John as his body was getting more adapted to the marine life so to say. With a few surprisingly swift movements the changing man managed to get out of his shirt. His chest was considerably wider than the body below it. John closed his eyes as he felt his chest barrel out more to finalise its changes.

John’s arms were finishing their changes and becoming complexly bent appendages that were in fact his fully formed front flippers at this point. The flat flippers sticking out of the fatty blubber of his sides were good for swimming, but not as good for moving on land.

John felt like his body was continuously gaining blubbery fat in the outer layers of his flesh. Which at the same time provided the man with necessary isolation to keep himself relatively warm in the cold water. John grimaced as he felt his neck start to pop and lengthen slightly. It would perhaps become more flexible if not for the fact that the blubber began enveloping it as well.

The man barely had to time to think about it all as he was struggling to survive both the continuous changes and being thrown into a deep and cold water tank. Nonetheless at this point it became clear for John that he was becoming a seal, just like the seals that watched him curiously from their stony shelves above water. It should have scared him, but deep down the man was kind of excited that he was getting turned into his favourite animal – He would be treated well as one too.

John stuck out his head out of the water and smiled as his head began changing into that of a harbour seal. His ears were starting to shrink and their contours were diminishing, until they disappeared completely leaving John’s head smooth. John closed his eyes as his head began flattening slightly, becoming less human and more fit for a marine carnivore, streamlined just like the rest of his body.

The man opened his mouth as his teeth started changing shapes inside his gums. His omnivorous dentition slowly became sharper and better for hunting fish and other small animals. The dark parts of John’s eyes expanded and the white disappeared from sight making his face appear more feral.

John gritted his fangs as he felt his face start to push out. His cheeks itched as they were pierced by relatively long whiskers. John’s nose slowly became V shaped and it changed considerably to allow him to remain underwater for longer. His cute pinniped snout fully formed and lastly John’s head gained the same silvery colouration as the rest of his body.

The changes were done with the former man, leaving him a simple, yet strangely joyful harbour seal. John barked timidly and with ease swam up to the other seals. They brought their snouts towards him and started sniffing, nuzzling him and welcoming him into their life.


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