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Man into Male Jaguar Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Jack was thrown into a dark room with no memory of what happened to him prior. He knew one thing, he was abducted against his will. “Let me out…! Damnit, I can’t see anything in here.” – He protested and commented on his conditions. “Don’t worry, you’ll see well in the dark soon enough.” – Some woman shouted at him from behind the barred door.

The abducted man wanted to ask what the hell she meant, but the moment he opened his mouth he felt a needle pierce his flesh. “The fuck was that!?” – He yelped in pain. Jack stumbled around unable to see anything, until his eyes started stinging. The man groaned as with each passing second his sight improved, his pupils remoulded slightly and his irises slowly turned yellow.

Jack blinked a few times and then gasped as he was able to see in the dark quite well from now on. “Wh-What’s happening to me? Why am I naked?!” – Jack yelled out. The man was forced to arch his back as a painful spasm forced his spine to begin reforming into a more quadrupedal-fit shape.

Jack rested his hands on the wall, unable to straighten up he panted as his torso continued to gain an inhuman shape. His ribs popped as his chest became rounder. In the meantime his spine started pushing pressure on the area above his ass. It became unbearable at some point and Jack screamed out in discomfort as his tailbone began pushing out into a stubby tail. The appendage quickly grew in several spurts, until it became a feline tail.

“Oh fuck, I got a tail…!” – The man gasped and grabbed his newly grown appendage with both hands. He let it go, when he felt the muscles twitch in his grasp. He was disgusted by his changes in a way, as everything signalled to him that he was changing into some kind of an animal.

“Let me out of here for fuck sake!” – The changing man shouted terrified of what was ahead of him. “Calm down. You’ll be allowed into your new home soon enough. We have a cosy enclosure for you ready!” – Some guard from behind the door chuckled. Jack cursed under his breath. His wild eyes went crazy, as he tried to comprehend which body part was changing at the moment.

His limbs ached, especially his legs as they started shortening slightly, but also becoming stronger and more flexible. Defeated and tired of mentally fighting the changes Jack fell down onto all fours. He raised his rear in the air and straightened his tail when his hips started narrowing and reforming into feline shapes.

Jack closed his feline eyes in humiliation as he felt his groin starting to itch and burn with heat. His testicles started shrinking slightly, the human seed inside them was quickly replaced with potent feline one. Jack’s human body hair started falling out, even in the groin region. His scrotum became tauter in preparation for the upcoming changes.

Jack trembled on the ground, praying that there were no cameras around. He felt his shaft starting to spasm and squirt out the remaining of his human cum. Only then the sensitive member started shortening and morphing into a tool adequate for a feline that Jack was unwittingly becoming.

Both his testicles and shifting penis started to migrate closer towards his readjusting tailhole. The sensations of pulling his shifting cock higher made the man moan out in forced pleasure. His shaft meanwhile gained a nub-like shape and started sprouting feline barbs all over. The colour of the flesh became bolder and the last human contours disappeared from it.

Lust-dazed Jack panted as his foreskin slowly shifted into a protective sheath covering the base of his cock at the moment. Jack shook his head as itchiness began to sober up his mind. His body was sprouting majestic fur, mainly on his torso and groin area, but the patches of luxurious hair were spreading continuously. His brownish-yellow fur with dark rosettes was slowly covering his entire body as more uncomfortable changes kept happening underneath it.

Jack was twisting his body in new ways as his posture slowly became dominantly feline. His shoulder blades popped in their sockets and promptly locked his arms on the ground. In the meantime Jack’s legs slowly gained a complex digitigrade formation. Flaps of skin connected his upper legs to the underside of his changed torso. As his lower limbs started changing Jack’s inner organs unpleasantly swam around and changed to fulfil their new functions.

The people controlling Jack’s fate must have noticed his discomfort as Jack’s increasingly sensitive ears caught intensive noise coming from outside his cell. “Don’t be so gloom. We’ll take good car-“ – The woman tried to say. “Shut the fhruh upgh-kh…!” – Jack snarled through his gritted teeth and successfully silenced the woman. His voice started changing and becoming less coherent, more growly and animalistic.

Jack threw his head up as his neck started thickening. Once he lowered it he realised that his point of view altered slightly. The audible pops alarmed him that his feet and hands started changing into feline paws. All the digits started bending down unnaturally and something started putting pressure on Jack’s nails.

The first solid claws started bursting through his nails along with some blood. Jack’s eyes widened as he watched his claws push out fully, becoming an intimidating sight. Underneath his extremities a series of numb sensations appeared as his flesh started puffing out in places and forming multiple protective pads of flesh. Jack’s tail swayed to the sides angrily, while the fur slowly finished covering it.

Jack’s centre of balance was changed as his paw-like feet elongated slightly and the heels were forcefully lifted upwards. The man closed his eyes unable to watch as his hands deteriorated into clumsy paws. Jack tried to flex his paws and managed to do so, but the movement or alignment of his digits was nothing like his former human body.

Jack knew that the changes to his head would come inevitably. His skull started to pound in places as it began to reshape into that of a big cat. Jack roared in discomfort as his upper skull flattened and as his brain was forced to shrink into its new shape. His forehead sloped down slightly and the changes made his increasingly feline ears reposition on his head.

The man grimaced again as his gums started to hurt. His human teeth started feeling loose in their sockets. Jack started probing them with his increasingly rough and feline tongue, only to feel his teeth start to fall out of his gums completely. Jack gasped in fear and it was enough for most of his human teeth to tumble out of his maw. The rest of his human teeth got pushed out of the gums by new, sharp fangs of a carnivore.

Jack’s facial features started shifting faster. The area around his eyes became black to protect it from sunlight. Similarly Jack’s lips started to turn glossy black and almost gummy. A vertical cleft started forming above Jack’s upper lip, the cleft crawled onto his nose and gave it the iconic feline look. His nose itself was slowly becoming moist and turning triangular.

“Fhr- Fhhrhhkkrr…!” – Jack hissed through his fangs as his face started pushing out painfully into a powerful muzzle of a jaguar. His nose was starting to drift further from the rest of his face as his relatively broad muzzle continued to form. Jack opened and closed his maw as his muscles realigned around it. With the last snaps of his jaws the changes slowly came to an end.

Jack collapsed wobbled from side to side, unused to walking on all fours. He tried to remain vigilant and ready for whatever his torturers had in store for him.

Suddenly a zoo worker came into the cell and carefully approached Jack. Jack-guar snarled at the worker and bared his fangs. “Calm down fella. You don’t want to spend any more time in this cell, right? Why don’t you follow me into your new home?” – The worker asked with genuine kindness. Jack sighed and decided to follow his guide. Jack also promised to himself that he would attempt to escape on the first given opportunity…


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