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Man into Male Brown Bear Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Mike considered himself a connoisseur. Therefore he bought litres of alcohol weekly to try them all. He justified it with tasting different types of them, but deep inside even he knew that he was an alcoholic.

One particular day the man bought something that he surprisingly hasn’t tried yet. A rare treat which was mead. It wasn’t always in the stores where he lived, so he finally decided to buy it and try it out.

He got home and without hesitation poured himself a mug. The mead had a complex spicy smell to it. Mike took a sip and landed on his sofa. Strangely as he hit the material he sank in more than usual, as if he was heavier all of the sudden.

Mike shrugged at that and turned on a popular streaming media service to watch some movie. The first sip of the mead was alright. As expected mead tasted a lot like honey, except it had spices and alcohol in it. Nonetheless the one Mike bought had a charm to it and wasn’t even extremely sweet either.

The man continued to enjoy the evening, but some factors were starting to get in the way of that. Mike failed to pay attention that his body began to grow in every direction. The muscles were reinforcing with additional strength, the fat tissue was multiplying in places and even the bones were growing bigger. It was painless, but what wasn’t painless was the tightness of Mike’s own clothes on his frame by that point.

“Strange… Oh well.” – He muttered in a tipsy manner and then took off his shirt. The moment it did it revealed Mike’s chest which started to look inhuman. The hair on it was turning brown, growing longer, thicker and spreading in all directions on his broadening chest. Mike scratched himself as his armpits, legs and even head started to itch. His human body hair was slowly morphing into something more animalistic.

Mike wanted to take off the rest of his clothes, but the moment he moved his legs something snapped. For once Mike noticed that and looked down. His jeans were torn at the bottom and slowly continued to turn into rags as Mike’s legs swollen bigger. Mike waved a hand at that and then pulled off the ruined trousers.

It was hard to focus on TV or enjoying the mead when a series of pops disoriented the man. They also came from the lower regions of his body – His feet precisely. They throbbed and grew rounder inside his socks. The toenails were slowly growing longer and sharper, gradually piercing the fabric of the socks and then sticking out of them.

Mike barely registered what was wrong. He squinted his eyes to see what was wrong with his feet, but he didn’t manage to comprehend that. He took another sip of the mead and his vision only became blurrier with time. Despite what was happening to his body by that point, his drunk form was only able to focus on the captivating TV image.

Wriggling his shifting toes was enough to slowly make the socks fall off his inhuman feet. The extremities were furry and clearly shaped like hind paws of a bear by now. Grabbing the mug from the table was an increasingly difficult task as Mike’s hands started to swell. The fingers were shortening and becoming less dextrous. The thumbs were ceasing to exist as they became simple, less complex digits tipped with growing claws.

Mike didn’t give up on drinking however, he had just a few sips to finish emptying the mug. He just had to grab it with both paws by now. It almost seemed as if the mead he drank filled him more than it should, providing him with extra weight and size. Mike’s nose was painted black as its tissue altered and became more sensitive. His lips turned glossy black as well to protect them from intensive sunlight. His eyes were becoming more brown and dim-looking as they turned ursine.

The eager man started to use his tongue to get the rest of the mead from the mug. It proven to be efficient especially since his tongue flattened and elongated to fit his soon to be muzzle. His tongue brushed against his teeth from time to time. His white omnivorous teeth were being feralised and became sharper and bigger to pierce meat mainly.

The sofa started to creak underneath Mike’s weight, his form was already dominated by ursine features, but more changes were ahead of the unaware man. Mike leaned forward a bit as his spine started to thicken. The vertebrae were becoming more apparent on his back, that is until fur covered it. More alarming was the pressure above Mike’s growing butt.

His tailbone was starting to grow out an form a short bump, which extended into a stubby tail that rapidly began growing fur. The appendage twitched a bit to free its fur from the tight underwear. Quiet growls were heard as Mike’s insides began to change to fit his new species. His digestive track adapted to a mainly carnivorous diet, thanks to which he would digest raw meat better amongst other things.

Mike’s respiratory system changed as well. His face started to ache as it began pushing out into an ursine snout. The bridge of his nose was stretched longer and breathing felt different thanks to it. His lungs were inflating inside of his ribcage, which forced it to start barrelling out and expanding. Mike was starting to realise that something was very wrong with his body.

The most meaningful changes to his new species came inevitably. Mike dropped the empty mug as he felt his groin stir to life, stimulated by the changes. Mike’s eyes widened and he looked down, this time more consciously. A ten was forming in his underwear for a while until the boxers snapped off his growing ass and exposed his shifting manhood.

“Ohr shrith…! Wh-Whrah’s happrheninghhr thro mhreerh…!?” – He growled out, but his words were slurred because of his changing mouth, his tone was different because of his thickening neck and a hint of lust was obvious in his words as his cock became fully erect.

Mike was speechless. He felt ashamed of himself, knowing that he got so drunk that he missed the majority of his transformation into an animal. Now he stared as his balls began to grow bigger and weight down his shifting and increasingly furry scrotum. Still, Mike felt an undeniable urge to do something about his mounting lust.

As his shaft began to thicken and elongate Mike lost control of himself and began to clumsily stroke his changing manhood. The rough, black paw-pads forming on his paws teased his sensitive flesh. It felt so good and right to sate the primal lust with his own thick paws. The growly noises he made, the ursine might that was his own.

Mike threw his head back and with the last stroke his balls started forcing potent cum through his impressive shaft. Before his orgasm ended, the head of his cock began flattening and turning fully ursine. The flesh of his shaft darkened slightly. In the meantime the foreskin retracted and turned into a furry sheath attached to his belly.

Mike huffed raggedly as his lustful haze was lifted. He shook his head and gasped in shame seeing the mess he made. Strangely yet he felt the most worried about his fur – He knew he should clean it soon someway. Mike blinked confused – What was he thinking? He just turned into a damn bear and he worried about his fur?!

“Aghr-hck!” – Mike exclaimed as he lost balance when his skeleton started to reform more intensively, the man wasn’t able to sit down in a human way on the sofa anymore. He landed on all fours and wanted to get up, but was stopped by the dreadful sensations in his shoulder blades as they locked his arms in a mainly quadrupedal position. His pelvis crunched as well and reinforced his feral silhouette further insisting for Mike to remain on all fours.

The changes were coming to an end. Mike winced and growled pitifully as his face began to push out further, forming a full-fledged ursine muzzle. The changes weren’t painful, but they sure were confusing and perceptible. Mike’s forehead was sloping down and his cranium was flattening. His ears were becoming rounder and fully ursine. The size gain that had been continuing since the start of the transformation was slowly ceasing and leaving Mike fully bear-sized. The fur gradually covered all the bare spots of Mike’s body and his changes seemingly ended.

Mike tried to yell that it was all the mead’s fault, but his voice failed him and he only managed to let out a guttural growl, which further annoyed him. He had no clue what he’d do. He was worried about the state of his mind too. Were his thoughts his own, or influenced by the alcohol and his changed brain. Only time would tell. Mike sighed and lied down on his half-ruined sofa.


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