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Man into Female Grey Wolf Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

It was getting dark and Daniel calmly drove through the forests to get home. He was tired after extra hours at work and wanted to get home before he’d fall asleep on the steering wheel. From time to time he squinted his eyes unable to keep focus.

It was enough to finally bend his luck. Without any warning Daniel’s call suddenly hit something that ran out of the forest. “Oh fuck, nooo!” – The driver exclaimed as he halted the car few metres away from the place of the impact.

Daniel clutched his head in dread when he saw that the front of his car started emitting smoke. He cared way less about whatever jumped out of the forest, because he had much higher priorities than caring about it. He didn’t even think to blame himself for exceeding the allowed speed.

With shaky limbs the man slowly got out of car and looked around. He didn’t see any animal lying around. “Hm, maybe it survived…?” – He quietly contemplated. Daniel gulped and turned his attention to his car’s hood.

Unexpectedly the car mask was bent hard, almost unnaturally hard. Daniel already started to prepare his mind for the fact that he’d have to pay a lot to get his car fixed. He called the adequate authorities to inform them about everything and that the animal was nowhere to be seen.

With a sigh Daniel turned off his phone and then he saw a bizarre sight. A blue light in the distance, but it didn’t look like car lamps at all. The light was getting closer at a rapid place, until something lively and glowing almost hit Daniel’s face. “Ah! Wha- What are you…?!” – He asked the strange apparition that he thought was a firefly at first.

Only after his vision adjusted to the bright blue light, Daniel realised that the living being was something more. A tiny woman dressed in strange druidic clothing. Her skin was light blue and the light was seemingly coming out of her very own core. “I am one of the many protectors of nature, but it doesn’t matter! Can’t you see what you’ve done? Oh dear, oh dear.” – The fairy said distressed.

Daniel stepped back from the magical creature, being afraid what it was capable of. “I… I’m sorry, but whatever the animal was it ran in front of my car. If it waited a few seconds longer, it would have passed safely!” – Daniel argued.

Blue fairy seemingly ignored the man and started flying around, looking for something. “Oh no! No-no-no…” – She wept as she saw something lying in the bushes a few metres away. She didn’t speak anymore, just kept silent for a moment and then slowly flew back to Daniel.

Daniel gulped and was about to break into a run. “As I thought… S-She is dead.” – The fairy sobbed and pointed at the bushes. “Who? The animal? I- Uh- I don’t know what else to say. I didn’t mean for it t-to happen.” – Daniel said nervously. “She was about to have puppies! Was… This is unjust, not to mention we weren’t supposed to lose any more wolves this year. She has to be reborn. Sorry not sorry human…” – The blue fairy said.

“W-W-What do y-you mean reborn?! I’m getting out of here, this is too much!” – Daniel said and turned on his foot, just to get frozen in place by the blue’s magic. The fairy made strange gestures and helped the soul of the killed wolf fly into Daniel. The man gasped quietly as he felt a strange heat enter him. The man started groaning in discomfort as something started to enter his brain, the consciousness of the wolf he killed that would soon dominate him completely.

The blue fairy bit her lip seeing the human’s pain, but she knew what she had to do. “I’m really sorry human, but the balance must be kept. I must ask you not to blame the wolf either. Neither the crash or what is about to happen is her fault.” – The blue fairy said and allowed Daniel to move again.

The man panicked man trembled in fear. He wanted to think it was all a nightmare, that it wasn’t happening. However as he felt how his clothes began to dissolve into a blue mist he was proven otherwise. Slowly but surely all of his clothing vanished into a thick magical mist that left the man completely naked. The man gasped and clutched his chest. His fingers started brushing against strange sensitive spots forming in rows on both his chest and his belly.

“Oh my fuckin’ God… A-Are those n-nipples…?!” – He exclaimed in disgust and glanced at the fairy. She didn’t answer and continued to stare bittersweetly as the man’s body continued to turn into that of a wolf. Daniel probed more of his body and felt how his body hair started growing thicker, longer and changing colours to mixed grey, black and brown.

Daniel closed his eyes in humiliation as he felt his insides start to twist and turn. His stomach started to cave in strangely as it was becoming more adapted to his soon to be species. Worst of all happened to his lower organs. A strange hollow feeling was beginning to form above Daniel’s groin.

The man stumbled forwards and leaned against his car with one hand. He bit his lip and reached out the other hand to examine his groin. He didn’t want to look, afraid of what changes he would discover. His fingers traced his shaft, but it was rapidly shrinking and leaking the last sperm that the man would ever produce.

“Mnnnh-mhake it stooooh-ooop… Please…” – Daniel begged the fairy as his testicles started to become rounder and slowly pull deeper inside of him, leaving only a tight, yet empty ballsack. The blue fairy sighed and glanced at the place where about a minute ago laid the dead wolf.

Daniel felt tears well up in his eyes, the last ones in his life as his eyes started to become more canine and turn yellow. The man gritted his teeth harder as they started to grind against each other and turn sharper and more fit for a carnivorous animal that he was becoming. His lips started to turn black and glossy.

In the meantime his groin continued to feminise. The hot watery discharge that leaked out of his nub-of-a-cock formed a small puddle in front of him. “Nhg-ghaaahhn…!” – Daniel exclaimed as his foreskin fully disappeared and the fleshy clit that was left began sinking into his pliable groin flesh. A massive splitting sensation caught the shifting scrotum underneath as it began to open up and form a slit.

Daniel stared dumbfounded at the cunt that she now sported, but as she was about to witness the organ was only about half changed. The freshly formed vulva started throbbing and began puffing up, darkening and becoming animalistic to Daniel’s horror. Her wet and needy slit was gradually remoulded into a proper bitch’s spade as its vulva finished swelling and turning canine.

Daniel felt the tears run down her increasingly furry face. The former man tried to grab the handle of the car door, but something stopped her. Her head hurt again and the presence of a female wolf that she accidentally killed was getting stronger.

Daniel clutched her head and swayed her upper body in horror and agony. She felt how her cranium gradually flatten, her brain was being squeezed into a more simplistic and compact shape fit for a wolf. Daniel’s eyes widened as she started forgetting a lot of her memories and losing a major part of knowledge she gathered during her life.

Her hair was starting to turn into shaggy fur, that by now covered the majority of her body. Her ears folded backwards in fear and submission as they stretched into canine points. In front of her vision her nose started to blacken, tilt forwards and swell slightly into a sensitive canine counterpart.

“Thrinkingh… Dif- D- Hrardh… I- Aghr!” – Daniel muttered out as her face suddenly started to spill outwards into the beginnings of a muzzle. The confused mess that used to be a human and was halfway a wolf bitch shuddered and stumbled back.

A throbbing sensation appeared above Daniel’s thinning down rear. Her tailbone was pushing out into a canine appendage that would soon help her communicate with the other wolves and hide their prize. With several growth spurts the growth reached its final length and started sprouting fluffy fur. Daniel turned her head back and stared dumbfounded at the tail that she now sported.

Only to abruptly arch her back and tilt forward as several jolts of pain travelled through her spine. She felt her vertebrae pop and get more pronounced on her altering back. Her ribcage was barrelling out and her organs were finishing their changes inside. When her pelvis painfully tilted forward she lost her balance and dropped onto all fours.

She whimpered unable to speak by that point as her neck started to become more flexible. It popped into a more feral-adequate position. Daniel breathed heavily and yelped occasionally as her shoulder blades started narrowing out and got pulled closer together, forever locking her arms on the ground.

There was little of Daniel remaining in the animal’s head as the transformation was slowly nearing the end. The consciousness of the deceased wolf had a new body and a second chance. Daniel craned down her neck and stared as her hands popped and gradually turned into canine paws in plain sight. The digits shortened, the fingernails sharpened and turned into claws. On the former palms flesh started swelling and forming pillows of dark flesh.

Similar changes befallen Daniel’s feet as the heels began to rise. Daniel was forced to stay on her tiptoes as they began to turn into paws as well. The toes slowly turned about the same sizes. The toenails elongated into curved claws. And lastly the flesh underneath the paws puffed out into paw-pads.

Daniel was about 95% a female wolf at this point. The fur finished lengthening and covering all the furless spots. Her form finished crunching unpleasantly and reconfiguring into an agile canine’s silhouette. And the head was about to permanently lose the fight with the new consciousness in it.

“Gr-hr, hrreehrp mhr-rhrehr…” – Daniel managed to growl out before his mind was cast back in his own body to be nothing more than a passenger. The wolf’s head finished taking shape, except for the muzzle which finished lengthening lastly.

The she-wolf shook her body and blinked a few times to get used to her new body. The blue fairy was appearing gloom until the end of the transformation, but now that it ended her demeanour changed. She flew towards the animal standing idly next to the car. “A true miracle of nature. You’re alive again dear!” – The blue fairy said cheerfully and stroked the wolf’s fur a bit. The wolf was reacting well to the fairy’s actions, as if she trusted her.

The blue fairy frowned at a thought. “Unluckily… Y-Your pups had no vessels to be saved. I’m so sorry dear.” – The blue fairy said to the wolf, who seemed to understand that. The she-wolf threw her head back and howled sadly at the moon in the sky. Many wolves answered the female’s call and howled as well from the forests around.

“I hear you won’t be alone here for long. I’m glad I was able to help you dear, but I have to be going now. I know you will have a bright future ahead of you.” – The fairy said to the she-wolf and flew away to continue her duty.

The she-wolf that used to be Daniel sat down and bent over to lick herself clean. The saliva mixed with lubricants of a bitch in heat have attracted males faster than expected. The female saw as three of them came out of the bushes and started coming towards her. Her tail started wagging and then lifted up.

The female raised her rear and presented her glistening spade in heat to the wolves. They immediately began fighting for the eager she-wolf. The wolf that came out victorious didn’t waste time and leapt at the female right away. The red lipstick poking out of his sheath started to come out, until with a wet plop even the fatty knot was visible.

The female shivered at the sight and barked eagerly to feel some of that knot inside her tight cunt. The male pushed the spear into the female’s opening. Every inch sliding inside forced more whines of bliss from the female. The couple started leaking signs of extreme arousal. The knot slowly got pushed inside and locked the two together as it swollen even bigger inside the female. The male thrusted enthusiastically until he wasn’t able to hold his lust in and with a powerful howl he came into the female.

The heat and several loads of cum stuffing her core was enough for her to come as well. She howled in a higher tone after the male and the two collapsed onto the ground happy. The female wolf knew that nature found a way and she would have her pups soon.


Truttle Bear

Finally found time to read these stories again! Apart from the wolf overtaking his mind, this was a nice TFTG. :3


Thank you! Also I agree haha. I'm not a fan of mind change either, but I thought I could write a story with mind change on rare occasions. I just thought the idea I came up with was fitting that so why not. Also I know some people here like mind change so I wanted a lil' treat for them. <3