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Man into Female Poodle Dog Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

James slowly woke up, but wherever he woke up it didn’t feel like his bedroom. It was completely dark around him, but more worrying he felt constant gusts of cold air against his skin. “Huh? Why the hell am I naked!?” – He exclaimed recalling that he went to sleep in his underwear.

The lights lit up, albeit dimly and James was able to see more of the room he was in. It wasn’t actually a room, more of a chamber or a strange cell. The walls were of muted colours, James himself was lying on a prison-like bed.

James started shivering, not only from the unending cold, but also from the rising fear. “Where a-am I…? What are you gonna do to me?!” – He shouted while glancing at all the walls. James spotted the door to the room, but they were clearly locked. Besides, he also spotted something that demanded more attention. A camera with a blinking red light was staring right at him from above.

“You are in a charming and beautiful place. Now relax and wait for the serum distribution.” – Said a masculine voice coming from the camera’s speakers. The camera started extending from the wall on what looked like a flexible cable of wires. Something popped open on the side of the device and a syringe on a smaller cable slipped out, it was full of glistening liquid. “W-What?! God, no-no-no… Get that thing away from me!” – James yelled out and jumped off the bed.

The panicked man started running towards the door. He had to try and ram them, do anything to escape whatever fate his captors planned for him. He succeeded with his plan and hit the door so hard that they fell out of the frame. James was full of hope and was about to run for his life, but a painful sting of a needle caught him off guard.

“Ackh-fuck, no!” – James exclaimed and quickly turned back. He was about to try and destroy the freaky camera, but his body started feeling weak all of the sudden. James started coughing and as he did his voice gradually morphed into strange bark-like sounds. The man tried to back away from the camera, but he tripped over his own feet as they abruptly started shifting.

“Gh- What’s happening t-to me…?” – He groaned out at the camera, then looked back at his feet and froze in dread. His tiptoes were contorting and shifting into smaller shapes. His toes were becoming stubby. Numb sensations appeared underneath his tiptoes as his flesh started bloating out into many paw-pads.

James stared wide eyed in horror as his feet finished changing into canine paws, his legs were slowly remoulding as well. They were turning thinner and bending in unnatural ways as they slowly turned digitigrade. “You’re lucky I’m having a good day today. Now listen to me. In a matter of minutes you will be a hundred percent breeding dog. The sooner you’ll accept your fate, the better for you.” - The voice from the speakers sighed annoyed.

“A what? You’re insane, this isn’t possible. I can’t become a fucking do-gaaah!” – James exclaimed as his spine started crawling underneath his bare skin. The vertebrae were shifting and forcing the man to lean forwards into a more feral position already. James’ legs were instinctively splayed out in a canine manner as they finished their changes.

“F-Fuck, wha-at’s that bizarre feeling…? It’s, it’s almost l-like I’m growing a-a…” – James stammered as he felt his tailbone painfully elongate. The flesh encompassing it was touching the cold floor. The appendage grew longer into a relatively ropey, yet lively tail. The forming tail wagged involuntarily every time the man from the speakers made a sound.

James closed his eyes in disbelief. He prayed that it was all a nightmare, he was helpless and unable to fight the serum that coursed through his veins by now and he hated that fact. Itchiness was starting to envelop James’ lower body as thousands of chocolate brown hair started to pierce his skin. The hair rapidly lengthened until it formed patches of curly and woolly fur.

The camera moved around the changing man, watching all the changes curiously. The male scientist steering it turned on the x-ray to see how James’ organs were shifting into canine counterparts. The man’s digestive track altered to a more carnivorous diet. Because of that James’ belly slowly caved inwards and his lower body became more agile-looking.

James grimaced and groaned as he felt a strange tugging underneath his lively tail. His butthole was forced to migrate closer towards the base of his tail, into a more feral position. This however was nothing compared to the utterly confusing changes happening lower.

James jumped onto all fours and just in time to feel his testicles squeeze out all of his semen to prepare his genitalia for the further changes. James trembled and blushed hard, unable to do anything as his body was twisted and manipulated in cruel ways. James’ body was becoming narrower and more lithe in shape.

The changing man had no idea what was in store for him. His shaft went stiff and throbbed hard, but with every slight spasm it shrank a bit. The foreskin was quickly retracting, until it was completely gone and the shrinking flesh of the shaft was left alone. “W-Why is it shrinking? This isn’t normal, I’m becoming a male dog!” – James spat out through gritted teeth as his cock and balls started migrating upwards, closer towards his tailhole.

“Pff. Where did you get such an idea? You’re becoming a poodle bitch. I thought the burrowing and forming of the womb would be enough of you to figure.” – The scientist chuckled. James’ eyes went wide and he felt like his world was ending. His taut scrotum slowly forced his testicles deeper into him. With two quiet plops his balls migrated into him and started remoulding into canine ovaries.

The leftover scrotum started to split down the middle. The walls that started forming began puffing out and darkening. The forming cunt started leaking lubricants instinctively from the forced pleasure. James splayed out his hind legs more. His nub of a cock was slowly hauled into the dark, puffy spade that the former man now sported.

James lowered her upper body and clutched the back of her head. She was ruined. She didn’t have to move to feel the contracting cunt of a bitch that she now had underneath her vigorous tail. She felt like she had to stuff something into her needy pussy or she’d go insane. James started to realise what being a bitch in heat meant as there was nothing she was able to focus on besides the lust.

The curly brown fur was climbing James’ body relentlessly. It started enveloping her torso right now. James gasped when she felt many pairs of sensitive spots form on her underside. All of those spots begged for attention. James’ original nipples adjusted in form to fit the rest of the fatty canine teats she now had.

“Please… I have money, just stop this nightmare! Change me back!” – James pleaded while staring at the camera half-lewdly and half-terrified. “I’m afraid that’s not possible by now. However I see now that you are not as troublesome as I have presumed. I’ll allow you to retain your mind.” – The scientist replied.

James didn’t care about her mind. Having her mind didn’t fix all the problems that arisen with having her new body. James tried to say something more, but she was unable to speak as her lungs started inflating. Her ribcage was beginning to stretch and barrel out into a canine shape.

Defeated James rolled over onto her back and she gave in into her lust. She extended her right arm and started fingering her canine pussy, which immediately sent shivers down her spine. The contours were everything, but human. The vulva was puffy and moist by now. Few motions were enough to bring James over the edge. She exclaimed out loud as a massive orgasm hit her. She spasmed on the floor as her canine spade dripped more and more cum onto the floor.

The orgasm numbed the pain of James’ changing arms as they became less bendable and turned into canine fore legs. Her hands popped into the shape of clumsy paws in a matter of seconds. Claws extended from the tips of her stubby digits. Underneath her paws pillows of flesh swollen out.

James calmed down and came to. When she looked up she saw that the camera was inspecting her closely. James yelped and rolled over onto all fours. “Gh-rm-mhryy neckhhr… Sphreeaking… Harhhrd-dhr…” – James complained as her vocal chords turned fully canine and stripped her of her voice. Her neck elongated a bit and repositioned on her torso into a more feral position.

James hanged her head low feeling the changes invading her head at this point. She shook her head, but it did nothing to help her. Her human hair was turning into curly, chocolate fur. Her ears were slowly elongating and drooping down. James’ eyes slowly turned brown and her vision worsened a bit.

It was quickly recompensated by her changing nose and improving smelling sense. Her nose grew bigger in her vision, but at the same time it was pushed further from the rest of her face as her jaws began to elongate. James’ whimpered as her muzzle slowly pushed out. Her tongue grew to accommodate her maw. Her teeth malformed into sharper shapes. The pain in her head was lessening as the upper parts started flattening. Her changes were coming to an end.

James blinked dumbfounded as the pain was gone at last. She was now a complete dog and a bitch at that. She examined her form a bit and indeed she appeared to be an untrimmed chocolate poodle. James lied down and sighed as she started to contemplate on what would happen to her now.

The camera flew away from James leaving her alone for now. Yet James’ sensitive ears caught the sounds of something coming to her. James looked up and saw a male black poodle standing above her. She yelped and started retreating from him. “Hey! Don’t fret. I’m not just some horny dog. I- I was turned into one, like you… Uhm. To be honest I wasn’t even a male in the first place…” – The black poodle said in a sad tone. In reality the two dogs were communicating thanks to their mannerisms and the noises they made, humans had no clue what they “talked” about as it sounded like a series of dog noises.

James and the black poodle got to meet each other. The two became friends in their new difficult reality and that relationship kept them relatively happy. Years passed and after enough deeds for the scientists the two dogs were allowed to be taken by humans to live their usual dog lives.


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