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Man into Female Eurasian Otter Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Ben was in his car, driving home. He had no idea that he was spied on by a malevolent creature. Ben lived in the middle of a city, just like most of its inhabitants he generally felt safe.

That is until he heard a knock on the door while driving fifty kilometres per hour. “What the- Ah!” – He exclaimed as he noticed a tiny woman with wings knocking at his window. She reached the top of it with her hand and started pulling it down with unimaginable strength, probably amplified by whatever red magic was floating around her.

“W-Who the hell are you?! WHAT are you?!” – Ben spat out through gritted teeth. The man slowed down his car, but the fairy scoffed and landed on his knee to keep the fast pace. “I have had this conversation one too many times recently. I’ll just get straight to the point. Tell me where’s the biggest clutter of people in this city, now.” – She said.

Ben wiped the sweat off his forehead and wanted to protest, but then he thought about what the hell was going on for a second. A magical creature started interrogating him, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to fight her, not yet. “Uh, I… Y-You mean where are the most people in the city at the moment? Cinema maybe or-“ – He tried to think fast, but was quickly interrupted by the fairy.

“Hmm… At this time of what you call Friday… Yes, you may be right human.” – She said, while clearly thinking about her options. Ben took that as a good sign. He calmed down and changed the tone to warmer hoping for the best. “Miss. If I may help you more, just ask, but if we’re done… Uhm. Did you enter my car just to ask me one question?” – Ben started questioning the fairy.

The fairy looked up at the man. He gulped seeing her creepy emotionless expression. “No. As a matter of fact I came here to give you a new purpose in life. Instead of multiplying your wealth and luxuries as a sophisticated human you’ll be solely caring about survival as an animal. Sounds good…?” – She asked readying her magic in both hands. Ben gasped and stopped the car without caring for the consequences. “WHAT?! Pleas-aghh!” – He tried to reason with the creature, but in return got hit by a cloud of red dust.

“I don’t have time to waste today. You’ll need to enjoy the transformation alone. Good luck…!” – The fairy said as she flew out of the window, leaving the shocked human alone to his fate. Ben looked at the fairy as she flew away. His body was already starting to itch and throb with strange magic.

Knowing what would happen to him Ben didn’t wait. He pulled out his phone and called the hospital. His hands were aching and making it hard for him to keep a grip of his phone. His digits were rapidly shortening and his fingernails were changing into sharp claws. “No, no, no…” – He complained as his spine started elongating and forcing him to hunch over.

His vertebrae popped audibly and he felt that he was gaining length, but at the same time his body felt strangely small in his own clothes. Ben looked around and saw as everything in his car was gradually growing bigger. In comparison at least, since in actuality he was shrinking. “Sir? What is happening? We hear a lot of confusing noises.” – The female medic questioned.

“I- Yes! I’m turning into a freaking animal! Can y-you track my phone loca-l-lisagh!” – Ben yelled at the phone with his increasingly higher pitched voice. The female medic didn’t reply as she tried to comprehend what was going on or whether the man calling her was insane.

Ben gritted his teeth as they started throbbing in their sockets and turning into carnivorous fangs. His face started aching and pushing out into a blunt snout. Ben’s blackening nose shrank and tilted on the forming muzzle. Ben clutched his face, feeling all the animalistic features on it crushed his morale. His ears were shrinking into smaller and rounder shapes.

The changing man felt something strange happening to his hands. A fleshy membrane was forming and connecting his stubbier digits together. Ben gasped and shuddered, the phone fell out of his paws. “Helph mhreeekh-ahhhhn!” – Ben moaned and groaned as he felt his organs twist and turn inside of his shrinking body. His clothes were not loose anymore, but baggy and he was sinking deeper into them.

Ben crawled out of the clothes. He was stunned that his body became strangely flexible and agile. His attention was quickly caught by his groin. His cock and balls were shrinking all that time along with his entire body. They looked inhuman at this point and continued to lose definition. The scrotum forcefully tightened and forced the testicles to move deeper inside.

“Kyaaaahn! M-Mhy b-ballhs… Oh gh-ghaaah…” – Ben moaned and threw his head back against the seat as his cock abruptly started ejaculating all the human sperm. “Sir… I have no idea what kind of roleplay you’re into, but emergency number isn’t for it. Goodbye.” – The female medic said and Ben’s eyes widened. “Waaaith-thnoooh…!” – He protested, but the changed in his groin forced him to trash about from ecstasy. The call ended and Ben was left without hope as his manhood was slowly inverted into something feminine.

The foreskin retracted completely, leaving a fleshy nub. A cleft was forming on Ben’s groin underneath whatever was left of his cock. A slit was opening and swallowing his former manhood. The orifice was dripping lubricants as the nub of a cock slowly got sucked inside. Inside Ben’s lower torso his masculine organs slowly remoulded into feminine counterparts. A hollow sensation appeared inside of him as his canal took shape.

Slowly the changes subsided and Ben was now a female to his own horror. She felt her slit morph in strange ways. The vulva puffed out a bit and formed an inhuman shape. Only now Ben realised that her nipples have migrated lower onto her stomach. Two new nipples formed and all of them slowly changed into sensitive teats.

Ben was half of her initial size at best and she kept shrinking. Her form looked inhuman already. Her limbs were less flexible than previously. Her feet were slowly elongating and the tiptoes were shifting into webbed paws similar to what became of her hands.

The transformation was mainly confusing, but not as painful as Ben expected it would be. Still, it was horrifying to know that she was slowly becoming a simple animal and by the looks of it some kind of an aquatic mammal.

A mounting pressure was building up in Ben’s tailbone. She felt it grow longer and stretch the flesh. A stubby conical tail slowly took shape. It kept getting longer, while retaining its iconic shape. The growing appendage was surprisingly strong and it would soon allow Ben to swim swiftly.

Despite the discomfort of the changes Ben started moving towards the window and then climbing it. She pawed at the glass for a while, until she caught someone’s attention. A woman from the pavement spotted the furless human-otter hybrid that Ben was at this point. She let out a shriek and froze in place, just watching as Ben’s body continued to shift.

Ben wanted to sink underground. She was humiliated and hopeless at this point. It seemed like nothing would help her retain her previous form. Why did the fairy do that to her in the first place? She seemed obsessed about whatever tasks she had in mind. Would she transform more people?

Ben slowly slid lower on the window as her body shrank down to its new final size. She felt the itchiness intensify as oily, dark brown hair started to pierce the skin all over her body. Mercifully her new silhouette got quickly encompassed in the relatively water-proof fur.

Ben braced herself for the last changes. Her head was squeezed into a smaller and narrower shape and she felt like her muzzle pushed out a bit more. Whiskers grew out of her cheeks. Her entire body fully changed into that of a river otter.

She sighed and started examining her body. Now that all furry, it didn’t look half bad. She became a standard otter and it was both relieving and terrible in the long run. At least otters weren’t hunted much in the modern days. Still, Ben’s former human life was gone. The woman that saw Ben change from a distance had an even more confused expression plastered on her face.

Ben ignored her and started wondering whether she was locked in the car, since she probably wouldn’t be able to open it with her paws. Then she recalled that the window was left open by the fairy. With a rather demotivated attitude Ben started climbing the window and pushing her streamlined body out of the car starting with the head.

That’s when Ben heard a huge explosion in the distance. He looked at the direction it was coming from just to see a huge red explosion mushroom. It didn’t look natural, it was all glittery and strange. It was coming from the nearby cinema…



I hope the fairy transforms a man into a helpless rat 😜