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Man into Male Brown Bear Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Vitali was a tavern owner somewhere in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He had a simple life, but he knew he could’ve had worse if he had been a peasant for example, so he didn’t complain.

The only problems he had were the supplies for his beverages, since it was hard to get them in those turbulent times. For the majority of time Vitali had a worker to help him find the needed supplies, but recently he quit and Vitali had to gather the supplies himself to satisfy his guests.

His specialty was mead and honey beer so he needed a lot of honey. It was too expensive to buy, so Vitali knew what he had to do. He gathered a few tools and went into the nearby wilderness. He wanted to get out of there quick, since it was probably full of rogues and other threats.

Vitali equipped the harness and started climbing the tree with the help of his hooks. He did it before, so he wasn’t bad at it, but he wasn’t extremely experienced at it either. The thoughts of falling still scared him, but not more than losing his local renown.

He finally reached the hole in the tree and started scooping the honey from it into the few jars he had in his bag. He had never seen such honey, it looked strangely glittery and the colour was brighter than the honeys he knew from the past.

Vitali shrugged and got down when he had enough supplies gathered. He barely managed to make a few steps before starting to feel strange. His clothes were gradually becoming tauter on his frame all of the sudden. “Nh, weird. Allergy or what?” – He muttered out through his sharpening teeth. His canines and many other teeth were growing longer and more carnivorous appearing, throbbing in his mouth as they did.

“Ah, my theeth! What kind of curse did I attract…?” – He said, dropped his bag and clutched his chest in discomfort. Through his shirt he felt how his ribcage popped and expanded in all directions, barrelling out his chest as a whole and making it more imposing looking. It was overly uncomfortable to keep it on, in two swift motions and with newfound strength Vitali tore his shirt into two and threw the pieces aside.

He quietly gasped at his actions and looked down. His chest lacked human hair at this point, as they were turning into something more bestial and shaggy. “Oh God… What’s happening to m-mheeh…?” – He groaned in discomfort feeling his remaining clothing start to split at the seams as his body continued to grow larger. His ass was growing way too big for his trousers, which exploded at the top and fell down to his feet, followed by Vitali’s underwear.

The man blushed in humiliation. His increasingly shaggy body was almost completely naked. His shoes were getting pierced by something dark and sharp. Worse yet his groin was fully exposed to anyone who’d stumble upon him. Despite being in a forest Vitali instinctively covered his groin with his hands, but it felt strange.

His hands were more massive, thicker and yet his fingers felt stiff and barely moveable. His fingernails throbbed and elongated into curved ursine claws. Vitali felt numb sensations on his palms as they started to bloat out into dark pillows of flesh. “Gah! I have fucking paws. I’m becoming some sort of an animal… Somebody, please help!” – He exclaimed in dread as his hands finished changing into paws. His feet were changing similarly and coming out of the shoes completely as they got almost fully remoulded into paws.

Vitali let out a timid moan as his rough paw-pads brushed against his sensitive groin. This along with the changes was enough to make his shaft get stiff. “N-Nhrooh, shit. Not my cock…” – He groaned in defeat feeling his manhood alter underneath his paws. He took them away and his eyes widened.

The tip of his manhood was malformed into a flared and rather flat, animalistic shape. Overall the shaft appeared to be thickening and lengthening considerably. The hue of its flesh was becoming bolder. In the meantime the human foreskin covering the length of the shaft was gradually retreating and starting to sprout soft brown fur. The soft flesh was gradually changing into an animalistic sheath that started to attack to Vitali’s belly at the base.

Vitali shivered and fell down onto his fattening butt, not only from the lust haze, but also from the change of balance. He stared hypnotised as his cock grew bigger, his testicles inflated somewhat as well and the scrotum got covered in adequate fur. Vitali looked around him to make sure he was alone and to relief some stress he started stroking his shaft clumsily.

It felt better than he imagined, his increasingly furry body and his impressive ursine cock begged for release. Pre started to dribble down his meat and Vitali moved his head up from the blissful sensations. His ears were starting to turn into round ursine counterparts. His nose was starting to blacken and swell visibly in his vision. His lips darkened as well and inside his maw his tongue started to lengthen.

The fact Vitali wasn’t able to stroke his shaft normally was only enchanting his lust. He was horrified of becoming an animal, but he wanted at least a reward for it and carnal pleasure was one option, so the changing man kept stroking more intensively. He felt his tailbone throb and twitch in anticipation as it pushed out into a short stubby tail.

“Nhrh-gh-khrmnn…” – Vitali moaned in mounting pleasure as his neck started to elongate and shift. Unbeknown to the man his voice was slowly leaving him forever, but in return his neck was getting more flexible and suite for his almost wholly ursine body. Vitali took advantage of that and craned it down. His eager and strangely flexible mouth caught his fat, flared tip and started sucking it passionately.

Vitali growled in pleasure in his new low and rumbling voice. He started thrusting his hips while trying to get more of his cock into his mouth. He was able to feel all of the new contours of his bestial rod and it kept getting stimulated by the warm and eager maw.

With several snaps Vitali’s face pushed outward into a short, blunt snout. It caught the man off guard, but he was too close to satisfaction, he wasn’t able to stop himself from sucking his cock. Even as his snout continued to extend into a powerful ursine muzzle. Vitali’s head was changing shape to become fully that of a brown bear. His forehead sloped down and the cranium flattened.

Finally Vitali was able to take the majority of his pleasure rod into his long, broad muzzle. With a few thrusts into it, his cock started throbbing and balls clenched. Vitali roared as he came into himself, he spasmed in pleasure and collapsed onto his back. His shaft continued to drip cum onto his swelling, furry belly.

Vitali’s skeleton kept creaking and growing bigger, which felt like a strange massage. The changing man himself was trying to catch his breath. Gradually he managed to calm down and catch his breath. He shook his head and looked down at himself. His jaw dropped, he stared at the lower body of a brown bear. There was no furless spot of skin on his body.

“Ghrarrrh-hreeeerh… Hrrr?” - Vitali roared in shock, only now realising that his voice was gone and replaced by simplistic bear noises. He wanted to hope it was all a nightmare, but at the same time he knew that it felt too real. He rolled over onto all fours and jumped up onto two legs. He actually managed to stand up onto two legs, but it felt all weird. He felt like he wasn’t able to make a step without falling down.

His spine was popping audibly and remoulding his back into a more quadrupedal setup. His shoulder blades rotated into a more feral alignment. While his broadening hips and growing butt finished growing at last.

His tail wriggled anxiously as Vitali got more self-conscious about all the changes happening to his insides. He felt like the organs in his lower torso grew way too big for his belly too hold. Vitali felt strong and massive, but also clumsy and just fat compared to how he felt as a thin human.

Vitali yelped when he felt his moist, ursine dick slowly slide into its furry pouch. He knew that he would probably never fully comprehend that he became an actual bear. How even? Was it the honey? Maybe the ancient pagan spirits of the forest were angered by his presence. It was probably important to determine what caused the transformation if Vitali ever wanted to change back.

The transformation was slowly ending and the slight discomfort ended with it. Vitali dropped down onto all fours and sighed. What was he supposed to do now? People would probably run away when they’d see him. Only a few would actually want to hunt him. Vitali growled pitifully and looked at the honey jars next to him.

He was ready to give a change to the people in his village, but first he’d sate his growing hunger. The transformation was relatively exhausting and the honey he gathered was probably too delicious not to try some of it.

There was just one problem. The honey was in the glass jars. How would he open them without getting glass pieces in the honey? Vitali roared annoyed and decided to just climb the tree again to get some honey from there. He wasn’t in a hurry now that he was forcefully turned into a bear.

What wasn’t really supposed to be shocking was that Vitali became a natural tree climber by now. He had sharp, resilient claws and was generally well built to slowly climb many types of trees. It was somewhat fun for him to slowly reach the beehive hole and appreciate the sight from that height.

Maybe being a bear wasn’t so bad? – He though to himself and stuck his head into the hole. His long tongue helped him get access to all the honey he wanted. With time he had to push more of his body into the hole to get even more honey. Soon his hunger got sated, but there was one problem. Vitali wasn’t able to get out of the hole, his plush body was half stuck in the natural beehive.

At a time like this having human voice would be useful, but all Vitali was able to do was roar in fright that he wasn’t able to get out of the big bee-hole. With enough effort however he finally managed to get out and slide down to the base of the tree. His fur was entirely stained in honey and Vitali felt like he had to clean himself before showing up in the town and attempting to communicate with the humans somehow…


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