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Man into Male Saltwater Crocodile Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Victor walked through the city, searching for the perfect gift for his partner’s birthday. Speaking simply the man was in a hurry. He accidentally brushed against people passing him. With one person he barely dodged a quarrel because of his hasteful actions.

Worst of all Victor wasn’t even sure what he wanted to get for his girlfriend. As it often was in situations like this. He forgot about her birthday and now that he was in a rush he forgot how to think rationally – How to find the perfect gift just for her.

“Wait. I got itt-AAAAHHH…!” – He exclaimed happily, just to get interrupted when he lost ground underneath his feet and fell into the sewers. For a moment the unlucky man thought he would perish, he felt like he was falling for a considerable little while. Thankfully he landed in some muck which cushioned the impact.

Victor had to fight with the disgusting liquid to not get sucked into it whole, he didn’t even want to presume what precisely the puss consisted of. He knew one thing, he fell down into the goddamn sewers. Victor slowly got up, the bio-waste was up to his knees. He looked up and saw that the round lid of the sewer entrance was gone.

“Fuck sake! It should be secured or at least marked! Guh, what a day…” – He yelled out angered, but he knew that in the long run his frustration wouldn’t help him improve the situation. He needed to find a way out of that hellhole and quick. Getting dirty was one thing, but who knew what kind of bacteria and other shit was in that liquid all around him.

Victor felt shivers down his spine, the muck he was enveloped with was seeping through his clothes and gradually coming in contact with his flesh. “Hngh- Disgusting.” – He shuddered as he looked down at himself. His clothes were soaked with the crap and whatnot and weighed him down.

The man looked around and as expected he had found a ladder leading up. His mood brightened just a tad and he started shambling towards his way out. His premonition was right, something very strange was starting to happen to his muck-soaked clothing. It was starting to dissolve into puss as if it was touched by some acid.

Victor stopped moving the second he realised that. “Wait, what the f-fuck!?” – He exclaimed as he felt his shirt split into many pieces that started to slide off him. His jeans dissolved slower, but they too gradually self-dissected and loosened all the way down into the disgusting liquid. Victor stopped feeling his socks and shoes. He tried to grab his shirt before it would leave him too.

His hands touched his chest, it was bare. All of his clothes were gone, whatever was in the sewer liquid destroyed them completely. There was something else… Victor froze in dread, his chest was indeed bare, but the texture of his skin was messed up. There were many growing bumps and sharp little protrusions.

Victor gulped and looked down. He gasped and jerked his hands away from himself when he realised that his torso was covered by many patches of thick reptilian scales. Their colours were muted, dark and random somewhat similarly to the mucky liquid. “Jesus Christ! What th-the… Are those fucking sc-scales…?” – He muttered out dumbfounded.

The patches of thick, resilient scaly hide kept growing bigger. As a matter of fact Victor’s bare body was growing itself. Victor let out a few meek groans of discomfort as he felt his spine grow longer and force his torso to stretch. It was becoming increasingly hard to stay upright.

Victor started hyperventilating from the horror of the situation, which felt weird as his lungs were expanding and malforming like the majority of his organs. The man stretched his arms out in front of him, he was almost certain that his limbs appeared shorter. His hands were looking outlandish as their digits began shortening into useless and almost immobile shapes. The fingernails were morphing into sharp conical claws.

His scalp started itching and suddenly something landed on Victor’s open hands. He realised that it was his hair, he was rapidly balding. His heart was hammering in his chest and wanted to leave his twisting body and run away. “No, no, noooo…! Why is this happening to me?! How?! Someboooody, please heeelp me!” – He shouted into the darkness which was all around him except for the metaphorical, unreachable light coming from the top of the sewers.

Victor knew nobody would come, not that way. For a mere moment a glimmer of hope appeared in his head as he realised that he had a phone on him. He started looking around for it and he found it even. It was half dissolved and broken, floating of the surface of the muck. “Gr-Ghhhrnooo… God, it hurrrrhts!” – He groaned out through his sharpening teeth as his back started popping. Multiple sharp ridges slowly pushed out in lines next to his thickening spine.

The man looked up one last time seeing the light and hope, just to suddenly double over in agony. His shoulder blades were rotating and forcing his shortening useless arms to the sides. His hips were widening and pelvis was rotating forwards into a more quadrupedal stance. His legs were messed up, short and stocky. The feet were simplified in shapes and the toes were naturally tipped with sharp claws already.

A realisation caught Victor off guard, he was slowly getting closer towards the light without moving. The throbbing all over his frame made him realise that he was still growing bigger, longer. To make matters worse Victor realised with a pained groan that he wasn’t able to lower his head. His neck was fattening up and locking his head in an upward facing alignment.

Just then with a loud crunch of multiple changes at once Victor toppled forwards and fell down face first into the muck. Except now the muck was shallower, or so it appeared because Victor’s body was way bigger by now. It was entirely covered in a scaly hide of grey and dark green.

Victor entered another level of fear as by now he lacked proper hands, the ability to stand up and even the privilege of moving his head more. “Ghrrheehhlp mhreeeghr-rhhh…!” – He growled out in a quiet, low and distorted voice. His vocal box was gradually shifting and the ability to speak was abandoning him.

He tried not only to get up, but to move somewhat normally – All in vain. His limbs were allowing him to move, but he was incredibly restricted and rather clumsy without the proper amount of water to swim in. Rotating his longer, primal and reptilian body took time. In reaction to the changes all Victor was able to do was thrash about a bit.

His head ached like hell because it was gradually getting flattened into an inhuman and bestial shape. His skull was malforming into a thicker, yet more primitive shape of a big reptile. Worst pain hit Victor’s jaws. He felt them swell and he was practically forced to open his maw as it spilled outwards into a blunt snout.

His scaly lips slowly merged with his gums. His nose slowly sunk into his forming muzzle, leaving only two slitted nostrils on its upper part. All of Victor’s human or even mammal features disappeared one by one and all he was able to do was growl in terror. His hearing worsened slightly when his earlobes began to shrivel up and disappear.

The teeth throbbed in their sockets as they grew bigger and sharper. The longer Victor’s muzzle grew the bigger were the gaps in his maw. His tongue grew longer to fit his muzzle neatly. His muzzle was now reaching its full length. Its growth forced Victor’s face to rearrange completely – His eyes were now migrating upwards. Their pupils turned into reptilian slits and made Victor blink confused as his vision changed a bit. With that Victor’s head finished its transformation into the imposing visage of a saltwater crocodile.

Victor didn’t even have time to catch his breath. A pressure appeared above his ass. His spine was pulling at his flesh, stretching it and forming a short stubby tail. It grew longer in continuous growth surges. “Khr-kh-rrn-hra-ahhr…” – Victor growled feeling his new appendage gain shape. His tail grew ridges on its top and slowly reached its full length, which was the same as the rest of his body.

His body kept swelling bigger, his torso felt more bloated. In a way it was getting wider especially in the middle. His body was flatter as a whole since from now on Victor would be mainly lying on his stomach. Victor gradually got more self-conscious about what happened underneath him.

Victor groaned and tried to maneuver his body to see what was happening to his groin. It burned and hurt, but the stimulation of the changes still forced his shaft to go erect. His weight pressed against his cock and added to the painful bliss.

The shaft was changing in shape, colour and texture. It was becoming pinkish-red. The tip was slowly morphing into an alien shape resembling a spore, more fit for a lizard than a human. Victor’s balls were starting to pull deeper into his body. Victor closed his eyes in humiliation when he felt a wave of hot liquid around his groin.

His genitalia slowly finished changing into a crocodilian form, but the changes underneath his tail weren’t finished. Victor’s butthole was throbbing and starting to remould into a more internal orifice. Both his anus and his cock-hole started getting closer to each other until the two slits began to merge into one cloaca.

For Victor it felt as if his inverted cock was squeezed by a tight cock ring when his cloaca finished forming. Victor trembled and then started jumping with his lower, heavy body as his excited cock started to spurt out load after load of mixed cum.

The lustful haze helped Victor cooperate with the changes better. His body finished growing and changing. The transformation was finished, but it left Victor as a simple, yet deadly animal – A huge saltwater crocodile.

Victor growled pitifully and started to move in his new unique way. It wasn’t overly hard to just move forwards, but as it was proven earlier it was the hardest to rotate his long and strong body now. One thing was certain, Victor wasn’t able to just climb the ladder and exit with his new body.

Suddenly Victor head somebody call out his name. It was hard to tell whose voice that was because it was distant and coming from the street above the sewers. Still, the realisation gave the changed man hope. He started thrashing in the water intentionally to make a ruckus. He tried to growl out something to signal that he was in there. The sounds he made weren’t human in the slightest, but they managed to catch attention.

A head appeared at the sewers entrance. The female squinted her eyes to spot anything in the sewers. It was too dark for the woman to see the large crocodile covered in the dark muck. Victor’s jaw dropped as he realised that he knew that voice. It was his partner, she came looking for him, but was she ready to witness his new form…?


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