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Man into Male Cheetah Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Dan braced himself on his track, he knew it was the final test of his strength. If he would reach the end he would win renown and prove himself, if he’d lose he’d just humiliate himself.

“Five… Four…” – The loudspeaker boomed and the words echoed in Dan’s head. His head was spinning, for some time now. He regretted drinking that strange soda. It wasn’t against the rules, he even checked the ingredients of it, but something about its contents made him feel nauseous still.

“One…!” – The voice called out and a loud shot sent shivers down Dan’s spine, along with another strange sensation. Dan immediately broke into a run. He put his knowledge and all of his body into this, even though it seemed so simple to just run.

Dan ran through the track, unaware that the gentle throbbing on his back and more precisely his spine signalled the first onset of changes. Dan’s tailbone started to unfuse and then push out. A bump formed in his running shorts and it kept getting bigger. The growing appendage inside of it was mainly growing in length as it was becoming a full-fledged feline tail.

The runner wiped the sweat off his forehead not noticing that his hands have started sprouting hair of strange colours. His entire body was growing patches of fur, which kept getting bigger as they kept spreading and slowly devouring his entire body. The developing pelt was tawny in colour with many black spots all over. It also was partially white on front of Dan’s body.

The beginning changes were subtle compared to what was ahead of the unaware man. Dan wasn’t able to run as good as usual as his very bones started remoulding, his body was becoming thinner, his head hurt as it was contracting and shifting into a smaller feline shape.

Dan shed a tear, worrying that he’d fail. He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them his sight differed. His eyes were now practically gold in colour. His ears started to twitch instinctively as they began morphing into thinner feline versions.

The hair on Dan’s head wasn’t spared from the changes either as his entire visage was gradually enveloped by tawny and black fur. The hair on his scalp turned into short feline mane. In the meantime his beard hair changed in plain sight until it became fur as well.

Dan groaned annoyed, he was slowly left behind all the other runners who didn’t even glance at him. He felt like it was all a nightmare, his body was starting to feel all wrong and his dream of winning the race was going to waste.

“What the hell is wrong with me today?!” – He yelled out when he wasn’t able to take the stress any longer. A mere second after something literally dropped out of his shorts. Dan gasped and stopped running. He felt something furry and long tickling his bare legs.

He turned his head back and froze in dread. “Oh my God, I- I have a fucking tail, a goddamn tail. Like an animal…” – He muttered out and chuckled anxiously from it all. “At least n-now I know that this is all just a nig-ghhhn...!” – He was interrupted by his ribcage unpleasantly starting to compress, while at the same time gaining a rounder shape to better contain his changing respiratory system.

Dan rested his hands on his knees and panted hard. He realised that the sensations of his very own body shifting very too real to be just a part of some dream. The man shuddered as his torso gradually gained a more streamlined shape, which was ironically a very good asset in running.

His back continued to pop, it was getting more flexible, but also unable to hold his body on two legs for much longer. Dan clutched his face in defeat and felt how his nose was changing shape into a more triangular shape. His face was spilling outwards into a relatively blunt, feline muzzle with distinctive black stripes on it.

Dan’s tongue was getting rougher as many miniscule spikes formed all over it. He probed his incisors with that altering tongue of his, feeling how the majority of his teeth became animalistic fangs. His canines grew longer and sharper as well. Dan gulped in fear, his tail swished behind him madly and finished growing fur all over.

“I can’t give up, maybe I can at least stall the changes!” – He groaned out and attempted to straighten up. His shorts fell down almost immediately, while his shirt barely clung to his feline chest. A wave of uncertainty washed over the man and it was enough for him to lose balance.

He collapsed down onto all fours where he’d belong from now on. “Damniiit…!” – He exclaimed and his eyes went wide when he realised how strange his voice sounded. It was somewhat raspy, higher pitched and very incoherent. Dan tried to say something else, but to his horror he only let out a few meek meowls.

His neck was crunching and reforming to better connect his head to the rest of his quadrupedal body. It grew slightly longer and more flexible, the fur on top of it was slightly longer than on the rest of his body.

Dan stared down at his hands, which popped into a new alignment. His digits were shortening and becoming less bendable. Numb sensations washed over his palms as his flesh began to bloat out and form distinctive paw-pads. Dan’s thumbs retracted further back and turned into dewclaws. His fingernails changed fully into sharp claws, that would get blunter as he’d keep moving on all fours.

The man felt even worse than before, now not only was he unfamiliar with his new body, but also stuck in clothes that weren’t meant for an animal. They were constricting and so Dan made a few shaky steps forwards. His shoes slid off his morphing feet as was suspected.

His feet were lengthening and he was forced to stay on his tiptoes from now on. Underneath them his flesh puffed out and formed protective pillows. His toenails erupted into sharp claws. His feet became thinner and fully turned into hind paws.

Dan was exhausted of the constant changes, yet his panting became less ragged and smoother as his body was nearing the finishing changes. It surprised him pleasantly, a certain thought budded in his head.

Dan hissed as he felt his insides rearrange. Which wasn’t painful, but confusing and nauseating as his every single organ repositioned and changed shape. His narrow rear felt strange and he felt a tugging underneath his tail which alarmed him instantly.

The changing man craned down his neck and looked between his legs. Just in time to see his genitalia shrink and reform into their feline counterparts. Besides shifting in shapes his testicles and manhood moved backwards and were gradually tucked closer to his tail.

Dan meowled in shame and looked around. As he feared the cameras in the distance gradually turned to stare right at him. Still, the more Dan changed the less humiliated by his body he was. He realised that he wasn’t becoming some kind of a freak or a mutant, but a majestic animal that represented his hobby in the best light.

He repositioned himself on all fours, stretched a bit and braced himself for the remaining changes. His shortened shaft was now remoulding at its tip, becoming sharper. Many tiny barbs grew all over it. His foreskin shifted as well and became a fluffy sheath. His balls were turning feline and they were relatively well covered by the fluffy fur.

With the help of his claws Dan tore off the shirt off his chest. His head continued to change, his skull was flattening, especially on top. His muzzle pushed out a bit more. Then silence came and the changes have left Dan fully a cheetah.

Dan shook his body, then looked back at himself. Then he glanced at the runners far ahead and gave a nod at the camera who slowly approached him. His heart started beating faster and he instinctively braced himself on all fours.

Before the camera managed to reach him Dan broke into a wild run. “I can’t believe it! The participant who turned into a wild cat is on the run, he wants to finish the race! He sacrificed his humanity for his passion, his lo…” - The commentator went on and mumbled something about the strangest comeback he has ever seen.

Dan felt content with his new body. He always loved running, but now it felt like his body evolved just for it. He felt like his entire career was leading to this very moment. He meowled happily and gradually overtook the majority of the runners. He deserved it, he worked all his life to be the unsurpassed runner.

Some of the runners had no idea Dan was changing and reacted with fear when they saw a cheetah overtake them, but most of the runners knew very well what was happening because of the commentator. Dan had the most fun overtaking the leading runner, his rival who often mocked him.

Dan reached the end of the track and the spectators cheered for him. The atmosphere was outlandish, yet pleasant – People realised that in the end the transformation allowed Dan to fully become the best version of himself…


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