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Man into Female Skunk Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

The red fairy converted many humans during her long life, especially now that her efforts intensified. Travelling wasn’t anything alien to her. She moved from region to region on a weekly basis.

Unlike her sisters, the red apparition lacked mercy and so far her every victim ended up similarly, all were transformed into simple animals. If whatever the fairy did was actually a job, she never got bored of it and enjoyed it.

She tried to diversify her actions and so she often switched her victim’s gender or turned them into a completely random creature that she hasn’t even considered before. This was one of those special days.

The fairy flew through the farmlands and decided that whatever animal she’d come upon first would be the one she’d turn her victim into. The mysterious luck seemed to be on the fairy’s side. Mere seconds passed and the fairy spotted a peculiar sight.

A skunk stared at her blankly and smeared its paws over its snout nearby. “Why hello there. You’re not afraid of me like those simpleton humans, are you…?” – She maliciously asked the animal. The animal didn’t reply, but continued its basic actions on instinct, while not moving one bit from its place.

“Yeah. That’s what I thought…” – She chuckled at the animal and slowly flew away. “Excuse me friend, but I have a very urgent need of a human right now. I’m sure you’ll enjoy their company, albeit they may not look very sapient once you’ll meet them…” – The fairy chuckled as she looked around for her next victim.

World was practically overpopulated with humans and the fairy quickly succeeded in her task. She spotted a man cycling towards the nearby town. Without wasting any time the fairy flew over to the middle-aged man.

Mike hasn’t noticed her at first, since her size was small and unnatural for a normal person. Yet the red light she was shining with caught the man’s attention soon enough. “What the hell i- Ah! What the hell are you?!” – Mike exclaimed and fell off his bike.

The fairy rolled her eyes and watched as the human wiped his hands against his clothes and slowly got up. The man was rightfully shocked at the sight and squinted his eyes as he stared at the fairy. “Currently I may even be your God as your life is about to be turned upside down, human...” – She said coldly and threw some magic dust at the squinting man.

Mike almost fell over again when the dusty air hit his eyes. “Gah…! It burns, f-fuck! Why did yo-you…” – Mike groaned in shock and confusion as he blinked profoundly until the pain suddenly disappeared and he gasped.

The man shook his head and turned on his heels in an attempt to get away from the malicious creature in an instant. He failed miserably when his body began to throb and contort. His humanoid form was rapidly shrinking and its features have started to distort and turn more animalistic.

“What the hell did you do to me-eaah…!” – Mike yelled out, before tripping over his loose shoes and falling down onto all fours. The fairy flew over to his head and patted his scalp, making the human hair fall out in clumps. “I’m fixing the order on this planet and setting things right. Humans have tainted it for long enough, failed species.” – She scoffed and grabbed Mike by the cheeks.

In an instant the man looked down in dread, seeing his hair on the ground. His face started to ache as it began to malform into a strange configuration. He opened his mouth wide as his jaws started to painfully grow outwards. His nose was shifting on his forming narrow muzzle, becoming smaller and more fit for a weasel than a human.

“Oh God, my face… I feel it… Changing, fuck…” – Mike freaked out touching his morphing face with his right hand. His voice was gradually becoming squeakier, higher pitched and less coherent. His ears have started to shrink and turn rounder.

He blinked dumbfounded as he stared at his growing muzzle. His eyes have gradually became beadier and dimmer in appearance. Whiskers sprouted from his altering cheeks. His bald head started growing black hair all over, which gradually turned into actual fur with a single white stripe on top.

The changes slowly moved lower and began working on Mike’s neck. His head was gradually finishing changing. The man shook his head and decided to stop the changes at any cost. “Listeen, pleas. Ighr- I’m not a bad m-man… Stop thesee changh-yeeks… Hyeek!” – He pleaded at the fairy as his skull started gaining a more narrow shape in an unpleasant manner.

“Aww… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your meaning, especially at the end. But what was that you said? You are a good MAN…? Let me make sure you weren’t lying.” – The fairy said, before abruptly starting to pull the clothes off Mike.

The man looked down in dread as his gums have started throbbing. His teeth gradually started changing into more compact shapes. Their tips have started sharpening and some of his teeth became full-fledged fangs. With that the man’s head fully changed into that of a skunk. The rest of his body wasn’t far from being skunkified either at this point.

His neck was more flexible and his limbs crunched unpleasantly as they readjusted for a mainly quadrupedal life of the former man. The man tried to squeak at the fairy and run away from her, but it was too late. With a last sharp tug, she pulled the man’s underwear off him and he was completely naked now.

Mike leapt forward and was about to get up onto two legs, but the fairy suddenly put a finger to his tailbone and yanked out a tail from it. “Ghyeeek…!” – The man squeaked and looked behind him to see a ropey appendage attached to his rear. It was already sprouting a lot of black fur with several white stripes on the top.

“A-ha! There it is. You’d probably tell me that this is what makes you a man! Well…” – The fairy teased as she suddenly grabbed Mike’s shaft and started to pull the foreskin back in an unnatural manner. The foreskin retracted all the way to the base of the shaft.

The changing man craned down his neck and looked at his morphing equipment with utter devastation plastered on his muzzle. The fairy giggled and started stroking Mike’s cock, practically milking his shaft and forcing all the seed to disappear from his balls.

As if to accentuate that his ballsack started to pull tight against the man’s groin. Mike groaned in pained pleasure as his testicles started to enter him. They plopped deeper and started to remould into a pair of skunk ovaries. The leftover scrotum was overly sensitive and a cleft in it was becoming increasingly apparent.

In the meantime the fairy focused further on the man’s cock. “You may have been a man, but you will be an even better skunkette… Now…!” – She said as she began to slowly stroke the man’s shaft with both hands. Mike squeaked in terror as his cock gradually started shrinking and leaking some kind of watery discharge.

The cock was half of its size and stills shrinking. Its tip was morphing strangely as its functions were already realigning. The nub of a cock was gradually pulled closer towards the man’s puffy scrotum cleft.

Suddenly a splitting sensation hit the Mike’s groin and made him thrust his hips in a feminine fashion. His scrotum was splitting open and a feminine slit was forming. Some of his puffy flesh was pulled inside along with the clit-looking cock.

The sensitive mound was rapidly gaining an inhuman shape as it was becoming animalistic. Its sensitive flesh darkened slightly and the vulva looked decisively inhuman. Which didn’t change much, the man ceased to be a man. “I was right to question your gender. You’re a simple critter in heat now!” – The fairy cackled and flew under the changing man.

Her wings brushed against the Mike’s underside and forced the changes to intensify in the region. Mike moaned out in animalistic fashion as new nipples began to form on her chest with pillows of fatty flesh forming underneath. Fur started to envelop her torso as well.

Mike fell over onto her side and panted hard. She was devastated that her gender has been reversed and changed just like his species. Her eyes widened once more as she realised how much she shrank by now. She was smaller than her bike, from the looks of it she was even smaller than the wheel of it.

“Don’t worry about it. Evolution in most cases worked correctly and your body will have adequate tools to defend itself with!” – The fairy said as she continued to observe the changes from above. Indeed the former man felt the organs inside of his shrunken body shift around.

Yet the changes soon concentrated on the Mike’s rear. The former man rolled over onto all fours and instinctively raised her tail when she felt something form next to her asshole. The sensations made her feel nauseous, but deep down she knew what kind of defence mechanism her new species had.

Her attention got fixated on something else however as her extremities began to ache. Mike looked down at her hands and saw their remaining shapes gradually contort into small and mainly indextrous paws of a skunk. Her nails have darkened and pushed out into slightly curved claws. Her feet changed similarly as they elongated into fitting hind paws.

Mike knew that there was no hope for her to regain her humanity from the fairy. Everything she did was callous and cruel, therefore as Mike continued transforming she decided to sneak away from the fairy. Her gaze was focused on the bike and Mike used that to her advantage as she began to crawl away on all fours.

With each step her body crunched as her skeleton became more flexible in places, while her limbs became less bendable and more limited. Her spine appeared to lengthen and stretch her torso into a more weasel-like shape. Her altered limbs have shortened seemingly and at this point her entire body was covered in either black or white fur. Mike’s body finished shrinking and by now easily hid in the tall grass.

The fairy shrugged at the bike, finding its design to be strange. Then she turned her attention at the skunkette-turned man. “Alright back t- You little… Turning you into a pathetic critter and stripping you of your manhood wasn’t enough?!” – She cried out and used one of her magical items to track the skunk.

Mike thought she at least escaped the fairy, but then she heard her wings flapping behind her. Something inside Mike’s skunkette head switched on. She lifted up her tail and tightened the muscles around her butt. “You disgus-fhgh-ghah…!” – The fairy shrieked as the nasty skunk spray coated her entirely. The fairy wasn’t even able to fly in her state and crashed into the field while screaming incoherently.

The skunk that Mike became ran away at the occasion. She ran and ran until she found a hole in the ground and then entered it to take a breather. She finally had time to contemplate the loss of her humanity. Still, she was proud of herself that she actually managed to punish the fairy for ruining her life.

A strange noise however caught Mike’s attention and she turned away. She should have checked the hole for inhabitants. Deeper in the hole was a slim, black creature like her – Another skunk.

Mike broke into a run, but the skunk easily caught up with her. He pinned her down and squeaked in a dominating manner. Mike felt something hard and pointy press against her furry rear. Her eyes widened as she felt the skunk’s pointy cock find its destination and enter her.

The skunkette squeaked and tried to crawl away, but the male nibbed at her neck as he continued to hump her. It was a futile effort and after some exhausting struggling Mike gave up on escape. The sensations in her groin were actually calming her stirred nerves.

The stiff, pointy cock that came in and out of her made her leak profoundly. Mike wasn’t able to lie to herself any longer, she admitted to herself that she enjoyed getting humped. She was a skunk too now and as the fairy said – She was in heat…

The red fairy kept thrashing in the mess that Mike left her in. She shrieked occasionally in disgust as she fought to shake the spray off her. “Enooooough!” – She screamed when her fury reached the sky. The radiant shining aura around her lit up and the magical fire burned the skunk spray off her completely. The fairy panted hard and fixed her hairdo. Her burning gaze focused on the sight in the distance – A city.


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