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Man into Male Tiger Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Lee was a diligent man spending most of his days in the merchandise company he was employed. Whether because of luck or misfortune he was working in the office of the company. Some people had it worse to work in harder conditions and actually piece together the items their company sold, but working in an office cubicle wasn’t all easy either.

Despite Lee being worker of the month multiple times by now he felt underestimated. He actually cared about the company’s wellbeing and did his best to perform his task efficiently and yet he wasn’t promoted to a higher position for so long. Worse yet Lee’s boss wanted more from him as the months passed. Lee thought it was all a strategy for him to prove himself, but the never-ending pressure was getting unbearable for the poor worker.

One particular day Lee received perhaps the most difficult task in his life. He had to create a catalogue that would be used worldwide for their company’s product. The thing was he had one day for that, because the boss wanted to test him for the last time before his promotion.

Lee was sweating from stress since he received the task. Still he knew it would all be worth it. Therefore he worked hard, used all his knowledge and skills he earned over the past years. He worked without a food break, without any kind of break, but it seemed to pay off. The catalogue he designed was almost finished and needed only a few tweaks. Still, it was beautiful and depicted all the items in such arrangement and beautifully made photos that it would surely be a good advertisement for the products.

The diligent worker was finishing his work at late afternoon, just before the deadline. There were less people around now, since most went home. Lee knew that in a minute or two he’d be finished. He decided to take the liberty to drink some cold coffee for his efforts. He kept writing on the keyboard with his left hand and attempted to grab the cup with his right one. It was a mistake, the cup fell over and the coffee spilled all over the PC. It started sizzling and then some smoke came out. Lee’s eyes widened as his work computer almost exploded. The screen turned black and the PC was unresponsive.

“Lee, are you alright? What’s that smell, like something’s burning? Or is that your famous shitty coffee you drink everyday?” – One of the workers shouted mockingly from behind some cubicle nearby. Lee was paralysed, devastated and trembled from what just happened. All those years in this toxic environment, his boss abusing him with too much work and tests, now he loses the project he worked on for many hours because of clumsiness.

Lee snapped, his head tilted to the side and as he stared at the black screen of his dead PC something changed withing him. He kept panting, his breath hard and ragged and his eyes glistened strangely. They stung as his irises began to change from brown to vivid yellow. His canines began to throb and swell in his gums, gradually pushing out into long fangs, his other teeth shifted too into more carnivorous shapes.

He shut his eyes and tried to calm down, but he wasn’t able to. Lee sensed that something was wrong with him and not just the subtle anatomical changes, he felt like waves of fury kept hitting his mind. He recalled something about his grandma telling him that their family had an ancestry closely connected to furious wilderness beasts.

The man shook his head and glanced down at his hands. He gasped when he saw that his fingernails were starting to push out into strong claws. His fingers popped as they shortened and his hands began to take shapes of feline paws. Lee examined his hands in dread seeing how his palms began to bloat and darken as protective paw-pads began to form.

Lee started groaning from pain and all the unpleasant occurrences. He was scared of his transformation, but he felt like it was his anger and desperation manifesting. He endured calm life for so long and now he was literally shifting into something that resembled his unbound rage.

His shoes were getting extremely tight around his feet and so Lee started kicking his legs until they came off in pieces along with his socks. That revealed the sight of his elongating feet. His tiptoes were changing drastically to slowly turn into another pair of paws. The flesh underneath puffed up and darkened in places becoming numb pads. Lee snarled in pain as his toes began to shrink in size and become stubby digits that made up his paws. His toenails began to push out into curved and complex feline claws.

“F-Fuckhr…” – Lee muttered through gritted fangs as his face began to ache drastically. He clutched it with his alien paws and felt as they were getting forced to give way to his forming snout. “Ghrrr- It’s all yhour fault…! Ghr-hraaahr…!” – Lee roared at the office and its workers letting go off his face. His jaws pushed outwards further, his cheekbones morphed and his human face was gradually replaced by features of a tiger.

The short black hair on his scalp began to change colour and texture, gradually shifting into orange and black fur. His body itched in multiple spots as fur began to grow out of his pores. His ears began to grow warmer and slowly get stretched into round, feline shapes. As Lee’s muzzle was finishing its growth his nose began to change drastically – Its shape became more triangular and decisively feline. Whiskers sprouted from his altered cheeks.

Lee huffed hard and fell off his chair as his entire body began to grow bigger and more massive. His skeleton was becoming less human and more feline. Lee snarled angrily knowing that all his human life was done anyway, he didn’t mind becoming a beast and possibly taking a vendetta on some people that made him lose hope in life.

His arms were still flexible enough for him to start clawing at his shirt and so he did. With a few powerful swings of his paws his shirt fell off his chest in pieces revealing white and black fur. Strange sensations underneath that fur appeared as more nipples formed on his underside. In the meantime Lee’s neck began to thicken with additional muscle as it repositioned slightly on his torso into a more feral position.

Lee moved onto all fours and stared at his big paws as his arms began to shift and simplify into feline fore legs. Similarly his legs began to alter, although they were gaining a more digitigrade stance. At their bones shifted his jeans were torn to pieces. In the meantime Lee’s chest began to crunch as the ribs began to grow. His torso was becoming stronger and more resilient, fit for a strong predator.

Lee’s underwear fell off him the last as his hips began to expand and force his legs to move apart a bit. The changing man didn’t feel shame however, he felt freed as the growing fur encompassed more of his body and permanently replaced the clothes he had to wear prior.

By now the noises that Lee caused alarmed the other people, despite the cubicles being relatively sound-proof. People who worked in their cubicles began to question themselves what caused those bizarre sounds and what sounded like roars. Nobody suspected that one of the workers was shifting into a tiger. The worker who earlier harassed Lee scoffed and got up from his chair. “That lifeless moron is causing all the ruckus, I can bet. I’ll go check on him.” – The man said and began to walk towards Lee’s cubicle.

Lee was so lost in the changes meanwhile that he wasn’t able to really think of his situation much. He was full of anger that his life was ruined by so many factors. Now that he was changing into an animal didn’t matter, he would at least be able to stand up for himself in his new form. He embraced the changes despite them being painful.

His spine began to pop and thicken, which forced Lee to arch his back in a feline fashion. A pressure appeared in his tailbone and it signalled only one thing. Additional vertebrae formed and Lee felt his tailbone grow out into an actual tail. It was short at first, but fur was covering it rapidly and slowly, but surely a beautiful tail of a tiger took shape. It swayed behind Lee reassuring him of his current emotions.

Lee felt that his transformation was coming to an end. His body rippled with additional muscles and grew some more into the size of an actual tiger. He felt nauseous as his intestines changed into their new shapes that would sustain his predatory system.

His head was mostly that of a tiger already, but the skull had to change shape in places to be fully that of a tiger. It began to flatten at the top and make Lee growl in discomfort as his brain was forced to shrink into a smaller shape which made him dizzy. His forehead sloped down and with that his head was fully changed.

Lee shook himself as the last patches of fur finished growing, but then he felt something he forgot about. His genitalia were throbbing and shifting around. He felt them get pulled closer towards his tail into a strange feline position. His pubic hair was gone, replaced by soft and mainly white fur.

For the first time in his life Lee began to purr in bliss as his balls began to shift inside his furry sack. His ballsack tightened slightly and pulled his testicles closer towards his body into a more compact alignment. He felt his balls churn with new virile, feline seed as they began to produce loads of it.

His cock had to change to fit his new form and so it began to shrink and shorten. The flesh of the shaft was becoming slightly darker and the tip was starting to malform into a tapered shape. The crown began to fuse with the shaft so no human features were left on his cock. Many almost transparent barbs began to sprout from Lee’s altering cock as it continued to shrink into a feline nub.

As his cock changed, so did his foreskin which was retracting and changing texture. Short, fluffy fur began to sprout from it as the foreskin gradually became a full-fledged, animalistic sheath. With the last wave of changes hitting his groin Lee felt several droplets of cum escape his pointy, feline tip as it finished changing.

Fur finished growing, bones stopped aching and muscles were done thickening – Lee was now completely a tiger. During the course of the changes Lee calmed down a bit, the changes pulled out some anger out of him as he was dosed with painful changes. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps. “Lee! What the fuck are those noises. You had a project to-“ – Lee’s boss stopped mumbling when he saw what was in Lee’s cubicle instead of him – A big, intimidating tiger.

The boss and the worker who harassed Lee earlier started yelling in panic and trembling in fear as Lee the tiger began to approach them. Lee was not a bad man, he wouldn’t really maul them to death, but a few scratches wouldn’t hurt for what those two did to him over the years…



Too much anger and frustration can trigger unexpected events. I hope Lee continues to calm down, his boss and the other employees will surely have wet pants now. His presence should scare them so much. Hopefully Lee will lead a good life in the wilderness of the zoo after this. Not that this is a curse that will turn him into a murderer who will become a human again afterwards.


Yeah, exactly. Also I remember you prefer body horror in feline transformations. I like it too when teeth fall out and nails fall out, but I felt like I wanted this transformation story to be more tactful. So no blood and ultra body horror this time. But I can assure you there will be more body horror stories in the future!

Zappy m

Maybe a Willing transformation story someday?