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I already see that the two most wanted aspects of the stories you'd like to see judging by the #10 poll are: "more body horror" and "more pokemon". Please help me out by answering the questions below.

What pokemon TFs would you like to see? Which of them? A lot of people want pokemeon TFs, but I don't know which specific ones. Pikachu? Espeon? Lycanroc? Or other? Write them in the comments, please.

What body horror stuff do you enjoy the most? Accent on the pain? Grotesque changes like teeth falling out and new ones regrowing? Blood leakage caused by some changes? Body horror in insect transformations? Or something else? Write what kind of body horror stuff you'd like to see in the future, please.


Puget Harbor Seal

A lugia or dragonite body horror tf wher ethe body bloat, contorts and changes into its more proper shape by essentially inflating with fat muscle and etc till it reaches its proper body shape.


Nothing you suggested was wrong, but more than anything else, body horror is in the character's reactions to the changes.