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Man into Female Chicken Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Oliver went outside to enjoy morning coffee in his garden. He was about to sit down on his wicker chair, but in the last moment he noticed something strange in the bushes nearby. It was glistening oddly. “Hallucinations from too much sun exposure? What is this…?” – He said and decided to examine the strange object.

The closer he got to the bushes the weirder the glistening rays appeared, they were almost gold in hue. All of those factors encouraged the man to crouch down and examine the cause of it all. Oliver reached out his hand into the bushes prodding the ground for anything strange. It took him a while, but his fingers met something that must’ve been able to reflect the light in such strange ways. It was smooth, solid, relatively heavy… And oval.

Oliver winced and pulled out the item from the bushes. “The hell? An egg?! But… It’s freaking gold!” – He exclaimed, not realising that gold is actually a lightweight material, so it probably wasn’t what the egg was made of. Nonetheless Oliver was initially excited as most people would about finding a valuable bauble in their backyard.

The object appeared to be made of valuable materials, despite not having any symbols or engravings on it – It was just made out of gold-like material. Oliver wiped sweet of his forehead and continued to inspect the egg for any potential details he missed. He certainly missed the slight itchiness that came with his body hair slowly detaching from his flesh and leaving him hairless, not just below his neck, but even on his head as his hair fell out in clumps.

Only when the man straightened up and scratched his head did he realise that something very wrong was happening to him. “Fuck! Wh-Where’s my hair?! Is this thing radioactive?!” – Oliver yelled out and dropped the egg onto the dirt below. He looked at his hands as they started to cramp, especially his digits. Oliver’s heartbeat quickened as he watched his fingers began to pop and shrink. All of his fingers except for index and middle fingers practically melted down into nothingness. The remaining fingers started to merge together and Oliver could have sworn his bones started to merge and elongate too, soon leaving him with useless extremities somewhat resemblant of bare chicken-wing.

“My hands! Nonono… Oh God – What should I do?! I’m turning into some fuckin’ freak…!” – Oliver wailed as he felt more skeletal changes wreck his torso. His spine cricked and popped forcing him to hunch over. The man clutched his chest with his deformed arms as he felt it begin to crack and slowly lower itself on his torso. His ribcage was becoming rounder and was slowly dragged closer to his hips.

Only now did Oliver realise that his body was shrinking all this time, which was the light throbbing he felt all over. His clothes were now loose on him if not straight up baggy. Oliver started thrashing his wing-like arms and tilting his upper body energetically until his shirt slid off him revealing strange, inhuman chest. Oliver realised that his nipples were gone, but almost all of his skin was covered by strange goosebumps.

Oliver grunted when he felt his pelvis tilt forwards and lock him in that strange stance. By now his altered ribcage was unnaturally close to his malforming hips, the former almost coming underneath the latter. Oliver waved his arms frantically, only to realise that he flopped them almost like some birds would, since that’s how his joints worked now – His wing-like arms being way less bendable now as they were featherless wings at this point.

The man’s anatomy was all wrong and he continuously kept shrinking therefore his jeans slid off him without any obstacles. His underwear soon followed and revealed a bare ass which too started to shift. Oliver grimaced in shame feeling his asshole lose its cover as the buttocks started to spread and smoothen. Soon there was no cleft, but a smooth, almost conical rump with no buttocks as their fat redistributed.

“Gahhhn! Ghod, please noo…!” – Oliver pleaded when he felt his organs churn, soon followed by heat washing over his groin. His cock abruptly started to fill with blood and get more erect. Oliver threw his head back when he forcefully came all of the sudden as his balls expelled all of the unnecessary human seed. Just then his ballsack started to pull up to his groin. With two wet plops his testicles moved inside of him, but their changes weren’t done yet. Oliver panted and moaned as he felt his testicles stir inside of him and malform into something not only feminine, but also avian – A complex set of ovaries.

Meanwhile Oliver’s cock bobbed up and down, slapping his bumpy skin, but at the same time as it pulsated it also shrank gradually slowly losing definition. “My cock… What the hell am I turning into?!” – Oliver exclaimed in panica as he fruitlessly tried to touch his cock with his wings. His shaft was now half of its size, without foreskin and it looked like a protruding clitoris as it continued to shrink. It stopped dwindling in size only when it was the size of a pea. Each movement of Oliver’s fattening thighs stimulated his shifting clit-sized cock and made him shiver in unwanted pleasure.

Just then a splitting pain hit what was left of Oliver’s scrotum. The sensitive skin began to split open down the middle and reveal a developing avian cunt. It glistened and dripped with arousal and practically moved around, signalling that it wasn’t done changing yet. Oliver stared agape as his cock started to pull inside the overly sensitive slit. He felt it move around and nestle deep inside where it sort of fused to the flesh.

Oliver panted, completely disoriented of what just happened. He suddenly felt strange tugging of his new feminine slit. “Ahnnn! W-What now?!” – He cried out feeling his throbbing cunt start to throb and slide backwards closer to his asshole which lost its human appearance too. Oliver lost the opening from his sight, but he felt it suddenly come in contact with his pucker. His flesh started tearing open and knitting together as the two holes began to merge into one horizontal cloaca. The man’s legs trembled and his vent leaked lubricant. Until suddenly it all stopped, Oliver was left with his gender switched and a fully developed avian vent underneath his stubby ass.

“What on Earth just happened to m-eaaagh!” – The man exclaimed feeling his legs start to bend and contort. His upper legs got pulled closer to his torso where they would remain in their new avian stance. His bones hollowed out and his legs slimmed out dramatically, practically drying out in pure sight until they were twig-wide and scaly. The scaly hide that covered Oliver’s legs began to change colour to light yellow.

Oliver was tired of this and just wanted his transformation to end already. He made a few steps forward coming out of his shoes without any effort. With each step he took his feet crunched and forced him to stand on his tiptoes. His feet elongated and his big toes started to elongate, thin down and migrate backwards. His smallest toes started to shrink and disappear completely, leaving him with four toes on each avian foot. His toenails erupted into small, dark talons.

The shifting man continued to groan in discomfort when his spine began to shift again and slowly worm its way underneath his flesh. It began to extend at the end, elongating his tailbone and pulling flesh with it making his rump more conical and fat. Oliver realised that he was able to move his stubby tail a bit. When he did he felt his cloaca throb with anticipation, so he stopped too creeped out by his new anatomy.

Oliver was stunned to realise that he was now circa the size of an actual chicken. His lower body completely that of a bird, except it lacked feathers for now. Just then a series of audible snaps came from his neck as it started to thin down and elongate. Oliver flailed his head as it began to move further away from his torso. His neck was getting more flexible and smooth. Inside it his vocal chords altered and simplified to strip him of his voice. When the man tried to talk he let out a series of bawks and clucks.

The man closed his eyes when he felt his skull begin to ache and practically squeeze on itself. It shrank, but mainly flattened to become a compact, yet simplistic shape of a bird’s skull. Oliver’s ears started to lose shapes and slowly shrink, until only earholes were left on the sides of his shrank head. Something fleshy erupted from his chin and what used to be his forehead, only when it came into his vision did Oliver realise that those were his forming, reddening combs.

The biggest discomfort came with his jaws surging outwards. It felt as if a part of his face just spilled outwards along with bones. His teeth melted down and merged with the keratin and bones which slowly formed Oliver’s sharp beak as he clucked out loud in fear. His nose got absorbed by the forming beak and only two small nostrils were left on the hard surface afterwards. Oliver’s eyes shrank considerably and became beadier. Their colour changed to sharp yellow.

Before Oliver had a moment to take a breather his body started to itch all over. The bumps all over his body began to split open as needle-like, keratinous spikes pushed through them. They were thin and elongated rapidly forming hollow, undeveloped feathers. That quickly changed as the almost transparent needles began to sprout tiny colourful hair all over. Slowly, but surely Oliver’s body became almost fully covered in red and brown feathers He wasn’t sure if growing feathers at this point made anything better, at least he wouldn’t look like a sick hen without them. The itchiness subsides soon and Oliver shrank some more, his body now completely that of a plain hen.

Oliver squawked and tilted his head like a standard chicken would, just how his muscles worked now. When he attempted walking it was almost robotic. He didn’t care much about such trivial matters though, he was most devastated about the fact that he became a bird and such a cheap one while at it. “I could’ve been turned into a hawk, a peacock even! But a fucking hen?! The most mistreated bird species of all possible – Great.” – He thought to himself and flapped his wings.

He turned back to face the weird golden egg. “It’s all your fucking fault. How does this even work, how did you chan- Huh? Why do I- My… So warm and full suddenly…” – Oliver clucked nervously as he felt a blossoming heat radiate in his groin. He slowly lowered his body as his instincts guided him and before he realised it something slid into his canal, something solid and oval. Oliver bawked unused to the feelings, something formed inside of him and it filled his lower body. And right now it wanted out.

Oliver started to push, his throbbing vent started to pulsate and a sort of lubricant started to leak out. The eggs started to slide lower in the oviduct until one of them reached the exit. Oliver pushed and he felt his cloaca start to spread open, a hard white object began to crest. It began to come out very slowly and as it did it stretched Oliver’s vent to its limits, but finally with a wet and barely audible pop the first egg came out and landed on the grass.

“No fucking way… Shit, I- I feel more coming-ghhh…” – Oliver bawked in distress and instinctively moved his tail feathers up. His tight cloaca began to stretch again as an egg started to grind against it and slowly slip out. Oliver felt relief with each laid egg, but there was still one more left to go. Oliver closed his eyes and tensed his body, his pulsating cloaca brushed against the grass and teased him. He relaxed, but also started to push, his canals moved and with it the egg inside. Oliver felt its weight on his vent and he squinted harder. The egg slowly started to push through and rub against his sensitive opening. With one strong push it came out and dropped next to the other two.

Oliver sighed and turned back. He saw three relatively big eggs and he was hardly believing they just came out of him. Still it felt like some kind of achievement at which he succeeded, he felt relieved now that he plopped them out. Nonetheless the problem remained, Oliver was now a chicken in this big dangerous world and unluckily it seemed like there was an option to come back to his old life.


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