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Man into Male Otter Transformation Story | Unwilling | SFW | 3rd PoV

As Peter walked around a lake he just discovered he spotted many interesting elements around it. A few animals tried to approach it to drink and the flora around the lake looked stunningly beautiful. Peter didn’t want to bother the animals so he decided he’d leave the place soon enough, but first he wanted to explore it a bit. After a few minutes he stumbled upon a strange sight – A pretty seashell lied in the sandy lakeshore.

It wasn’t any artifact of the humanity’s past, not anything spectacular, but it was something to come back home with as a reminder of this place. Peter picked up the shell and examined it, wondering how did it get there. Suddenly a big spider peeked out of the shell and scared the hell out of Peter. In an instant the man instinctively threw the shell away, unfortunately it landed into the middle of the lake.

Peter sighed, mad at himself – The shell had strange marks all over it and glistened in the sun like none of the shells he has seen before. Since the temperature was high and Peter had time he decided he’d swim to the middle of the small lake and try to retrieve the shell. If his sight didn’t mistake him the shell floated on the water anyway so he wouldn’t even have to dive for it.

As Peter undressed he failed to notice that the lake started to sizzle in places and the shell began to glow more intensively. When the man fully undressed knowing that he was alone the strangeness in the lake stopped. Peter went into the water and realised that the lake was mostly shallow apparently. The more steps he took the weirder he felt in the water. Despite being naked and the lake being clean his skin started to itch. The man ignored the symptoms knowing that water was deceptive.

His body started cramping all over and the lake began to grow bigger around Peter as his body started to shrink gradually. “What’s going on…? I feel so strange…” – He muttered as he continued to walk towards the shell nearby, but the problem was that he was shortening as well. Therefore he lifted himself off the bottom of the lake and started swimming.

In the water everything felt distorted and strange so his transformation wasn’t noticeable to him yet. His body was now reaching half of its original size and the shrinkage didn’t seem to stop at that. As Peter’s body changed so did his swimming style, purely because his body was gradually turning into one more suited for swimming. Between Peter’s fingers and toes thin fleshy membrane started to form. His digits were still relatively flexible, but their movement was limited by the developed webbing. Peter’s nails began to narrow out and turn into short, but sharp claws. The flesh on his palms and soles began to plump up and form pillows of dark flesh. With a few minor alterations his feet and hands turned into hind paws and fore paws of a semiaquatic mammal.

His body was now unnaturally small for a human, but his body structure was becoming less human with each passing second as well. Especially when his human hair began to turn into dark brown fur which would isolate his body from water well. His entire body was slowly getting covered in that iconic fur as Peter continued to swim towards the shell which began to submerge. Peter began to move more vigorously and it seemed to encourage the changes in his limbs. His legs began to shorten, but they were getting better suited for swimming and walking on all fours in return. His arms turned into forelegs which were less bendable than the human counterparts.

Peter grimaced when his bones began to change unpleasantly. A pressure appeared in his spine and in parts of his skull. His head began to change shape into a flatter and more compact one suited for a swift predator. His skull flattened and narrowed out a bit and his face began to push outwards, forming a blunt muzzle. The man saw something strange appear in his field of vision, his nose was darkening and becoming more button-like. Peter’s cheeks became more puffy and many whiskers started to emerge from them, bringing more otter out of his human visage. Peter’s ears were already shrank and now began to change shapes into more compact and somewhat water-proof, round otter ears. Inside the man’s mouth his teeth changed drastically becoming more cat-like in shapes, decisively more carnivorous than his human teeth were. As his teeth turned into fangs, his tongue lengthened a bit to fit better inside his muzzle.

Peter started to comprehend that his body was becoming more and more alien, but he was so close to the shell already. He was becoming increasingly more exhausted by swimming and unbeknown to him because of the transformation. His spine throbbed and practically pulsed under his flesh as it became longer and more flexible, gradually elongating his body and making it more weasel-like.

The pressure in Peter’s spine exploded as his tailbone unfused and started to form a stubby tail. The tail quickly gained length and became narrower at the tip. As it fully formed Peter instinctively used it to swim better. Peter’s body continued to shrink until it was the size of a common Eurasian otter entirely. His torso began to slim down and his ribcage barrelled out and elongated a bit. The shaggy brown fur covered his upper body, while cream white fur covered his lower body.

Peter finally swam up to the shell and grabbed it between his paws. “Yes!” – He meant to say, but squeaked strangely instead. This finally made him realise that something was very wrong with his body. Peter looked down and almost fainted. “What the hell?! I turned into an otter! How?! Somebody, help me!” – He squeaked out loud and heard his otter voice echo through the forest surrounding the lake.

Peter thrashed in the middle of the lake freaking out about his altered body. His hands were now less dextrous webbed paws, he had a tail which moved behind him instinctively and he realised that he saw his own muzzle in his field of vision. “Alright, alright. I need to calm down this must be explainable somehow… Shit, I’m so small now.” – He thought to himself as he looked around, while hugging the shell to his furry chest.

Peter realised that swimming and even floating in the water felt easier now that his body was practically remade just for those tasks. Besides being able to swim more easily Peter felt like it was oddly satisfying too. He should have wanted to go to the lake shore, but he felt so good in the water now. He was getting so hungry too and now with his improves senses he detected so many tasty fish around him. He thought about it for a moment and decided that his humanity could wait. He’ll enjoy himself as an otter for now…


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