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Man into Male Polar Bear Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

A new ice cream stand has opened up and James was eager to try if it would be worth visiting from time to time. There would be nothing particularly unique about that if not for the fact that the owner of the stand had a varied reputation. They have even became somewhat of an urban legend. People gossiped that the man owning the stand made the buyers of his ice creams disappear. James didn’t care about such ramblings much. Those urban legends made him more eager to visit the strange ice cream man.

The stand itself looked very mediocre for modern times, but that wasn’t really a downside if the person who owned it wasn’t able to afford a more expensive one. “Maybe he has his own special recipes for those ice cream. Won’t hurt to try.” – James thought to himself as he approached the stand and its owner standing next to it.

“Good morning friend. What a sunny day we have, maybe you’d like to try out our ice cream? A new flavour just arrived you see…” – The ice cream man said politely in his calm voice. “Yeah, hi. What’s the new flavour called…?” – James asked looking around. They were in a dead end alleyway with brick buildings around obscuring the sun, which was looking sort of eerie.

“It’s called polar white, my friend. For contrast with what we have nowadays all the time – Immense heat no matter where you are. The scoops aren’t expensive and if you’d like more than one you’ll pay just for one since you’re a new customer… Yes. We value every customer we get. And when we get them, they don’t want to leave! Hah. The prices are on the sign on the side of my stand.” – The ice cream man said.

James started to feel slightly uneasy hearing what the vendor had to say. It all seemed normal and unsettling at the same time. Why was this stand in such a secluded spot? Why was the man acting so weirdly about simplistic ice cream? James continued to ponder, but the piercing glare of the ice cream man was forcing him to make a choice. “Fine, fine. I’ll try that new flavour. One scoop please.” – James finally said trying not to look into the seller’s eyes.

“Perfect! One moment, friend…” – The ice cream man said and started preparing the order. “Do you have many customers?” – James asked looking around. “Oh yes. And the urban legends actually help me get those unique customers. Here you go friend.” – The eerie vendor said as he handed James the ice cream. James gave it a lick. The taste was an unique mix of mint and other herbs surprisingly. James did enjoy it though and continued to lap at the scoop not noticing as his tongue started to lengthen and flatten. The colour of the tongue changed, became darker and blackish-grey. The subtle changes made the ice cream’s taste even more appealing to him.

“You seem to really enjoy it friend. You know what? This one’s on the house.” – The ice cream man said noticing James’ changes. James smiled and his lips started to darken and become glossy black. “Thank you! I was unsure about this place at first, but you seem like a really nice guy and the ice cream is really good. Will definitely see you soon.” – James said as his ears started to twitch and slim down. They slowly became inhuman and round in shapes and started growing short white fuzz all over. “No problem at all. As you said see you soon, friend.” – The ice cream man said as James turned around and was about to leave.

James waved at the man, not noticing how his body continued to change with his every step. His shoes were starting to get strangely tight and his teeth felt sharper than they should be. There was also a rising itchiness all over his body as it rubbed against his clothes. James was too focused on eating to notice, the taste was somewhat hypnotising as well. Meanwhile the ice cream man crossed his arms and stared at James as he was slowly getting out of the alleyway.

“What was I thinking? The vendor wasn’t all that weird and the ice cream tastes delicious.” – James muttered to himself with a hint of gruff in his voice. Suddenly a jutting pain in his spine made him drop his ice cream as he bent over instinctively. “Owh! What the hell?!” – he cried out as he felt a throbbing pressure rise in the seat of his pants. James was dumbfounded and frozen in shock since the discomfort was like nothing he ever experienced. The throbbing continued and a lump started to form in his pants. It grew larger and twitched, until it came out of his pants fully.

James rested his hands on his knees and started trembling. He felt something move above his pant’s waistline and above his butt. He reached out his right hand to touch it and almost fainted when he did. A new appendage was sticking out of his spine. His tailbone turned into an actual stubby tail with some sort of fuzz starting to grow out from it. “This can’t be a tail… How?!” – James started to freak out as he touched and felt the shape of his stubby tail. As he did he realised with dread that his hand was also changing shape – It was becoming bigger, but the fingers started feeling more indextrous than ever.

The changing man was unable to think straight as he spotted more significant changes across his body. The only comfort in his situation was that he still stood in the isolated alleyway where nobody would see his strange mutations. James gasped as he felt his fingernails start to blacken and elongate into wicked claws.

James felt like his feet were starting to suffocate inside of his shoes and it was getting unbearable. He leaned his back against the brick wall and started to pull off his shoes not thinking of it much. He took one off and realised how far gone his feet were. They were swollen, rounder and his socks were getting pierced by lengthening black claws similar to those of his hands. James struggled a bit to take off the remaining shoe and socks, but he managed to after a while. He had to make sure the surreal sensations were real.

Unluckily they were and the man stared as his soles started to sweel into blackening paw-pads. His stiffening hands were feeling similarly as his flesh pillowed out and formed numb black spots on his hands. “Paws! Oh shit, oh shit… Somebody… H-Help, I’m becoming some sort of an animal…!” – James continued to panic as his body started to gain more mass. He realised that nobody heard him so far from the populated city areas and therefore James decided to make an attempt to save his humanity.

He quickly reached out his paw-hand to grab his phone from the pocket in his pants. His thumbs were gone at this point. His digits were arranged in a primal setup and looking distinctly ursine. White fur was starting to be visible all over his body. James realised that his paws were too big and ungainly to pick up his phone. He groaned in frustration as he felt his legs thicken with muscles and fat. Straining his pants to their limits in the process and at the same time crushing his phone.

He felt like blood wasn’t able to course through his bloodstream correctly with his growing bulk stuck in his human clothing. James started clawing at his pants in a clumsy effort to get them off. He made enough holes for his pants and underwear to burst with another growth spurt of his body. James regretted what he did because he was completely naked where it mattered the most. Except he wasn’t because most of his torso and limbs were coated in silky white fur already.

“White fur… Short tail… And those paws…” – He said to himself with a shaky voice holding his right paw in front of him. “I’m becoming a polar b-eargh…!” – He grunted as he felt his chest start to expand and form holes in his shirt. With a loud rip his last human clothing exploded and fallen off him in pieces. James clutched his furry chest in panic as he felt it continue to swell. His ribcage was barrelling out and becoming more massive. All of the organs inside of him started growing bigger and shifting to better suit his new diet. His stomach was growing chubby and able to store more fat than that of a human. It started to bloat a bit leaving him with a distinctly ursine silhouette.

James winced as he felt his groin heat up underneath all that white fur. He timidly touched his manhood with his big paw. Immediately it sprung to life and started to drain blood and become erect. James felt his genitalia migrate slightly further beneath his legs into a more feral position. His scrotum lost all human pubic hair and instead started sprouting fluffy white fur so everything would be protected from the cold.

James panted heavily with his lungs enlarged and his manhood starting to throw lustful ideas at him. It didn’t work and James didn’t start masturbating on the spot, which seemed to trigger the changes in his shaft. It’s foreskin retreated more than it should, disappearing completely as a sheath started to form at the base of his cock. James continued to pant lustfully as his penis started to lengthen and thicken in size, slowly losing its human shape and becoming decisively ursine. The colours of the shaft changed to darker hues. James stared as his cock started to tilt upwards as a bone formed inside it to keep it in a more feral position. The mushroom started to flare out into elongated bear tip. The unrelenting growth continued until James sported an equipment worthy of his new species.

James pushed himself off the wall and started staggering towards the sun-lit street outside of the alley he was stuck in. He had a chance to masturbate, but he didn’t give in and so his erection started to dwindle and get slurped up into his furry sheath. He groaned and growled in inhuman voice as his legs started to shorten, become mostly quadrupedal and stocky. Despite all that he finally managed to get out into the open where there were cars and people. “Ghreeelph…! Plhreashrrrrre…” – He roared incoherently as his neck started to thicken and strip him off his voice.

The few people that were around immediately turned their attention to the massive polar bear that suddenly leapt out of an secluded alleyway. Some of them started to back away in utter terror, while others started to carefully make photos. A single woman yelled at the top of her lungs that there was a predatory animal in the middle of the city. “Nooo! I’m a human. I don’t want to hurt you…! Just help me, can’t you see I’m getting forcefully turned into a bear…!” – James tried to say, but all that came out were a series of ear piercing roars and snarls since bears really weren’t designed to speak and James was unfamiliar with his altered voice box.

The intimidating noises the man produced were enough to scare off the rest of the people around and they started running away from James. He himself only now noticed that his human hair had fallen out and his entire head was covered in white fur which made him appear like a complete bear. He was the only one who knew it wasn’t true as he felt his face start to painfully start to push out. James opened his mouth as wide as he was able to and groaned in agony as his face started pushing out into a muzzle.

His nose blackened completely and widened into an ursine shape pushed further away from the rest of his face by his forming muzzle. His head started to slope down and change shape into a more primal one, with his brain squeezed into a smaller form and flatter forehead. James blinked as the colours drained from both his eyes and his vision. As his muzzle crunched into its final shape James started instinctively prodding its interiors with his elongated tongue. He felt how his teeth completely altered into a fully carnivorous dentition. One last wave of changes made him groan in guttural voice as his limbs became stocky and reinforced by strong muscles and his torso expanded in the final series of cracks.

James the polar bear shook his head in disbelief only now able to finally think in peace about what the hell happened to him. He tried to get up onto two legs and actually succeeded, but one step was enough to force him onto all fours again. His body was no longer bipedal, but was able to balance on two legs for a while. James heart was pounding in fear realising that he would be captured by some animal control and taken to a zoo or worse. He started to intensively think about why this happened to him, just to realise that the answer was simple – The ice creams he ate were unoriginally called polar white. James examined his strong fur covered body and realised that he became a polar white bear, but that didn’t explain how all of this was possible. And why would the vendor do this to him?

Suddenly he heard sirens and a few specialised vehicles showed up. Armed men ran out of them and carefully towards James. They pointed their dart guns at him and seemed ready to pacify him any second now. James then noticed the ice cream man talking to one of the armed men. “Thank you for showing up so quickly. I hope the new addition to your zoo is satisfying, despite it running out of the alleyway. Usually the transforming people kept their humiliating changes to themselves, while this one attempted to call out for help. Luckily he was too far gone for any of the passers-by to notice…” – The ice cream man went on.

James didn’t need a second longer to listen. Now everything was clear, almost everything. The ice cream man turned his customers into animals for the local zoo, but how did he get such magical abilities was unknown. It didn’t matter though as James was stuck as an animal for good it seemed. Being a bear didn’t seem all that bad, but if a chance would appear James sworn that he would try to escape his captors and possibly regain his human form.


Truttle Bear

Very excellent read! I love the bear stories. :3 💕