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Man into Male Tyrannosaurus Rex Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

Nearby where Max lived there has been a dig site of archaeologist created recently and used for the obvious – To find more about the prehistorical past since the location was suitable for that, judging by the scientists’ research.

Max was too curious not to visit the place and so he sneaked over to it one day when it was dark and there was nobody around the place. To Max’s surprise the place wasn’t monitored by cameras, guards or even a single dog. Perhaps it was the case because the scientists didn’t find what they were looking for – Max thought to himself as he came over the short fence around the dig site.

The place didn’t look special either and it was slightly disappointing for Max. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see there – A wonderous machine searching for the past? A huge bone of some previously unknown species? Even if he would find something like this with his non-existent knowledge about such things.

Slightly demotivated by his own thoughts and by how little he saw he decided he’d back home soon, but before that he had one place around here to check out. He managed to spy on the archaeologists earlier that day and they were working on a new machine unlike any others. Max had no idea what the thing did, but maybe it was some kind of an archive of knowledge from around here – His overexaggerated thoughts implied him.

He ran towards the big computer-like machine and started fiddling with it. He managed to turn it on and chuckled nervously at how easy it appeared. He started to expect to find something interesting around here after all. The computer started showing him categories of research, mainly dinosaur DNA indexes. Max’s eyes shined as he browsed through the impressive compendium of Jurassic information, he was able to check the most complex data on almost every prehistorical species.

It was too good, literally and Max’s luck was running out. He was unprepared to come here and everything he did was improvised. As it often is in this kind of situations something unexpected and chaotic was about to happen. A simple wild mouse with overgrown incisors felt a need to chew on something and unfortunately it chose the cable’s of the computer Max was interacting with.

Max was too absorbed by exploring the machine’s secrets to hear the barely audible squeaks which forecasted no good. Before he was able to take his hands off the panel he was suddenly zapped by a relatively strong shockwave emitted by the device. “Gah…! What the f… H-How…?” – He muttered to himself shocked as he started rubbing his burned hands together. They weren’t burned to crisps, but they were hurt and the unexpected occurrence was enough to make Max give up on his ideas to further explore the dig site’s secrets.

“Yeah, that does it. I’m turning this crappy machine off… I’m lucky I’m still alive if a machine like that suddenly malfunctioned.” – He said to himself out loud as he got up and walked towards the computer. That’s when he instantly noticed that it was still functioning despite some cables being torn in half behind it and crackling with electricity. Max was getting slightly unsettled by this, but what was more enigmatic happened on the monitor – Flashes of bones and other dinosaur remains were flashing on the screen.

Max stared at the screen hypnotised until once again the machine caught him off guard and suddenly turned off as it stopped on what appeared to be a T-Rex’s skull. The machine hummed a bit before it went completely silent and apparently turned off completely by itself. Max gulped in fright – Did he somehow screw up the machine, he barely did anything on it?

The moonlight was strong that night and was reflecting against Max’s exposed skin in a specific manner. Max scratched his head thinking and not noticing how it caused a few of his hair to fall out. “How did this even happen? Everything was going well… Wait, are those cables freaking bitten?! Well, at least I know that I didn’t destroy the mach- Huh…?” – Max continued to gather his thoughts out loud until he started feeling strange to say the least. Muscles all over his body ached and he bizarrely felt as if his clothing started to get too tight for his body, mainly his pants.

He winced and rubbed his legs through the clothing a bit – He wasn’t mistaken, his legs appeared more muscular and harder to the touch, but how? It was hard to see much of anything now that the only source of light which was the computer was gone. And yet something started happening to Max’s sight. He blinked and his eyes gradually changed to make his sight keener and sharper, despite it being almost completely dark. Unbeknown to max his pupils stretched into vertical, reptilian slits and his eye colour changed from brown to orange amber.

“Hngh…” – He grunted as he practically felt a rapid, but unsignificant growth of his body. His clothing was extremely strained by now. Max’s heart started beating faster as he realised that something bad was happening to him, the changes weren’t illusionary – They were real. “S-Something’s happening to me… But what? And how on earth…?! My pants… So tight-gh!” – He complained as small holes started forming in his awfully stretched pants. With his improves sight and the moon shining brighter at the moment Max noticed something that almost made him faint. The flesh exposed through the holes in his pants was discoloured, glossy and yet covered in hundreds of tiny plates.

Max reached out his trembling right hand to feel the shifting texture of his skin, but that’s when another revelation came – His arm felt stiff, weak and worst of all slightly shrunken? It just felt like the distance between his hand and his knee had increased. Without touching his skin he noticed more holes form on his pants as they started to self-destruct under Max’s growing legs.

“Gh- I need to get h-help…! Ghaaaahn…!” – He cried out in pain as he bent over when several painful jolts travelled through his spine. He tried to straighten up after the painful sensations, but that was impossible now as his back was locked into a new alignment. Max was dazed and shocked by the cryptic changes which caught him completely off guard and the upcoming ones seemed inevitable.

Max frowned staring at his hands as they started to cramp more and contract on themselves. In his bare sight his hands started to shrivel up, most noticeably his fingers which started shortening and getting useless. Max was helpless to fight the changes and before he realised three of his stubby fingers on each of his hand started to dissolve into nothingness. The remaining two digits on each of his shrivelling hands were pathetic and useless unable to grasp onto anything, especially since Max’s arms were following a similar fate. His entire body seemed to gain muscles and girth, except for his arms which in contrast were demoted to useless pair of limbs. The more changes they underwent the more scaly they became as well – The skin looking sickly brown as it twisted into hide covered in miniscule, hard scales.

“Fuck, my hands…! I’m s-so done…” – He muttered in-between the changes. Soon more pain hit his spine, specifically his tailbone as it started to pound outwards and slowly elongate, pulling flesh along with it and forming a sort of conical nub of a tail which gradually slid out of Max’s constricting jeans. Shivering the man managed to turn his head enough to see the forming appendage. “This can’t b-be… The scales, m-my arms and now a t-tail…!?” – He groaned as his forming, throbbing tail continued to extend from his ass making his buttocks slowly disappear as the fat was redistributed elsewhere on his shifting body.

Max gasped as his pants finally tore apart because of his thickening legs and widening hips. His jeans and underwear fallen onto the ground leaving him completely exposed – Which felt bizarre with his anus now without the cover of his butt-cheeks and continuously pressed further underneath his forming tail. Max whimpered as his lower skeleton expanded to make his legs his biggest advantage over the other creatures around along with his growing size.

Having to lean over because of his altering skeleton and stance, Max flailed his small arms to balance his body better from the unfamiliarity to it. Meanwhile his legs continued to shift drastically now that the material encasing laid tattered underneath the shifting man. The muscles on his legs bulged and started to force his bones to alter along with them. Max was forced to tilt forwards and backwards as his legs bent in unnatural directions giving him a somewhat digitigrade stance of a proper dinosaur. His ever-growing tail was helping him balance his body a bit better as it twitched behind him and continued to lengthen.

Max felt like his feet were getting crushed inside of his shoes for a moment, before they promptly exploded with another growth spurt. Max realised that his shoes survived so long because his feet were aligned differently for some time now, he was forced to stand on his tiptoes. His inner bones merged and thickened, his digits started to malform and thicken except for one toe on each of his foot as they started to shrivel up into nothingness leaving his shifting feet with four digits each. That is until his big toes started to get hauled up on his feet, they shrank some and turned into what appeared to be reptilian dewclaws. With that his feet were left with three strong digits for balance, slowly getting pierced by the extending black talons.

Max tried to make a few steps, but with his tail still forming his balance was very poor and his stance was unsteady. With his movement he gotten more self-conscious about his new coating in form of brownish scales which slowly encompassed his entire body. Max comprehended how much he changed and so he glanced at the computer that possibly caused the change – The machine was now way smaller in comparison to his body. Not just that, everything was getting smaller around Max as his body slowly, but unwaveringly gained mass. Therefore his shirt had no chance as Max’s torso started undergoing its changes. Max tensed up his muscles and to his shock it worked, his shirt tore down the middle and slid off him.

Max was almost the size of a small tree now which just confused him further along with the invasive changes. It wasn’t easy getting used to such a big change of perspective, especially when everything about his body was becoming alien to him. His tail was now almost the length of the rest of his body and continued to push out in growth spurts, swaying in pride with each metre gained. It was no surprise that just as Max’s outer shell changed, his insides did as well to fit it. His lower body was almost indistinguishable from that of a tyrannosaurus rex, but the churning in his stomach proven him there were still some changes left.

The stirring in his crotch brought Max’s attention to it. He stared as his cock started to get erect and he blushed instinctively. His genitalia were moving further underneath his legs, closer to his anus. A strange suction started at his groin as his penis despite being erect started to get sucked at from the inside. His ballsack’s pubes fallen out as the skin around his testicles grew tauter. Max had trouble examining his changes, but he felt and heard the two wet plops and surges of pleasure as his testicles travelled deeper inside of him, leaving only a bit of scaly hide hanging where his testicles were.

Max really hoped that his gender was to be spared from the transformation. Luckily his shaft instead of shrivelling into nothingness suddenly started to pulse and grow bigger, more bestial between his strong legs. Max sighed in relief and then started moaning subtly as he felt his tip getting sharper and his cock losing its human shape. His penis was becoming smoother, sleeker, but meatier and longer – Appropriate for a huge dinosaur he was becoming. Max just wished he’d be able to touch his impressive cock, but his arms disallowed that. His cock throbbed and with it a thick rope of cum shot out, the remnants of his humanity which made the shifting man arch his back in pleasure.

His genitalia were now fully saurian, almost as a strange throbbing sensation risen further underneath his tail – His anus was starting to tingle in pleasure as if it was somewhat getting connected with his genitalia. Max then recalled a little fact about reptiles and his jaw dropped as he felt his massive cock get slowly hauled inside of him for later. With a wet slurp the sharp, dripping tip disappeared inside the genital slit that formed at its base previously. Max’s legs started shaking as his cock-slit started to migrate towards his anus.

The ecstatic churning down there made Max stick out his tongue and enjoy the sensations of his two holes merging into one reptilian cloaca. The pleasure rings bundled up together and his equipment slid deeper inside of him. Max felt the cum leak out of his winking cloaca, making him wiggle his tail in the process from the thrill. With those changes his tail also reached its final impressive size and length, now it was slowly getting covered in the dark scales that encompassed the rest of his body.

Max shook his head and once again looked down at his body which seemed as if it was straight from a movie. His body was huge, scaly and decisively saurian. Max took a moment to just stare at his shrinking environment as he was getting as big as some of the tallest trees around here. His ears started to shrink as scaled started climbing over his bald head. Below, where the scales passed the human features disappeared off his body for example his nipples which faded into nothingness as his skin grew scaly at that area.

At the same time Max was forced to tilt even more forwards as his back altered. Max groaned in guttural voice as his spine thickened and gotten more pronounced on his back for support of his weight. His ribcage was pounding with the organs inside it as they all started to expand and swell larger, ballooning out his chest into a barrel-like shape. Not without discomfort, but at this point Max just succumbed to the changes – There seemed no way of stopping them now. He was so huge that if he’d want to touch the archaeologists machine he'd crush it and screw up himself more. Besides, he was becoming an actual T-Rex, despite the pain of the changes it was amazing and sort of a dream come true – For now at least before the consequences of his changes showed up.

“Hrhgumhran nhrrawhrmorhe… Ghr-hraa-“ – Max growled in his rapidly devolving voice as it became nothing more than a series of snarls, growls and roars of a dinosaur. This was his reality now to get used to his new somewhat monstrous body and survive in it. Max closed his eyes as he felt unpleasant throbbing in his neck which started to elongate and the vertebrae in it started multiplying. His head was drifting further away from his scaly torso as his neck was getting more flexible.

Max tried to brace himself for the last changes, but there was really no way to prepare for your face to explode into a muzzle of a prehistorical predator. The process started by gentle tingles in Max’s bones, then rising pressure appeared in them and started changing the very structure of his skull. His human features were getting washed off his visage. His nostrils were parting from each other as his face started to slowly push out into a snout with slitted nostrils at its front.

The teeth in his mouth apparently grown with the rest of the man’s body, but now started to change shapes as they became primalistically carnivorous. His tongue slapped those reforming teeth as it grew longer as well, while becoming narrower at its end. Max growled in discomfort as his brain was squeezed immensely inside and by his very skull which sloped down and became flatter at the top as his snout continued to push out into a muzzle.

The longer his muzzle grew out the more his eyes parted ways and slowly moved to the sides of his growing head. Max shook his head with each growth surge of his protruding, blunt muzzle which started to flatten the remains of his nose. His teeth were now deadly sharp primal fangs and nothing more. His increasingly scary visage lost all of the facial hair some time ago, which was now replaced by the same scales that covered the rest of his body. With one more hit to his skull from the inside his muzzle pushed into its final shape and Max roared in triumph at enduring the transformation.

He shook his head and realised that he was still himself, which was somewhat unexpected based on the hardcore changes his brain underwent. Maybe it was intentional? Maybe what the archaeologists and the scientists worked on around here was something more than just archaeology… Max looked at the world around him, so much smaller. The trees around seemed like they would easily give way to his strong body as he’d pass between them. His muscular, pronounced legs able to crush trucks effortlessly.

Despite his life changing so drastically Max was somewhat full of pride and awe because of his strong primal body. He had so many possibilities. He knew people would cower in fear at the sight of him and that would lead to him getting chased by the army and special forces at some point. Or maybe he’d get captured by the scientists since they would be more than blunt force and would want to examine the only living dinosaur in the modern world? Max chuckled at those thoughts in a reptilian way and broke into a run towards the unknown future ahead of him, his every step causing loud thuds and small earthshakes in the areas he passed…


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