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Man into Male Worgen Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

Greg was running full speed from the group of worgens that have been chasing him since he escaped Gilneas. They were relentless and manged to wound him, but it was a mere scratch thankfully. Greg was shocked when he stopped and realised that the monsters weren’t chasing him anymore.

“By the Light, I’m saved… Why did I come to trade to this accursed city in the first place. Never coming back there again…” – He muttered as he leaned against a tree and scratched his wound which started to itch. The wound was located on his left side and wasn’t even dripping blood. It was exposed through the hole of the nobleman’s clothing made by the beasts that attacked him. Although unbeknown to Greg short, coarse grey hair started to grow out all around it.

Greg was a calm, pragmatic tailoring merchant who wandered from city to city in the Eastern Kingdoms. Despite having the necessary experience to travel so much, he never was in such a dire situation that the city he was in got wholly overtaken by monsters. Gilneas was such a city and Greg was caught off guard when he was about to leave it and finalised his last deal. One of the worgens managed to slash him and then the chase started.

He groaned in regret and started to realise that something was very wrong with his supposedly meaningless wound. Greg started scratching it furiously as he pondered whether he should try his luck and go back to the city to retrieve his most crucial belongings. After all he had to leave everything behind in the city to have a better chance at escape.

“Owh! What the- No! Claws…?!” – He cried out when he injured himself with his fingernails which have blackened and started growing out into sharp and long bestial claws. Greg grasped his left clawed hand with his right one which was in similarly dire state. The man trembled in dread when he realised that he’s been infected just like the most of people in the unfortunate city. He didn’t even consider it for a moment before, but now as he stared at his elongating fingers tipped with deadly claws the evidence unmistakable.

“Shit, shit, shit… My entire body… B-Burns…!” – He groaned as his muscles all over his body started to sear with transformative energy and strengthen to slowly reshape his body into that of a beast. Greg was unable to focus because of the pain and all of the changes happening all at once. “Somebody… Heeeelp meeagh…!!!” – He screamed in pain when his legs started cracking and the bones in them malforming into a more feral alignment.

Greg knew screaming for help wouldn’t help him. Everyone in kilometres distance was either a beast or dead – Who would help him and how? Greg whimpered and rested his beastly paws against the bark of the tree for support as his legs started to reform into digitigrade stance entirely. He felt something swell on his palms and as he turned one hand around he realised that his skin blackened and started to swell out into pads of leather like those worgs have on their extremities.

He was unable to stop exploring his morphing human body that he was probably losing for good. His human hair changed texture, grew denser and longer until it became nothing else than fur. It creeped over his arms and enveloped them whole. Underneath the fur the man’s muscles bulged with primal strength stretching his clothing to the limits. His pantlegs started to split up the middles as well as Greg tried to balance on his altered muscular legs.

His shoes that fit him perfectly several minutes ago were now suffocating his feet as they swollen and malformed into a set of strong paws inside them. Greg gasped as his thickened fingers burst through the front of his shoes. He stared defeated at what used to be his feet a while ago. Thick digits tipped with sharp black claws replaced his toes. Swollen dark pads started forming underneath them and his tiptoes on which he was forced to stand on. His shoes finally gave up on his malforming feet and fallen off them utterly ruined.

“Why is thisghr- Happening to all of us…? Ghraaagh…!” – He roared in deeper voice and arched his back as his spine started to pop and thicken forcing him to stand in a hunched over position semi-permanently from now on. Greg’s fear was slowly getting replaced by feelings fuelled by his changes – Wild madness and primal fury that is. He did nothing in his life to deserve such a fate and he started snarling and baring his teeth as more changes wrecked his body.

His jacket and shirt were no match for his broadening chest which kept reinforcing itself with growing muscle mass. With several loud rips his upper clothing started to lose the battle with Greg’s growing bulk. Holes formed and soon his shirt and jacket fallen off him further sealing his beastly fate – He would hardly need clothing with all the fur he kept growing. His body was almost entirely covered in grey animalistic fur.

His slightly tattered pants and underwear were the only clothing left on the monstrous appearing man, but those were least of his worries as he was constantly bombarded with agonising changes. Greg felt his ears start to twitch unnaturally as they started to shift. He brushed one with his clawed hand and felt how it thinned down and elongated into a sharp canine point. Greg felt how the hair on his head shifted to become a sort of grey mane.

As Greg started to comprehend how much he changed, his blunt and primal emotions calmed down slightly. Terror of the situation hit him back. His eyes widened in fear as he felt them start to tickle and change as well. From dim green they turned bright feral yellow. Greg’s vision changed slightly and became more adjusted to the darkness of the forest around him. The man’s lips started to throb and shift. They darkened and gained a glossy pitch black hue – His visage was becoming unmistakably canine.

Inside his agape maw his teeth started to swell inside of his gums. Greg touched them with his tongue – Yet again getting caught off guard with how drastic the changes were. His omnivorous teeth grew bigger and sharpened into savage, beastly fangs way bigger than those in natural animals. He wasn’t becoming just an animal, he was becoming a worgen, a beast.

Short grey fur started climbing Greg’s face and where they passed his human features melted down and gotten replaced with those of a worgen. His nose started to become more sensitive and change in his field of view. It started to widen and darken, his nostrils flared out slightly, his breathing became heavier. A migraine started clasping at Greg’s entire skull and with a gruffy gasp he clutched his face knowing what was too come.

First tickling, then throbbing and lastly pounding from inside of his head as his head started shifting as a whole. “Ghrnoooooowr…! Ghraaaaaaah…!” – He roared as his cranium started sinking and squeezing his brain into a smaller shape. His jaws started marching outwards and painfully stretching his face into a blunt snout. His black nose was drifting further from the rest of his face and his pained mouth was stretched wider by his extending jaws.

Greg staggered holding his forming muzzle between his monstrous hands, feeling his hands parting as the muzzle kept growing longer. Finally Greg tripped over a root and fallen down with a thud landing on his side. He curled up into a protective ball as his muzzle finally pushed to its limits. His face got fully covered in grey fur and his tongue lengthened to fit his canine muzzle. With that the changes seemed to finally end.

Greg panted on the ground with his tongue out – No longer a human, but a worgen he felt like a human in alien’s body. All of his movements felt different as his body became stronger and more resilient as well as bestial. He felt like a mix of a human and an animal, which he generally was. While his hands were still somewhat human, his feet weren’t spared and became thick paws strong enough to allow him to move on two legs.

Greg rolled over onto his back as he felt the heat of the changes once more. This time though they focused on something unexpected. A clue in form of a tent in his strained pants showed up. Greg gasped in a growly voice that was hardly his human one as he realised what was left unchanged for the most part on his body. His shifting dick was stuck underneath tight clothing and Greg was left with no choice, but to tear apart his pants with his sharp claws.

Freed of clothing confinement his cock throbbed between his legs. It was bigger than previously, but mostly unchanged. Unlike his ballsack which lost its human pubes and got covered in soft light grey fur already. Greg’s monstrous hands above his somewhat human cock were a big contrast, but the difference was about to be washed over.

Greg stared as his foreskin started to recede until it gathered up at the base of his morphing cock. His heart started pounding as he watched a wolfish sheath form from what used to be his foreskin. Light white fuzz started growing over the sheath as it started to fuse with Greg’s stomach at the base. Greg was ashamed of himself – His cock was becoming increasingly canine and it was an intimidating sight, but Greg’s new instincts kept encouraging him to touch his manhood.

With a grimace he listened unable to hold himself idle while his manhood shifted. Rough paw-hand started stroking the shifting, reddening shaft and Greg stuck out his tongue as he masturbated. His cock’s tip started to sharpen and the lines separating his cock’s head with the rest of the shaft disappeared. Greg growled in bestial pleasure as webbed veins formed on his smooth, yet painfully erect cock.

His grasp started to widen as the base of his cock started to inflate. A hard bulbous knot slowly took shape at the base of his altering shaft. It was too much for Greg and with one more stroke he yelped as his canine cock started pulsating and spurting ropes of cum onto his thick chest. The orgasm made him shudder in bliss multiple times. As his orgasm dissipated Greg felt an urge and with it he rapidly bent over to envelop his ferally tilted cock with his muzzle.

His lengthened tongue made wet circles around his sharp shaft. Greg cleaned up his manhood of the residue and stimulated it further making it throb inside of his gaping maw. Slobber mixed with cum and Greg felt more cum ooze out of his cock as he sucked himself. With his long muzzle and altered spine he was able to stimulate himself in more than one way by now and he savoured that. He was forcefully made a worgen and so he acted like one lost in primal pleasure.

When his lust was sated he shakily got up onto his strong legs, but quickly dropped onto all fours realising how much better it felt. He was now able to choose his stance – Either hunched over bipedal or natural quadrupedal. From how he felt he realised that despite his body getting entirely reformed, his mind hasn’t changed. There were new instincts and needs, but he was able to control them if he tried hard. He arched his spine and howled at the moon, right after hearing many more howls in the distance. A grin formed on his muzzle and with that Greg dashed towards the other worgen like him…


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