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Man into Male Brown Bear Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Painful

Oliver suddenly came to, awaken by loud clinging of chains. He gasped and frantically looked around just to realise he was in a dark forest. Then what caused the noise? – He squinted harder and frozen in fear when he noticed many dark silhouettes standing all around him. He was abducted by some madmen, he realised – How else would he find himself in such a situation? “What’s going on? Where the hell am I?! I… I can’t move, gh.” – He muttered when he realised that he was tied with a rope to a tree.

His questions were left unanswered by the eerily silent gatherers. Instead each of them started preparing something. Two of the men stood next to a bowl in which they prepared some kind of green ointment. Another two placed a pair of tribal looking drums nearby. The final cultist was lighting a bonfire. The light illuminated the surroundings and Oliver’s heart started beating harder when he suddenly noticed all the strange symbols carved into the nearby trees, the strange looking skulls lying all around and many more cryptic details which mortified him.

One of the cultists started changing something silently. The fact nobody even wanted to answer what were they going to do to him was the worst – The feeling of not knowing what was about to happen to him. “A-Are you going to kill me…?” – He stammered horrified when he saw a bowl of bloody liquid get placed in front of him. Two of the cultists nodded at each other and gestured for somebody far away to step into the light. Another man dressed in robes came to Oliver and kneeled in front of him. “They are all mutes and you won’t hear a single word from them. It’s all for the greater good, for the nature’s sacrifice…” – The old man said with an exotic accent.

Oliver stared at the man wide eyed. “What?! What sacrifice? Can you tell me what’s going happen to me? I can’t take the ambiguity anymore!” – Oliver muttered. “Strong emotions accelerate the process. You’ll do great and will see soon enough what the ritual is about. And besides… If you forgot, you’re the one who agreed to this in the first place…” – The old man said, stood up and retreated into the darkness. Oliver just kept shaking his head in disbelief – He would never agree to something like this. Although now that the man reminded him, Oliver recalled taking a lot of strange pills to help him forget what happened before.

It didn’t matter as the inevitable started to happen. Two of the robed cultists came to Oliver, untied him and gestured for him to undress. He looked at them pleadingly, but decided it would be best not to deny their will. At least for now – He thought to himself that if they’d like to force him into some ritualistic copulation he’d fight them until he'd perish rather than join them. He undressed slowly, trying to think of an escape plan as he did, but there were just too many cultists around to form any rational escape plan.

The tallest cultist in the circle started incantating something in an incomprehensible language. Oliver gulped and he suddenly was forced onto his knees by the two cultists at his sides. They started to smear the green salve onto his hands. Oliver gasped in shock and then pain as he felt something happen to his hands underneath the ointment. The rapidly drying up ointment was pierced by sharp spikes erupting from his fingertips. Except they were no demonic spikes, but his elongating and sharpening fingernails turning into claws.

“Aaaaah! What’s happening to me?! M-My hands…!” – Oliver screamed in shock and discomfort as he felt his hands thicken and throb with more changes. The two ritualists at his sides didn’t stop smearing the strange salve over his body, what the ointment covered it changed into something far more bestial than human shapes. Oliver stared trembling as his fingers painfully shortened a bit into almost unmovable digits. His palms started changing hue into black-grey, swelling out and numbing altogether. Soon unmistakable paw-pads formed on Oliver’s altered hands as he turned them around and examined the impossible – He was turning into some beast!

Four hands caressed his arms with the salve in them which caused more changes. It almost felt like a massage at first, but the throbbing pain of his swelling muscles, thickening bones and altering anatomy was purely uncomfortable. His arms were appearing inhuman and weren’t as flexible as they were previously, their surface started to itch. As the dried up salve crumbled and fallen off Oliver’s swelling arms he noticed tiny brown hair start to grow all over them. The patches of hair grew denser and longer until they resembled fur that covered his entire arms by now.

The salve-coated hands massaged his shoulders for a moment before two agonising snaps forced his arms to tilt into a more feral position in front of him making him grunt in pain. “Nononono… This can’t be happening. What am I even becoming?! Stop this, please! I don’t want to become an animal!” – Oliver pleaded as he felt the hands start to move faster over his body. His entire torso was by now coated in the salve and the two men started working on his legs.

Oliver was so helpless that he wanted to slash the two cultists at his sides with his new claws, but his arms were bending all differently and made it way too hard to work. The pressure in his chest was another nauseating complication. Oliver’s breathing became more fatigued as his lungs started to alter and swell bigger, in the process stretching his ribcage and expanding it into a more barrel-like shape. The growing pelt of brown fur tried to keep up with the changes.

The cultists around started to chant altogether adding to the dread of the situation. Two of them started pounding on the tribal drums drowning out Oliver's moans of discomfort as his spine thickened and popped audibly on his broadening back. All of his intestines grown bigger and changed shapes and functions, unbeknown to Oliver preparing him for almost solely carnivorous diet. His stomach bulged out slightly for all of the organs to fit in his altering body snuggly. A single tear fell off his face and onto his increasingly furry stomach as Oliver watched his body morph grotesquely further.

He hasn’t noticed when the hands finished covering his entire legs with the disgusting salve. Now his legs thickened with additional muscles, but also shortened slightly to better adjust to his mostly quadrupedal form. His feet fattened up and started turning into thick paws like his hands did previously. His soles puffed up and formed paw-pads. His toenails changed hue to dark beige and blackness as they started to elongate into slightly curved bear claws. It was confusing at first, but now Oliver started to realise what he was turning into. He grabbed his right foot with his clumsy fore paws and contemplated what he lost.

A sudden pain in his tailbone made him jump onto all fours again. There was a rising pressure and a sensation of tugging as his tailbone unfused and started to elongate into a short tail. Therefore thankfully the pain subsided quickly and the newly grown, stubby tail got covered in brown shaggy fur. Oliver felt as if his entire lower body was transformed into that of a bear. Despite not being coated in the ointment his head slowly altered as well, but at a very slow pace.

Oliver’s body grown altogether during the changes, by now he was twice his initial size and shaped completely like a bear. His neck started to thicken and tilt forward a bit. He felt his vocal chords distort inside it and his voice turn growly and gruffy. Oliver realised that if he’d use his newfound strength he might be able to escape and then think of a way to turn back into a human. He just had to- *Splash.* Oliver’s head was forced into the bowl full of red liquid by the cultist’s hands.

Oliver’s muscular neck allowed him to overcome the cultist’s strength and get his head out of the bowl, but the damage was done. Searing pain enveloped his entire head and made Oliver growl in pain as it started to remold. His skull started creaking as it began to push out in many directions and gain a completely new shape. “Ahhhhnr-hnrooo! Shrooopn-ghraaaaghhrt…!” – He roared in pain incoherently as he lost the remains of his voice and succumbed to the agony of his skull shifting.

His human ears fattened up slightly and gained a rounder shape, slowly migrating atop of his shifting head. Oliver swayed his head wildly to get the transformative liquid off it. He blinked frantically as his vision was blurred momentarily when his eyes turned amber and more ursine. His vision was different and less precise than previously, but something was about to replace that sense. Oliver stared cross eyed as his nose started to change in texture and shape. It widened and became completely black, forced to tilt forwards with its flaring out nostrils. Short fur started to cover his entire head and replace his human hair.

Oliver panted hard, wanting the torturous procedure to be over already. He felt his skull flatten slightly and his head slope down, but the most intensive pain came from his jaws and maw. He felt his human teeth become gradually sharper inside his maw. His tongue started to elongate and roll out of his maw. Minor changes like his lips blackening and becoming glossy unfolded just to finally hit his face with an unimaginable pressure. Oliver didn’t sound human in the slightest as he roared in pain, watching what used to be his face slowly drift further away from the rest of his head. His nose and jaws pushed into a long ursine muzzle in a series of painful growth surges. The facial changes felt like they took forever, but they finally seemed to subside and Oliver wanted nothing more than to just collapse and faint as he became a complete bear.

Except no. The cultist calmed down with their ritual – The chanting stopped, but the drums quietly continued to make sounds as many cultists rushed towards the big brown bear that used to be Oliver. He growled in fear expecting them to stab him or something, but instead they forcefully made him roll over onto his back. Oliver flailed his paws helplessly, but the cultists quickly apprehended him. He stared with watery eyes as the cultists started to work on his only unchanged body area, his groin. Mostly unchanged anyway as it has been growing short brown fur for some time now an making tiny adjustments for his cock to be ready to become more bestial.

The cultist’s shady faces seemed to grin as they started to massage different parts of Oliver’s groin with the ointment in their hands. The bear was helpless and moaning in forced pleasure with each movement of the multiple hands on his groin. His pubic hair fallen off long ago replaced by the softer brown fur. Underneath it his testicles slowly inflated and changed to produce different kind of sperm than he got used to his entire life. His ballsack got weighed down an stretched by his ursine balls.

Oliver tried to make an intimidating face and scare the cultists off him before they’d strip him off his human manhood, but no such luck. No amount of baring fangs and roaring at the cultists helped. With each stroke of his shaft his growls and roars turned into bestial moans as his cock started to shift. It fattened up and started to elongate. As it did its foreskin started to retreat both because of the changes and his growing erection. Foreskin changed shape and function slightly as it grew short brown fuzz all over and turned into an animalistic sheath.

The cultists were relentless, but they enjoyed seeing their ritual work and change the man into a complete bear rather than thrive in pleasuring him. Oliver panted staring at his flattening tip. His cock changed hue to a flushed red and pulsed excitedly to fit the rest of Oliver’s body at this point. It bobbed and was tickled by the stomach fur below it and the cultist’s touch as they ensured it was fully transformed. When they did they jumped off Oliver and as if on cue he instantly bent over and started pawing at his new ursine equipment.

He wasn’t able to control himself. His own body morphed in such an intimate way and his completely erect bear cock was too much. He clumsily stroked his shaft with his coarse black paw-pads careful not to scratch himself with his sharp claws. His furry ballsack pulled taut against his groin and Oliver thrust his head back as he came. Several thick ropes of cum landed on his stomach, chest and even head as his body spasmed in bliss. He splayed out his limbs limply as his cock twitched some more until it finally calmed down. Oliver’s altered nose felt the overwhelming musk of his cum and even his new scent all too well. He laid there on his back somewhat relieved, but in the back of his mind there was a realisation that he became a bear – His human life gone.

Oliver gradually calmed down after his first ursine orgasm. He felt his cock slowly slide into his new sheath fused to his stomach. He slowly rolled over onto all fours to see what the cultists planned to do to him now. He gasped in shock when he realised that there was nobody around him. It’s as if the cultists were never there or evaporated into the thin air – Both options unexplainable and bizarre. And worst of all despite the cultists who did this to him disappearing, he hasn’t changed back into a human. Oliver’s bear heart started to pound in his chest horrified. He was all alone in the dark midnight forest, stuck as a bear and locked into his new life which he had to accept sooner or later…


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