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Man into Male Samoyed Dog Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Slightly Painful | No Body Horror

Paul’s girlfriend Rose has invited him to come over and visit her at her place. He naturally agreed eager to advance in the relationship. Especially since it felt like it hasn’t progressed for over a year now despite his regular meetings with her.

He prepared himself as much as it was possible. Sharp looks, a bottle of wine and optimistic attitude were ought to help him in his task. He was still somewhat unsure about all this. What if he wasn’t a great boyfriend, despite him trying his best. Maybe she was just disappointed with him. He sighed to himself thinking about it as he knocked on her door.

 He fixed his hair with his hand quickly and stood there awaiting her. Soon the door opened and Rose greeted him. “Hi Paul, please come in!” – She said cheerfully and gestured for him to enter. He smiled and seeing Rose in a joyful mood made him hug her. She didn’t really expect that, but patted Paul on the back faking a hug herself.

“I got a bottle of wine for you dear. Would you like some now…?” – Paul timidly asked as they entered the living room. “Thank you, I love red wine, but I’ll pass for now… You know, I have a present for you too.” – She said, surprising Paul positively in the process.

“Oh wow, that’s so kind of you! You shouldn’t have, all I care about is your-“ – Paul said, but stopped when he saw Rose pull out a collar out of her bag. “Uhm… You’re getting a d-dog…?” – He stammered confused. “In a sense… It’s for you! I know it’s a bit silly, but I too thought we should reinvigorate our relationship. We know each other for such a long time, I’ve been thinking about it for many weeks now. I’d like to have sex with you at last, the collar would be a playful addition.” – Rose explained.

Paul stood there confused at first, but now that Rose herself said she wanted to step up the game and finally do it, Paul smiled and replied – “I knew you too well after all. I believed in our love and now this. Are you sure you’re ready for this…? We’ll do it only if you’re sure.” – Paul said with a shaky voice. “I’m sure. Besides, why wait, we can do it here and now.” – She said as she clasped the collar around Paul’s neck.

He gulped nervously and when he saw Rose start to take off her clothes he did so too. He was so excited and positively surprised. He took off his shirt not paying attention to his darkening fingernails which started to grow sharper. A strange itchiness and heat appeared all over Paul’s body, but he blamed it on excitement. His feet hurt and he had trouble taking off his shoes, socks and pants while standing on two legs, but he managed to do so standing on his tiptoes.

Paul shivered looking at his partner who smiled back at him. There was only underwear left on both of them keeping them dressed up. “Rose, I want to thank you for giving me a chance in the first place and-“ – Paul got interrupted when Rose touched his lips with her index finger. She seductively pushed Paul onto the bed, feeling how his body hair was becoming softer and silkier.

Paul blushed at his girlfriend’s behaviour and his submissiveness. His body hair was already a soft pelt of white fur, but he was blissfully unaware of the changes as the fur started to spread over his entire body. Paul waited for Rose to guide the action further, but she stood above him smiling.

She broke the silence and the romantic mood all of the sudden. “You know Paul. I like you, but a macho you ain’t…” – She chuckled as she started to reveal her plan. Paul frowned shocked – If she thought so, why did she invite him over, made him undress and wear that… Collar… Paul’s heart started to beat faster, he was getting unsettled by all this and wanted to get the collar off and talk to his girlfriend seriously without looking like a pet.

As he stood up he had real trouble keeping his balance. He looked down at his feet and almost fainted – He was forced to stay on his tiptoes since his ankles pulled upwards and his feet started to malform into what appeared to be paws. His toes contracted unpleasantly and shrank until they became similar sizes altogether. A numb sensation appeared on his soles as they started to puff out and darken. The flesh turned into black paw pads. Not to mention that the short fur started to growing over his altered extremities. Paul stumbled backwards terrified until he hit the wall with his back.

Rose didn’t mock him, but she seemed intimidating and scary with her calm expression observing Paul’s changes. “You’re a good person, but you’ll be an even better dog soon enough Paul. See? That’s the problem. I’m more excited about you becoming my pet dog, than I ever was spending time with you…” – She said as she slowly walked towards Paul. In the dimly lit room the scene looked dramatic from Paul’s perspective.

“W-What are you saying?! Rose… God, Rose I’m changing into some animal! Please make it stop, it hurts!” – Paul muttered terrorised by his girlfriend and scared of his changes. His legs started reconfiguring further and encouraging him to get down onto all fours. His hands didn’t look better – Paul stared as his fingernails grew out into full on canine claws. He flexed his fingers until he wasn’t able to anymore as they shrank into stubby digits. Flesh swollen out on his palms and formed paw pads similar to those on his feet. Now his hands became useless canine-looking paws as well.

Paul closed his eyes as he felt the features on his head alter. His ears started to thin down, sprout white fur on their exterior. He touched them with his clumsy paws since his arms still had enough flexibility to do so, for now. His ears moved up on his morphing head until they stood up erect atop it as two canine triangles. His tongue felt too big for his mouth, so he allowed it to loll out. Which made him realise how his teeth have sharpened into fangs.

“Progressing well there Paul. Guessed yet what breed you’re becoming? A samoyed… Oh and an excited one. You do enjoy becoming a dog after all.” – Rose remarked when she saw a tent rise in Paul’s boxers. Paul looked down and yelped in humiliation when he saw his growing erection. He didn’t want to become a dog, but it seemed like his manhood itself embraced the changes as it started to tilt upwards into a more feral position.

“Oh Ghaaad… Why does it feel so g-ghood…?!” – Paul whimpered as he felt his genitals remold further and heat his groin up. He felt his foreskin alter completely and turn into a sheath that partially fused with his abdomen to keep his cock upwards in a doggy alignment. Paul whined in a canine fashion as his cock started to harden unnaturally, a penile bone grew inside his cock and forced it to become permanently hard basically.

“H-Huuuurths-hnnn…!” – He whined as his hard cock strained the boxers he wore. Precum that oozed from his morphing tip wettened his underwear in a humiliating manner of forced pleasure. “Poor thing. Yeah, you won’t need that as a dog.” – Rose said as she quickly cut Paul’s underwear in half with the scissors. Wet and ruined underwear fallen off the mishappen man revealing his increasingly canine erection.

“Nh-oooowr…!” - Paul panted with his tongue out, continuously resting his back against the wall. He struggled to talk as his neck altered along with his vocal chords and spine as a whole. He felt his tailbone start to push out into the beginnings of his forming tail. Meanwhile his cock started to peek out of his fluffy sheath – Now red and pointy with webbed veins all over it which made it look more canine than Paul dared to expect. Paul speechlessly threw his head back as he felt his cock fully come out of his sheath. A bulge started forming at the base of his red rocket. He felt his canine knot form and inflate with blood with the fleshy sheath holding his cock tightly below it.

Paul was overwhelmed with lust, but he shook his head defiantly. He wasn’t a damn animal! In final attempt to fight for his humanity he jumped onto rose. Only now realising that he shrank a bit – He was the size of a common samoyed by now. It didn’t matter, he wanted to plead his girlfriend for mercy. “Rrrhroosee… Ihr lhooovhre yhruuu…” – He managed to growl out as he pawed at her legs. “You do and therefore you’ll make a great dog. I like you and value you Paul. Now get down onto all fours and embrace the final changes…” – Rose said somewhat coldly as she grabbed Paul’s fore paws and laid them on the ground.

Paul was on all fours now – His new stance until the end of his days. He hanged his head low pitifully, disappointed by Rose’s betrayal. He sniffled as his nose changed texture, blackened and became more sensitive. His developing tail popped silently as it gained length and curled up a bit. It soon reached its final length and grew fluffy fur all over.

Paul looked between his legs just in time to witness his cock slowly enter his sheath, until only red lipstick tip peeked out. He realised that his balls were devoid of pubic hair and covered in fur like practically every part of his body at this point. He didn’t like being so exposed. He felt his insides churn as they changed.

Paul’s pelvis crunched and tilted forwards forcing him to remain on all fours. His hips narrowed a bit and his buttocks completely disappeared exposing his butthole shamefully. Annoyingly enough his tail instead of covering it up was curled up over his back.

His legs were fully digitigrade hind legs of a dog by now, which made his posture feel strangely natural for Paul. His arms morphed into fore legs, they were unable to bend in many angles by now. Paul’s chest expanded and barrelled out slightly and his stomach caved in.

Paul wanted to back away from Rose, but the final changes took the initiative instead. His head started to slope down. Last strands of his human hair got replaced by luscious, silky samoyed fur. Unable to speak Paul growled as his face started to push out into a muzzle. His nose lost last resemblance to that of a human as it became the wider canine counterpart instead. Luckily the muzzle pushed at a rapid pace and that spared the former human some suffering. Minor changed washed over him as his fur lengthened to its full extent and Paul was fully turned into a samoyed dog.

Rose towered above him, but crouched down to pet her new dog. “I know it seems like a lot Paul, but this isn’t some kind of vendetta against you. Try to enjoy your new life. I promise I’ll take care of you dear…” – Rose said as she started to stroke the fur between Paul’s doggy ears. He whined, but the way she stroked his fur calmed him down surprisingly quick. He decided to give Rose a chance...

He didn’t have much choice. He wasn’t able to speak, he lost his hands in exchange for paws. He was at Rose’s mercy, but if he’d ever change his mind he could always pretend to behave and run away in an adequate moment.

For now though he was a dog and he had a lot of factors to get used to. His tail started wagging timidly, because of his more optimistic thoughts. It was hard to deny that he became a cute dog, it could’ve been much worse. There was also the heat in his groin. As a dog he felt more horny without a trigger even. He already started thinking of humping a pillow or something when Rose wouldn’t look. He would never do it in front of her. He had a weird urge to behave in her presence, be a good pet dog. With those kind of realisations Paul began his new life as a dog…


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