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Man into Male Wolf Transformation Story | Unwilling (Initially) | NSFW | 3rd PoV | Slightly Painful | No Body Horror | Oral

It was sunny Friday, Ron was going back home from his work. He was tired, overheated and eager to get home already. He thought about his options and suddenly reminded himself that there was an unfamiliar, barely used path through the middle of the forest he was next to. He gave it a chance and checked the route on his phone. Apparently it was much shorter than the asphalt road he usually took.

He entered the overgrown forest path and walked for a while. Wasn’t much to judge – It was a typical rarely used countryside forest path. Unluckily filled with pests and parasites like ticks and mosquitoes. At least there was no sunlight constantly providing Ron with an increased chance of skin cancer – The trees provided him shade. They provided even more, a weirdly eerie atmosphere to his travel. It was afternoon and yet it was so dark in the grand forest. Ron shivered.

Suddenly his foot got caught by a root or something similarly hard, which instantly made the man fall over onto all fours. “Fuck sake!” – He cursed annoyed as he glanced behind him and noticed a very strange sight. The thing he tripped over wasn’t a root, but it was seemingly made out of wood. It looked like some kind of souvenir – It was covered in colours that made the totem resemble many heads stacked atop of each other. Ron’s annoyement faded away as he understood that he might have found something valuable.

He rubbed his knees to get the dirt off his pants as he got up and crouched. “Whoa, it looks like some kind of an Indian totem. Or native American rather. Either way it’s a totem… Damn. Sell it or keep it as a souvenir? – That is the question. First of all gotta get it out of the dirt.” – Ron gathered up his thoughts out loud. The totem was mostly covered with soil so Ron had to dig it out, but he managed to with enough determination. Soon enough he had the totem in his hands.

Indeed the wooden totem was made out of many visages with different expressions. Some looked weirdly inhuman and animalistic. “Some tribal gods’ depictions or something?” – Ron thought to himself as he rubbed the unearthed totem with a tissue to see more of its contours. As he did his fingers brushed the totem’s surface multiple times which clearly triggered something in it as the many eyes of the totem suddenly lit up.

“What the fuck?! The e-eyes!” – Ron exclaimed dropping the thing back into the hole he dug. Ron was genuinely shocked by the apparent magical attributes of the totem. “How the hell did they lit up? Maybe the totem is fake and actually some stupid toy with glowing eyes…?” – Ron thought to himself trying to make sense of the weird occurrence. As he did, his skin started itching all over his body, but predominantly where his body hair grew. Unbeknown to Ron his human body hair was gradually getting replaced by shaggy grey fur that he started growing.

Ron was shaking altogether and backed away from the totem when the wind started blowing harder all of the sudden. If the atmosphere was eerie previously, it got creepy now when he was in the middle of the forest with some accursed totem spewing magical wind at him. Ron started scratching his stomach instinctively as it itched unnaturally. “Owh! Wha- Oh God, my hand! I h-have fuckin’ claws…!” – Ron exclaimed when his fingernails pierced the flesh on his stomach with their newfound sharpness.

His fingernails have blackened, elongated and curved into animalistic points. “What the hell have you done to me…?!” – Ron yelled at the totem pathetically as he examined his hands, which continued to shift in his bare sight. Ron started backing away from the totem hoping that would help. It did seem to slow the changes, but it was getting increasingly hard for Ron to walk as his feet started aching and lengthening inside of his shoes. “Noooo, no, no, no…!” – He groaned as he staggered backwards a bit before falling onto his butt.

He started frantically untying his shoelaces to get his shoes off. His shoes throbbed and were hard to get off, but Ron pulled them off forcefully groaning in pain in the process. One sock flew off in the process, while the other one remained. Ron stared at his mishappen feet, ankles were slowly getting hauled higher on his legs as they reconfigured entirely. Ron winced and touched his left foot, actually his tiptoe. He felt something swell out underneath it – He turned his foot around and realised that many pads of black flesh pushed out of his sole and formed protective pads very resemblant of the canine ones.

His trembling hands massaged his malforming foot as the toes on it contracted into similar shapes and became stubby useless digits on his extremity. “It l-looks like a damn paw… I-I’m becoming some kind of an animal… T-This must be a nightmare, gotta wake up… Now!” – Ron freaked out as his feet slowly finished changing into a pair of hind paws. His right foot was still in his extremely strained sock, but it started tearing apart when Ron’s toenails erupted into black, curved claws that pierced the material easily. Ron gulped in terror as he slowly pulled the tattered sock off his right foot, revealing a bestial paw. He already knew that he was becoming some sort of a canine, but he had no idea how any of this was possible.

“S-Screw this, I ain’t waiting for a miracle. I’m calling an ambul-“ – Ron was interrupted when his right hand felt that his phone pocket was empty. Worse yet, his hands have changed further. “Goddamnit, I lost my phone! And my hands… I’m so screwed...” – He groaned as he watched his fingers slowly collapse on themselves, become stubby and plump useless digits on his increasingly paw-like hands.

His hands were also lengthening, which forced his shrinking thumbs to get pulled higher on his arms where they slowly morphed into dewclaws. As Ron expected at this point, his flesh started bubbling in several spots of his palms as it puffed out into black protruding paw-pads. At the same time his mixed grey, black and brown fur slowly started to infect his morphing arms. The fur was itching profoundly, the bones were aching horribly and the clothes were getting increasingly confining and problematic.

Ron groaned feeling like the transformation forced his hands, but it seemed like a necessity now – He had to undress or else his new anatomy would snap in his human clothing, which wasn’t made for a quadrupedal animal he was becoming. Ron started to fight his clothing, first the upper parts. As he did he realised that his body shrank slightly, or rather his silhouette altered – He was slightly more slender in appearance as his skeleton started to reform into that of a lithe predator.

Ron shivered at the thoughts and managed to thrash decisively enough to get his hoodie and shirt off him. “Yes! Now for the…” – He exclaimed and then noticed how much his body has changed underneath the clothes. His chest was all furry, now his arms were entirely covered in fur as well and he even knew what animal the fur belonged to. “I-I’m t-turning into a wolf…” – He mumbled as he felt his arms crunch and get less rotary and flexible. In a matter of seconds his arms fully turned into his fore legs. Ron cursed under his breath as he knew he won’t be able to undress that easily now.

He got onto all fours, which felt bizarrely natural for him already. Ron slowly started to accept his fate – The changes were too intimidating and overwhelming, there seemed to be nothing that would stop them now. Ron felt the fur creep onto his neck and then head, replacing his human hair with fur. Ron blinked stupefied, he was shocked that his head was already changing. Nothing was spared.

His eyes stung which made him blink rapidly as they morphed into wolfish counterparts. Their colour changed to gold and his vision altered forever, becoming dimmer, but his other senses would soon compensate for it. Ron’s hearing suddenly became strangely improved as his ears grew into triangular points. Even his senses felt strange and alien as they shifted considerably.

Ron sneezed unexpectedly as he noticed his nose start to blacken in his field of vision. Its texture changed dramatically – Tiny receptors formed all over its enlarging surface, which rapidly improved Ron’s sense of smell. His nose gained a doubtlessly canine shape – It grew a bit, became more triangular in a way and his nostrils were forced to tilt forward at the direction he stared at. He was already so absorbed by all the changes and now he smelled practically every biological thing within a few kilometres distance from him.

Ron’s neck ached as it popped forwards into a more feral position on his torso. His neck lengthened a bit and became more flexible along with his entire shifting spine. Inside his neck his vocal chords were morphing into canine counterparts that stripped him of his voice without him even realising it. He found out soon enough as his grunts and groans turned into growls and whines of discomfort when his skull started to change shape.

He felt like nobody and nothing would help him in the forgotten forest. The helplessness instead of making him call for help made him howl in sorrow in a wolfish manner. “Ghr… Aw-awhroooooo…!” – He howled with a single tear sliding down his furry face. His skull creaked as it sloped down and his jaws were put under unimaginable tension. Ron’s agape mouth displayed teeth which slowly remolded into rows of sharp carnivorous fangs. His tongue lolled out as it elongated and thinned down.

Ron’s lips blackened and became glossy as his face started to push outwards. He whimpered with closed eyes and maw continuously open as his nose and mouth was drifting away from the rest of his face. Slowly his muzzle gained its final shape and the pain in it stopped. Ron panted exhausted with tongue out instinctively. His head underwent minor changes as it fully became that of a wolf.

Ron was too devastated to move. His body was mostly that of a wolf at this point. His every single movement felt differently than it did for his entire life. His most standard senses like: sight, smelling and hearing changed a lot each in their own ways. And those were just the bodily changes, he didn’t dare to think about his private and public life after this transformation. It was a lot for Ron.

He shuddered some as his torso changed further. His shoulder blades narrowed and forced his fore legs to remain in their new quadrupedal alignment. Ron heaved as his upper torso started changing, his lungs expanded and practically stretched his ribcage into a more oval shape. Fur covered his entire body by now and underneath it on his chest and stomach he felt strange tingling in several spots. Underneath his original nipples many new rows of them formed, since both male and female wolves had them.

Changes went lower again and started to thin down Ron’s lower torso and legs. Ron made a few wobbly steps forward and his pants and underwear just slid off him. Ron felt his spine start to throb, most intensively in his tailbone. He knew what that meant and so he turned his wolfish visage back to observe. His spine strained his flesh as it pushed out into a tail nub. Soon more vertebrae formed inside of it and the developing tail grew in length. Changing species was one thing, but having a completely new appendage grow out of his tailbone was something truly befuddling.

The tail was almost fully grown now and fallen down inertly because of its weight. Wolf’s tail reflected it emotions, but it wasn’t as lively appendage as that of a dog for example. Ron felt another growth spurt of his tail and the discomfort subsided, which meant his tail reached its final length. Now that it did, it felt strangely natural to have it. It just hanged there, without being a huge distraction for Ron.

Ron’s hips crunched as they narrowed some more and his pelvis locked itself in the new feral position. Ron’s legs already inhuman underwent the last changes which made them digitigrade. The discomfort and pain disappeared and was replaced by queasiness as Ron’s organs churned inside his stomach. They changed shapes and sizes, reconfiguring to work properly with his wolfish body. His digestive tract was realigned greatly to be able to process raw meat and bones. His stomach caved in a bit and with that the weirdness of his organs changing disappeared.

There was just one strange feeling left though. Ron yelped as he felt heat rise in his groin. His genitalia were getting pulled further between his legs. His ballsack was completely covered in light and fluffy fur now. His equipment was now in a more feral position, but it had several major changes to undergo yet.

Ron’s heartbeat quickened as his most sacred body parts remolded into bestial forms. He craned his neck down to watch the final changes. His foreskin changed into a canine sheath that quickly sprouted soft fur all over. Ron felt strange stiffness as inside of his shaft a penile bone formed.

The shape of his cock started changing as it started to come out of the sheath. A red tapered tip started to peek out. It sharpened further and made Ron’s mushroom lose its human contours completely. Ron stared at his reddening cock as it slowly continued to slide out of his pouch.

The feelings were highly arousing and soon the wolfish tip started leaking precum. Ron closed his eyes and smelled its scent, which was fully canine. His cock’s shape became more complex. Veins on his shaft became more visible and webbed. Slowly his rod fully came out and started to bob between Ron’s furry legs.

He felt swelling sensations at the base of his shaft as a bulbous knot started forming. His sheathe was growing tauter around his stiff wolfhood and felt almost like a cock ring, especially around his knot. The throbbing of the changes slowly disappeared, but the heat was left along with Ron’s sharp erection. He was fully a wolf now.

He wanted to worry about his fate and situation, but his red rocket was too distracting. Suddenly his sensitive ears perked up at the sounds of some animal running towards him. Ron smelled that it was also a wolf and a female one at that. His cock started throbbing harder at the thoughts.

The female wolf jumped out of the bushes and ran towards Ron. Before he was able to react she leapt onto him and made him roll over onto his back. “Wait, what are you…?!” – Ron tried to say, but only growled like a submissive male in the presence of a very dominative female.

The female seemed to smile almost as she lowered her muzzle onto Ron’s throbbing erection. Her slim tongue started to caress his sharp tip and then massage his wolfish knot. Ron’s head shot back and he whimpered in bliss at the female’s actions. More pre leaked out of his wolfy tip at the amazing sensations.

The pleasure was getting overwhelming. Ron panted and rolled around on his back like a wild animal he practically became at this point. His wolfhood extremely stiff and painfully erect above his furry stomach and at female’s mercy. It was too much, Ron never witnessed such pleasure.

Then the female opened her maw, dripping with saliva and cum and she slowly gulped up Ron’s entire cock. Her gummy lips caressed Ron’s shaft, her tongue and warmth of her maw stimulated Ron to his limits. “Aw-whrooooooo-hn…!” – Ron howled out as his cock started to pulsate inside the female’s mouth as it started shooting thick ropes of cum into her throat. Ron’s furry balls spasmed in bliss as they squeezed tight against his groin, forcing all of his cum to shoot out of his sharp tip. His red member throbbed inside of the female’s powerful maw for a while as she licked it clean. Only then she slowly slid her lips off Ron’s wolfhood.

She licked her lips clean as Ron’s orgasm slowly subsided and he rolled on the grass in lustful afterglow. He slowly calmed down and looked up at the female. She was so encouraging and wild, she was free and so beautiful. Ron fallen in love in a way, tempted by the female he got up and followed her into her den…


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