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Man into Male Dragon Transformation Story | Costume Fusing Trigger | Unwilling | NSFW | 2nd PoV | Painful

Some people said that the costume you bought was cursed. It supposedly influences its owner to some extent. Still, it was hard not to buy it despite people’s opinions on it. It’s a solid dragon costume – High quality materials, actually resembles a dragon, wasn’t overly expensive. And besides, you like dragons – Who doesn’t.

The moment to try it on finally came since you found time and privacy for it. If the costume will look twice as good on you as it does now who knows, maybe you’ll even go to some con or something. You undress completely as was instructed by the cryptic seller of that suit. Now that you think about it – it’s quite weird, can’t even leave boxers on. You shrug and cast your clothes aside. You shiver as you lift up the costume – It’s a solid dragon costume with surprisingly realistic looking red scales all over it. One weird details is that the costume really doesn’t fit your body frame – It doesn’t seem like it would fit any human, mostly because it appears quadrupedal.

You sigh and since you already undressed you decide to go on with your initial plan. “It’s just a damn costume…” – You mutter as you slide your left foot inside it. As your toes touch the elastic material you suddenly feel a strange tingling and then quick searing pain as the costume starts to fuse with your foot. You gasp in shock as you feel your toes painfully elongate and your toenails extend into sharp claws.

Your heartbeat quickens and before you can mutter out a word you realise the costume starts to slide upwards, where it touches your flesh it fuses with it and starts to morph into an even more realistic dragon body parts. Your left foot cracks painfully and your ankle is hauled upwards, guided by the costume – Starting to fit it better. With horror you realise that the costume is not only climbing onto you, but it also changes you, becomes a part of you. You start shivering as you feel the cool air on your scaly, reptilian looking foot.

“This can’t be happening… Maybe I can- Ahhh!” – You say in disbelief and then tug at the costume climbing onto your shin, which hurts badly and makes you cry out in pain. It indeed feels like the costume is becoming your flesh and as you tried to pull it off you it felt like trying to skin yourself alive, so you stopped. But the costume’s work didn’t – It continues to climb higher. You stumble trying to keep balance with your one leg becoming increasingly bestial and your other one staying human for now. As if on cue, as you stumble the suit’s right foot slides onto your own right foot. “No! Shit… That’s ba-aaagh…!” – You groan in pain as you feel the toes on your right foot grow out into wicked claws.

“This is insane!” – You think to yourself. You just wanted to try on a great looking costume. Now it seems like the costume wants to amplify your experience by making you an actual dragon or something. You have no idea how to reverse this, it doesn’t seem like it’s possible at this point – Which is quite scary in itself. You shakily crouch down and touch your changing feet. It’s unbelievable, you feel the touch, you feel the cool red scales and your deadly claws. You really seem to slowly turn into a goddamn dragon.

You suddenly jump and straighten up in pain as you feel your right lower leg crack into a what appears to be digitigrade formation. Now the pieces of the suit seem to be circa the same heights – Both of your legs are equally changed. You groan in pain as you feel your knees shift and you realise something worrying – The costume feels like it’s about to change you into a quadrupedal creature. Not to mention the growth your body will undergo soon. You shake your head and rush towards the door.

You struggle hard to keep balance on your… Reptilian paws – They don’t really resemble feet anymore. You gulp and hit the door with your weight, then open it in a rush and fall out of your house panting. You glance at your legs and feel them bulge out with muscles, stretching what used to be the costume and is now your scaly hide. You’re on all fours, but as you feel your thighs remold you can guess that you’re already forced to remain on all fours. You make one attempt at getting back onto two legs, but it’s impossible at this point.

Your heartbeat didn’t slow down since the start of the transformation, it only intensifies now as you feel the costume reach your hips. You crawl on all fours as you’re overwhelmed with so many new feelings and not very pleasant ones at that. So many changes happening in one moment as the costume starts to fuse with your waist. The limp and empty tail of the costume signals the inevitable.

“Oh God, oh God – A freaking tail…!” – You groan as you feel an invisible force start to stretch your tailbone. You pound your hands at the ground as you feel your tailbone shift into a short stubby tail which pushes itself further into the costume filling it completely. Your flesh meets the material and you feel the tail pop into its final form. You shiver as you feel your newly grown appendage sway behind you. You feel its weight and its unlike any limb you previously had. You touch your tail and feel your hand’s touch through the protective scales. You realise your tail has a line of spikes running over its entire upper length.

You suddenly let go of the tail and grimace as you feel something perhaps stranger than your tail and its growth. “Even… Ughn… There-hn!” – You moan from the pleasure starting to rise in your groin. Everything churns and heats up as it starts to shift. You look underneath yourself and your cock and balls are already underneath the costume. You can see the contours of your cock shift as it becomes wilder and more reptilian.

You shut your eyes as you feel your balls get squeezed deeper inside you as the costume fuses with your groin bringing searing bliss. You can feel your testicles move inside of you and nestle in their new positions as they become draconic. Your human cock loses definition underneath your scaly groin flesh and you feel it become more tapered, smoother and naturally bigger.

You open your eyes as you feel a splitting pain in the costume’s groin that just became your own. You stare in disbelief as you see a reptilian slit open up, immediately starting to leak cum. Your eyes widen as you notice your cock’s tip emerge from the genital slit. Though that’s not really your cock anymore, it’s appearance is almost intimidating – It belongs to a majestic, mythical beast that you’re becoming.

You feel your cock get erect and come out further. Your slit feels almost like a cock ring, very tight on your smooth draconic cock. Your slit gets stretched to its extent as your cock fully comes out and bobs underneath you, tilted close to your stomach in a feral fashion. You can’t help, but touch it with lust in your eyes. The heat is pent up to the maximum, your cock erect as ever and when you touch your tapered tip it immediately starts to pulse in bliss and spew out thick ropes of cum. You throw your head back as your draconic lower body thrusts into the air wildly. You hump the air, your draconic cock slaps your stomach which is getting encompassed by the costume and grows bulkier with muscles.

As the last drop of cum leaves your needy cock, you slowly calm down and gradually your cock slides back into its new home. You shake your head and realise how much your body changed already. Your tail slams the ground, your legs are fully digitigrade hind legs and now your stomach churns as the organs in it rearrange. With a wet schlorp your sharp cock’s tip slides inside the slit and you blush as you realise what a mess you’ve made underneath thanks to the transformation’s affliction.

Now that your mind is mostly free of lust for now you realise how hopeless your situation is. Of course you can’t help, but admire your shiny scales, strong lower body and all, but your humanity is getting erased in exchange! It’s a rather dire situation. Right now you feel your underside thicken with muscles, the costume further climbs and latches onto your flesh altering it. Your lower body has yellow-beige plate-like scales and the rest of your body is covered in miniscule, hard, red scales.

At the same time your pelvis painfully rotates forward and locks you in a quadrupedal stance. You brace yourself and grasp the dirt beneath you hard as you realise the costume just attached itself around your chest. Many body parts shift at the same time. Your pops cracks and becomes more pronounced on your back. The most painful is expanding of your ribcage however as it expands into a more barrel-like shape, reinforced by muscles. Your lungs grow bigger as does everything else, but you feel like something completely new forms above your lungs – It forms and immediately starts to pump heat which you feel like you could spew out in a fiery breath.

Minor details like the fact you lost your mammal attributes on your chest reassure you what you’re becoming. Especially as the baggy empty wings of the costume start to get filled with flesh unfurling from your back. You feel new bones grow out and unfurl into wings which grow bigger inside the costume, until they fill it completely and fuse with it. It feels so surreal, you feel those wings you just grew move chaotically from your unfamiliarity to them. Flexible, but resilient membrane between the bony joints, everything reinforced with strong muscles that formed in your new limbs.

The weight of your wings is a lot and you realise your arms are unchanged yet. Remembering that taking off the costume is not an option you sigh and put your hands inside the costume’s fore legs. The costume hugs your arms, almost appearing happy that you decided to embrace it. Somehow the changes feel less invasive now, despite being slightly uncomfortable as your bones alter.

Your fingers elongate and fingertips erupt with sharp claws. You feel your arms get less flexible and rotary, since they’re becoming your fore legs. Of course to support your growing weight your muscles thicken and new ones form on your scaly arms. Your arms fill the costume and meld with it sealing their fate. Your shoulder blades are elongated and reinforce with muscles to support your wings.

You feel the costume start to climb your neck, which takes more time than you expected, because your neck is lengthening where the costume touched it. You feel your vocal chords change and your voice becoming more growly and lower. The inside of your neck shift to accommodate your fire spewing ability. Slowly the changes reach the base of your head. You feel your head crunch as it becomes positioned differently on your neck.

You’re left speechless as you see the costume’s head leaps onto your face. It grabs a hold of you, this part feels the most bizarre as your head is getting remolded by the costume’s final part. You feel ridged spikes form on top of your head and neck. You’re caught by a splitting headache as you feel your draconic horns slowly pierce your flesh and elongate until they reach the costume’s material with which they fuse.

Your ears are squeezed against your head until they disappear completely and leave you with barely visible reptilian holes which let you hear. Your eyes sting as they shift and become yellow. Your pupils become reptilian slits and your vision sharpens. You groan as your teeth turn into fangs and lengthen in your maw. You can feel your nose and mouth squeeze into a reptilian snout shape, running itself along the soft material of the suit. You feel the costume completely melt onto you until you don’t feel it anymore, there’s no more costume – Just your draconic body.

You breathe normally, albeit differently than previously. Now you’re bigger altogether and each breath is deeper. You’re locked on all fours which changes your orientation. There’s also weight at your back and hips – Your wings and tail which shudder with unfamiliarity and are yet to be fully put to good use. The transformation was somewhat uncomfortable, but the more you examine your new body, the more you realise how epic this is. Although it seems like there’s no way of you going to a con now. A smile forms on your fanged maw – Or maybe there is…?


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