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Man into Male Vulture (Gyps fulvus) Transformation Story | Nudity | Light NSFW

Luke suddenly woke up. His head hurt and he felt more than groggy. He blinked and realised where he was – In the local mountains. He was an amateur mountaineer and on his first travel he packed too little food – Which he was just reminded about as his stomach growled.

He shook his head and got up, remembering everything. He packed too little food supplies, a crucial mistake on a lengthy solo expedition to the mountains. It almost sounded stupid, since he really wanted this trip to be something good. And while he prepared himself really well, possibly the most obvious part has been forgotten of – FOOD.

“Maybe I’ll try to find some hikers and buy food from them, better plan than starving to death. My stomach almost hurts. I don’t even remember when I ate, my head is spinning… But I shouldn’t give up yet… Maybe I’ll find some berries…” – He thought to himself before collapsing onto the ground again with a thud. His eyes slowly closed and Luke realised that he was about to pass out again.

Before he managed to some woman suddenly spoke up which he hasn’t heard coming. “You look hungry. Would you like to be able to get some food right now…?” – She said calmly as if Luke would be completely fine and not rolling on the floor in misery. Luke grimaced shocked, but wasn’t able to look up at the woman because of the intensive sunlight. How did that woman get here? – He thought to himself, before his stomach rumbled painfully. “Ugh, yeees! Just please help me… I’ll repay you… Somehow… Uh…” – He muttered.

The woman he heard earlier didn’t answer his pleads. Luke shook his head and looked up for the woman again, this time sunlight lessened and he was able to look around normally. If there was a woman at all, she disappeared very quickly. “The hell? Hunger hallucinations…?” – He thought out loud as he scratched his arm through his thin clothing. He was starting to get weirdly itchy.

“Screw this, I need to start searching for food or I’ll actually starve to death.” – He said to himself as he tried to get up, but it felt weirdly difficult to do. His feet ached unnaturally. He sighed and took off his shoes and socks to examine them. “What in the- Are those s-scales?! And my toes hurt as hell. Oh shit, they’re lengthening! What’s happening to me?!” – He commented on his discoveries in disbelief. This didn’t seem like a hallucination anymore.

His toes were slowly parting and lengthening. More worrying were his toes which blackened and grew out into curved talons. Luke trembled as he stared terrified at his transforming feet which just finished growing greyish scales all over. His toes became more bird-like with each passing second. Luke’s toes remolded while one disappeared from each of his mishappen foot. His ring toes were forced to drift further apart from others. Until they painfully migrated all the way backwards on his elongating, scaly feet.

“This can’t be happening. The woman, she- Aghn! Need to get the clothes off before I’ll… Choke in them…” – He groaned out and started undoing his windproof jacket. He managed to get it off along with the rest of his clothing only to realise that his body was itching because of the spikes growing out all over it. The spikes started lengthening and unfurling into tiny feathers mostly white-brown, except for those starting to crawl up his neck.

Luke’s arms were losing their human definition, but before they did completely he managed to get up onto his legs. His entire started cracking and contorting stripping Luke of breath for a while. His torso was becoming more oval, lighter and compact in shape. His entire skeleton crunched as it thinned down and became lighter in structure to allow flight soon.

“Not like th-thiiis…! I just wanted food…! Not to turn into some… Ughn… Freaking birdh!” – He groaned as his skeleton altered drastically. His complaints didn’t seem to help his case as the transformation progressed. Luke was left speechless as he realised that he was shrinking a bit. His arms were getting forced to tuck tight to the sides of his increasingly avian chest.

“Aaah! A tail, I’m growing a tail…” – He mumbled to himself as he indeed was, but an avian kind of tail. His tailbone unfused and grew out longer, forcing his flesh to stretch and extend as well – Forming a lumpy tail in the process. From which tailfeathers started growing out. Luke realised that he moved his short appendage unwillingly flexing his feathers about.

If he wouldn’t be alone he’d worry about being naked, but not when he was shifting species and sprouting feathers. He felt all of his insides rearrange to better fit his new species. Most bizarre changes came from his lower stomach and groin. Luke gulped as he felt what remained of his butt change underneath his tail. His genitals were schlurped up inside of him and temporarily formed a hole which soon fused with another one and formed a cloaca. The feelings of his lower organs repositioning and remolding were nauseating.

Meanwhile his legs continued to shift. He still had “knees”, but they travelled upwards as he was forced to stay on what used to be his tiptoes. They themselves looked exactly like some bird of prey’s feet already, but his upper legs had some shifting left to do. As his torso tilted forwards permanently, his legs were pulled higher up on it to become strong avian counterparts. His legs were entirely bird-like by now, half covered in the dark scales and half covered in white feathery fluff.

Luke’s heart pounded in fear as it too changed inside his smaller and rounder ribcage. His shoulder blades melted down into barely existent counterparts that further locked his arms in the new positioning. Luke flailed his misshapen arms wildly staring as his fingers dwindled down into nothingness. His hands were themselves slimming down into relatively sharp, but muscular points. The bones in his arms became lighter as well. His arms weren’t really arms anymore, but a pair of wings with long resilient feathers erupting all over.

Luke was devastated, but he realised that the strange woman fulfilled his wish to be able to get food. When he’ll be done changing species into whatever bird of prey he was becoming he’ll surely be able to find some food, but at what cost. Luke looked up and noticed something strange – Blue shimmering bug observed him from a distance. Although weirdly enough it looked more like a tiny person?

He wasn’t mistaken, the shimmering blue light was indeed a miniscule person who was the cause of his painful transformation. Luke felt the changes creep upwards. His collarbone tightening into narrower shape. His neck cracking and tilting forwards painfully. “Gh-ahn…! Nonono, too fast… Please I-Ack! Gwan’t to bhee… A bheeeergh- Schreeeee…!” – Luke screeched as his neck started shifting, getting more flexible, but also stripping him of speech. Several tufts of white and brown feathers formed on his altered shoulders providing him with a collar of velvety feathers.

His head was already changing to accommodate the rest of his body. Tears were expelled from his tear ducts as he pitifully stared at the blue light which observed him curiously. Luke blinked as his eyes became dimmer in appearance. For him though his sight improved. He thrashed his head as it contorted and his entire skull changed shape crunching violently. The top of his head drastically flattened, squeezing his brain into much smaller size.

His entire body stopped shrinking and was left at about 1 metre height. His human hair fallen off in clumps. His head drifted further away from his torso as his neck lengthened quite a lot, which surprised him – Not many birds had long necks, especially not birds of prey, except… Vultures. His long neck and shifting head got entirely covered in short feathers rapidly and there was one major change left.

Luke screeched in protest until he felt his gums ache. He shook his head and his teeth spilled out as his avian body expelled them. Luke felt a painful pressure start to grow in his jaws as they started growing out into a beak. Meanwhile his ears withered into nothing, leaving only earholes underneath the white fuzz. His mouth pushed out by the jaws which became beak-shaped underneath. His nose was flattened by the growing beak, leaving only slitted nostrils on it. The flesh on his thick predatory beak started changing colour and texture solidifying into black keratin.

Luke panted as his head finished changing, his feathers fully grew out and he had a moment of respite. He heard some barely audible, yet bizarre cackle from a distance. As he turned his head towards the noise he managed to catch a glimpse of the blue light flying away. By now Luke was sure that it had something to do with his changes, but what did it matter at this point.

Luke stared at his human clothing and equipment next to him that he’d probably never use again, since he has no idea if there is a way to turn back. He hanged his head low in sorrow, but something distracted him from it. Despite his different anatomy, he realised that he was still very hungry. With no better ideas what to do Luke flexed his wings and started flapping them, which came out surprisingly naturally. In a matter of seconds the hidden instincts helped him to get off the ground and fly. His human mind was stunned by the sights underneath him and his eyesight was even better than previously so that only helped. Becoming a bird had a lot of downsides, but flying was certainly the opposite – Luke realised as he scanned the mountains for the sight of food.


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