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Man into Male Rough Collie Dog Transformation Story | Nudity | Highly Detailed TF

Robert stared at the collar in front of the door to his house. “Hello? Is anybody there…?” – He asked unsurely wondering who and why would leave a collar right next to his doorstep. The collar looked like it belonged to a dog, naturally. Although it looked oddly well, the materials it was made of, the design as well – It looked valuable. It was made of some genuine looking leather, had stylised buckle and such.

Robert looked one last time for any potential dog or its owner, but there was nobody around, which quite made sense at that late hour. He shrugged and took the collar inside – If somebody will come forward for this collar he’ll gladly give it back.

It was late and since he noticed the peculiar item in front of his house he wasn’t able to focus on much else. He lived in a peaceful area with practically no neighbours around. This made the situation quite creepy in a way. It couldn’t be that somebody really meant the collar to be for him, right? He gulped and now had an awkward pressure to do something about it. If somebody actually left it there for him, maybe he’d try it on – He thought. Robert wasn’t really into any punk stuff or BDSM, but he was quite curious now how he’d look in it.

As Robert walked to his bedroom he was getting more than curious. He didn’t even roleplay much before in life and now with that collar appearing at his doorstep the memories of those few roleplaying sessions resurfaced. Thoughts of being a good, collared canine were somewhat alluring – Even if it was all fiction.

He stepped in front of the mirror and unceremoniously strapped the collar onto his neck. He looked at his reflection and chuckled. Not that much changed, but he indeed looked like some wannabe dog now a bit. Unbeknown to him his toenails and fingernails started darkening, growing thicker and longer – Curving into inhuman shapes.

Robert made a few silly poses which absorbed him to such extent that he failed to notice as his tailbone throbbed lightly and started to push out into a short tail nub. The growing appendage wriggled, which already resembled subtle wagging that only intensified as the tail grew longer.

“Welp, enough for toda- Huh…? What the hell?! I-Is that a tail?! Oh God, I-I’m growing an actual freaking t-tail…!” – Robert realised as he felt the appendage slap his buttocks underneath his loosening boxers. He immediately pulled down his underwear revealing an even more unbelievable change. His trembling hands have let go of his boxers as he noticed the changes that befallen his manhood.

His foreskin was gone, replaced by a soft, fleshy sheath that looked undeniably canine and hugged his increasingly erect cock tight stimulating it further. “How in the hell is this possible?! Nonono… There’s no way I’m t-turning into an actual dog!” – He muttered as he stared at his cock undergo more changes. He gasped as he felt something stiff form inside of his shifting shaft – Unbeknown to him it was his penile bone. As it slowly finished growing it forced Robert’s misshapen cock to tilt upwards until it almost touched his stomach. At this point the base of his tight, fleshy sheath started fusing with his stomach.

Robert stared in disbelief and despite finding the changes bizarre, they were also hot in a worrying way. Robert reached out his right hand to touch his morphing cock, but then realised that his hand was resembling a simple paw more than anything. “Shiiit… Even my hands!” – He complained in the thrill of it all. His fingers popped uncomfortably and shortened into barely moveable digits. Especially his thumbs which turned into what appeared to be dewclaws that travelled higher up on his arms. Robert lost touch in several spots on his palms as they started to swell out, blacken and form protective pads.

Robert just shook his head in disbelief as he was lost between the pleasure coming from his increasingly doggy dick and the terror of becoming a simple animal. Robert’s slick shaft had enough of hiding and as it started drastically changing shape it also started to emerge from his sheath. Robert’s eyes widened as he stared at what came out of the sheath – A sharpening, red tip of a veiny cock which didn’t resemble what Robert was used to for all his life. “I-It looks s-so-mhn…” – He didn’t finish as his emerging shaft started leaking precum.

Robert realised that his pubic hair changed a lot. His rather coarse groin hair turned into softer, denser and longer white fluff. Without him noticing similar changes happened on his chest, at his armpits and several more spots from which the long white, tan and brown fur started spreading further.

In the meantime his red rocket almost fully came out of his sensitive pouch. His cock was very hard, red and for the most part already canine-looking. It missed one core element which caught Robert off guard with its sensitive growth. Robert shivered as something started swelling at the base of his doggy cock, which was still underneath the sheath. “Oh Gawd… S-So intensive-eahh..!” – He exclaimed as his bulbous knot thickened and strained his sheath. Until with a wet plop his doggy dick came out fully along with its newly formed knot.

Robert clumsily pawed at his sensitive shaft and moaned with each throb of his shaft. Suddenly and unexpectedly his balls clenched and made Robert yelp as his cock shot out a few salvos of cum. He shuddered and thrusted his changing hips with each jet of cum – Unbeknown to Robert he just expelled all of his human cum which started to get replaced by canine one. Robert panted as the remaining changes washed over his by now completely dog-adequate genitals.

Robert realised that his growing tail slowly reached its full length. It wagged lively, happy that Robert was progressing so well. His canine shaft bobbed, wholly erect along with the distinct knot – All wet with his cum. To which Robert shook his head. “Nooo! I can’t become a simple dog… Despite… It feeling so good…?” – He groaned and was very lost in his own head at this point. He actually enjoyed his changes in a way, but he knew there would be unpleasant consequences to him becoming a dog fully.

He shook his head and realising that it must’ve been the collar that initiated the changes he reached out his paws to try and get it off. His eyes widened as he noticed his nose blacken in his field of view, grow more sensitive and wet. Despite that he continued and did his best to get the damn collar off, but with his clumsy indextrous paws it was just impossible. “Damnit…!” – He finally gave up and looked at what used to be his hands, by now simple dog-paws. “I’m done for…” – He chuckled freaked out. To add more surrealism to this situation Robert again got more aware of his doggy dick as it slowly slid into its new furry sheath, leaving only a shy tapered tip peeking out.

It indeed seemed to be the case. His ankles started pulling higher up on his legs uncomfortably. This forced Robert to stay on his tiptoes which underwent similar changes to his hands previously. They looked like dog paws and at the moment black pads puffed out from underneath them. Robert tipped a bit forwards because of those changes, he was losing balance quickly. Especially as his legs cracked and shifted into leaner, but still well-muscled digitigrade hind legs of a canine. It didn’t matter – The moment his hips and pelvis rotated forwards Robert gasped and fallen onto his chest with a thud. “Ugh… What did I do to deserve thiiis…?” – He asked the invisible force that left the magic collar at his doorstep.

Practically all of his changed body parts were covered by very long fur and as Robert looked at his reflection again he realised that he was becoming a rough collie from the looks of it. He resembled a dog more than human at this point. He whimpered and got up onto all fours to witness the last steps of his descent into doghood. His ears itched as they started to get pulled into triangular points atop of his head. They thinned down and became more floppy, rotary and sensitive.

Robert’s stomach caved in, but it was hard to observe in his reflection as long fur hanged from his entire body at this point. He felt well though as his organs churned inside of him and changes shapes and sizes. Especially his lungs, which started ballooning out and lengthening inside of his chest. His ribcage got strained for a mere moment until it started to expand a bit and barrel out into a more canine shape. His human nipples changed into barely distinguishable points underneath all of his fur. Still more rows of those points formed underneath his original nipples – With that Robert was reminded that even male dogs had those several rows of them.

Robert closed his eyes as his entire spine started cracking and popping unpleasantly. It further locked him on all fours, making him unable to even bend his back like he would as a human. His shoulder blades cracked and lengthened, locking his arms in front of him in their quadrupedal positions and making them full-fledged fore legs of a canine. His collarbone narrowed, the base of his neck cracked and lifted up a bit and his neck gained more flexibility as it grew a bit longer.

“Grhow-nhowhr. Nhrhowhrth mhrah hreahwd!” – Robert growled out in a completely canine manner, which reassured him that his human voice was gone by now. Robert stuck out his tongue, triggered by the hidden instincts in his head. He folded his canine ears submissively as he was afraid of the changes to his head the most.

He yelped as they started. His head was getting compressed into a more narrow and compact shape. His ears got pulled atop of his head into adequate positions. His eyes started shifting, stripping him of perceiving many colours and worsening his vision, but recompensating it in his powerful smelling and hearing.

Robert fallen down onto his chest and clutched his face with his paws as he felt his jaws start to march outwards painfully. His lips blackened and became somewhat gummy in appearance as they got stretched longer by his forming snout. His muzzle and his remolded skull gave his head a more streamlined and rounder shape adequate for the dog breed he was becoming. Robert whined as his tongue lengthened and teeth grew into sharp fangs inside his lengthening maw. With a few rather loud crunches his muzzle fully formed. Right after the last bald spots on his body got covered with luscious fur and he fully became a rough collie.

Robert slowly took his paws off his long muzzle, revealing its sight for himself for the first time. He had a protrusion on his face, his muzzle which would probably be there for the rest of his life – He realised. Everything about his body felt different and alien to him, despite the subtle instincts trying to guide him on how to move on all fours and smell out interesting stuff. Robert glanced at his reflection and whimpered – He looked almost like Lassie. Somewhat majestic and cute, but it didn’t help his case. He was a human, now he’s suddenly a dog – Which basically meant the end of his human life.

Suddenly there was a thud to which Robert’s ears perked up and he heard somebody coming into his house. “Shit, I forgot to lock the door!” – He growled. He heard several footsteps and as he turned around to face the source of those sounds Robert noticed a tall woman in a jacket towering in front of him. Despite his changed sight he immediately realised that it was his ex. “I knew you well enough to know you’d try it on. Now come on boy, you’re going to be my doggy dog from now on…” – She cackled and reached out a hand with a leash to clip on his collar. Robert was too paralysed to move. So that’s why the leash was his favourite colour, that’s why it was left there for him – It was all because of her ex somehow. She tugged at the leash and Robert whimpered at his new old mistress’ masterplan.


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