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Woman into Female Sheep Transformation Story | Nudity | Thriller

My eyes flutter open. I just had an unusual dream about sheep. It wouldn’t be anything weird after all they are associated with sleep even. The weird part of the dream was that instead of just seeing jumping sheep, I was jumping with them. Of course I endured it for a while without a care as it often is in dreams, I just went with the flow and woke up only now. I suppose a weird dream is better than a nightmare.

I try to fall asleep but strangely enough my eyes itch. I blink several times, it doesn’t seem to help, but after a while the itching stops. It’s dark around and I can’t see well anyway, but something feels off about my vision… I try to ignore it and push myself further to just fall asleep again in peace. I feel like everything is against me as now I feel my tooth start to ache… No, not one, two, three – A few? And now entire dentition?! What is going on with me? – I wonder, I brush them regularly. Bizarrely it doesn’t even feel like its cavity causing the pain, all of my teeth hurt entirely – I can practically feel them swell inside my gums.

I shiver and one last time try to ignore all the weirdness and fall asleep. I roll over onto my other side and with my movement I feel weird itching on my skin. Especially my panties and bra. I’m getting annoyed at this point, something is definitely wrong with me tonight. I close my eyes and for a moment I feel like I’m finally drifting off to sleep. My ears feel weirdly warm and they continue to heat up. I feel like something is tugging on them, but I don’t care I’m almost sleeping. Suddenly a weirdly loud noise behind the window wakes me up and I feel my ears twitch.

That does it – I think to myself as I get up. I stumble towards the mirror and even my movement is off. My feet ache too and for some reason it’s easier to walk on my tiptoes rather than normally. I scratch my head nervously and I realise that my fingertips feel weirdly blunt, generally my fingers feel stubby and less flexible. My heart starts beating faster. In the dark room I don’t inspect my body, I just continue to stagger towards the mirror knowing that something is very wrong with my body. My underwear feels tight on my frame, while it shouldn’t – I feel like I suddenly started growing lots of silky hair underneath.

I finally reach the window, but before I’m able to look at my reflection my ears perk up to an even louder noise right behind my window. I didn’t have a nightmare before, but now I feel like I’m in one. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts and bizarrely I feel my unnaturally floppy ears practically sway from side to side.

I finally look at my reflection and I realise why I was correctly afraid. I tremble and stare at my deformed reflection which continuously morphs in my bare sight. Most of my body is indeed covered in itchy, silky fur which grows even longer and starts to resemble something obvious. I’m still standing on my tiptoes and I see my toes clump up together and become stubbier. My toenails, especially two of them grow out into thick black nails that closely resemble cloven hooves. I already have trouble balancing and accepting my grotesque reality, but there’s more.

As was expected by the clues from earlier, my hands have undergone transformation of their own. My fingers bundled up together, I even feel like one of them disappeared from each hand to my horror. They grow thicker and my fingernails erupt and blacken into cloven hooves. Lastly my face, which slowly stops resembling my face. I blink and stare at myself befuddled, now realising why my eyesight feels off. My vision is more horizontal, because my pupils are dilated and resemble those of some common livestock. With my mouth agape I realise that my teeth look off – Not necessarily unhealthy, but definitely inhuman. My ears twitch on my head and I realise why - They are already elongated and now finish gaining their final shapes. They are floppy, covered in white fuzz and kind of resemble ears of a bunny, but shorter still.

Instead of calling for help I tremble in front of the mirror devastated by my situation. I can only pray I’m dreaming and not really changing into some animal in my house. My underwear gets unbearably strained with the mass my torso is gaining, because it’s not only the white fur – I feel my torso grow rounder and simpler in shape. I frantically try to undo my bra with the clumsy hooves and fail. Instead of undoing it I bring my shifting arms and tear it apart.

My strange eyes widen and I stare at my chest. My breasts just like the rest of my body at this point grow soft white fur. Worse yet my breasts slowly slide lower on my chest as they change. My nipples change hue and become similar colour as my morphing breasts. I feel like I shouldn’t even call them nipples anymore as they swell larger and longer, becoming what resembles animalistic teats. I rub them timidly with my fore hoof and gasp at their sensitivity. My breasts heat up and I feel them fusing together in the middle. The area puffs out and my breasts completely become some sort of an udder.

It slides lower until it partially reaches my panties. They get strained with the weight of my malformed mammary glands and before I can do something about it my panties snap off my body. My udder freely nestles between my legs and weights me down. “Oh ga-aaaaad… Baa-aaa…!” – I exclaim in a sheepish manner and immediately cover my mouth with my fore hooves. I jerk my arms away from my face as I feel it start to shift. Most noticeably my nose which is compressing on itself and becoming smoother on my face, while also getting closer to my upper lip and giving me a sort of snout.

Only now I’m sure of what I’m becoming – A simple ewe, a sheep… And I’m reassured that all this sadly isn’t just a nightmare when I feel my skeleton crack and shift drastically. I grunt and lean against the mirror with my fore hooves as I feel my posture alter. My spine pops, my back broadens a bit. The fur on me extends to its final length and becomes actual wool. Instead of groaning in pain I baa sometimes which further reassured me of my fate. My smooth hooves slowly slide off the mirror until I land on all fours on the ground and sigh in defeat.

I arch my spine in discomfort as I feel it start to put immense pressure on my tailbone. I sway my butt in discomfort until something pops and my tailbone surges outwards, growing into a short tail at first, but quickly extending further. I try to turn my head back and watch as I grow a new appendage, but even without it I feel it wriggle and twitch with each growth spurt. Slowly it finally finishes forming and its signalled by the growth of short wool on it.

My hips crack violently, followed by my pelvis and I feel that my legs position into a proper feral stance. I also feel like everything I had on my groin and on my rear migrates higher up on it at this point. My internal anatomy changes adequately to fit my exposed, but not really rump, since wool. My stomach bulges out a bit, but is overall smoothly connecting to the rest of my round torso at this point. My legs crack a few times and fully reform into strong hindlegs – The weight of my udder bothers me less thanks to that.

My shoulder blades are forcefully stretched into more solid shapes. As they shift my arms are forced to lock into the quadrupedal position as they finish turning into fore legs. My collarbone narrows and the base of my neck crunches as it tilts higher to accommodate my four-legged stance. I breathe faster as the changes slowly reach my head again. My neck reinforces with muscles as it lengthens and becomes more flexible. I exclaim in fear of my head fully changing into that of a simple sheep, but all that comes out of my mouth is a clear baa of distress.

I hang my head low as I feel it start to compress at the top and slope down painfully. My sheep ears are pulled higher on my head as it reshapes. My jaws start to tense up and I can feel my snout slowly start to push out. My face completely rearranges and my eyes are forced to move aside to the sides of my head. I open my mouth as it along with my nose start to push out into a muzzle. My gums cease to hurt as my teeth fit in them by now, I even feel like more teeth writhes out of them to fill the gaps in my maw and prepare me for a herbivorous way of life. What little human hair that remained on my head falls out and is replaced by short woolly fur. Finally my muzzle extends to its final length and minor changes occur which finalise my transformation.

It's still dark around me and I feel uneasy despite the transformation being over. Of course there are obvious consequences of me changing species, but there’s something unsettling in the air besides that. I hear some distant rustling behind my window. Then a sound of shattering glass. I look around and still shake in fear, despite being in my own house. I hear some scary vocalisations, not really sounding like humans. I hear strange footsteps getting closer until a head peeks out from behind the gloomy doorframe. I realise it’s a sheep or maybe a ram. How the hell did it get into my house?!

I hear more noises all around me. The ram baas and more come into sight from the corridor, from my living room, from my kitchen. Suddenly one jumps through my bedroom window. All of the sheep encircle me and I feel afraid of them. They have weird gleams in their eyes and as they get closer I realise they don’t want to harm me. One or two of them lick my muzzle, the rest of them near me rub their wool against mine. I feel like I belong with them now that my human life is over. Slowly the sheep in my bedroom disperse until only a few are left. They exit the same ways they entered. I feel lonely again and sad thoughts come to my head, I’m just a sheep – I don’t want to be alone, I decide to follow the sheep and visit others that changed that night to welcome them in the flock...


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