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Man into Male Bear Transformation Story

Jack rushed through the forest eager to pass it already, in the process he left his friends way behind. He decided to stop for a while, tired of his pace and ready to wait for his companions. The routes of the wilderness were so narrow they wouldn’t have a chance to clump together and casually chat anyway.

He gotten hungry so he decided to check if he had anything adequate in his backpack. Unluckily all of his snacks and food supplies were depleted. He cursed under his breath, hoping that the rest of his party would be eager to share some food with him.

He looked around and adored the sights from the cliff nearby. This is why he enjoyed that kind of trips. As he was about to head back on track he noticed a peculiar colourful bush. He got closer to it and realised that ripe, blue berries grown from it. Jack knew they could have been toxic, but he was too hungry too care. He picked one up and examined for any oddities. How would such a good looking berry be harmful. He reassured himself that he saw almost identical berries at the local fair recently.

He started devouring the berries until there were practically none left on the shrub. He wiped his mouth and hands with a tissue and shrugged feeling that his hunger wasn’t exactly sated by the little feast. He picked up his backpack and was about to get moving, but shockingly enough a pain in his gut halted his movements. “Damnit… I could have sworn they were legit... Shit, my stomach. If I won’t feel better in about 5 minutes I’mma call medics.” He muttered to himself and started shambling towards the known route, already thinking of his friends scolding him for his naive behaviour.

His stomach stopped aching after about a minute, brightening Jack’s mood. A few steps later new uncomfortable sensations occurred over his body. His extremities tingled at first and then pain in his digits caught him off guard. “The kheck…? Mhy-“ He stammered as he realised he wasn’t able to speak properly. He touched his front teeth with his tongue and realised why. They have sharpened and his canines started growing way bigger than they ever should be. His tongue felt too big for his mouth as well.

He wanted to complain out loud again, but his attention was brought to his torso as he started feeling bizarrely too big for his clothes. He leaned his back against a nearby tree and started to freak out. “Firsth mhy shtomach, my hanhs, mhy mhouth and nhow…” He groaned to himself as he undressed and stopped as he took off his shirt. He realised why his stomach ached as he stared at it now. It had swollen bigger and was protruding out as if he suddenly gained more weight. His stomach gurgled unpleasantly as his insides rearranged and changed shapes.

Jack started feeling woozy. The realisation that his body was shifting hit hard and he instinctively caught his forehead with his left hand. That’s how he realised that his hand had already started shifting. It’s texture was rough to the touch and protruding slightly. He brought his left hand in front of his face to examine it and noticed a few black leathery spots on its palm and underneath the fingers. His eyes widened as he watched the black blotches of leathery skin swell and form pads. In-between them itchy brown fur started to grow out. “Oh Ghod… Nhooo!” He exclaimed as he felt his entire body get hit with waves of bizarre sensations.

Seeing how fast he was changing he didn’t think much of it and since he was in a secluded area he started undressing completely, starting with the body parts that ached the most. His hands felt stiff and it was harder for him to move his fingers, which only encouraged him to undress faster not to suffocate in his clothing as his body gained more mass than just in his stomach area. In a matter of seconds he was bare butt naked and leaning against the tree with his back. He realised that his body was tingling altogether, soon the sensation changed to itching and Jack started scratching his back against the coarse bark of the tree. “Mh… Why dhoes it fheel sho ghood…” He murmured as he felt as if he was in trance, the scratching helped him ease his suffering as shaggy brown fur started to grow on his back.

This gave his transformation the time to progress his bare feet changed somewhat similarly to his hands. Black, rough blotches of skin formed on his soles and underneath his toes. They swollen out and formed paw-pads. His feet ached as they contorted and changed into more compact shapes. His toenails blackened and started elongating. They extended into sharp and slightly curved claws and were the first obvious signs of what he was turning into. His changed feet sprouted brown fur which started crawling higher on his changing legs.

In the meantime as Jack rubbed his broadening back against the bark in a primal trance his hands continued to change. His fingers shrunk in length and became stubbier, losing dexterity in the process. His thumbs ceased to be his thumbs and reformed on his hands to become more alike to the rest of his digits. His nails erupted as they started to grow longer and thicker. They darkened until they became black and stopped changing as they became wicked claws.

It all happened so fast, but even Jack realised he should panic instead of washing his troubles away with the bark’s relieving functions. He got out of his trance as he realised his somewhat pointy human nose start to widen and blacken in his field of view. “Whathe…?!” He cried out as he looked down at his body and realised how much he changed already. His hands and feet were already replaced by predatory paws, his body was in fifty percent covered in animalistic fur. His muscles ached all over his body as they grew in size, reforming his bones in the process and making them more ursine.

Jack was helpless as the changes changed his body into that of a beast, so he thought. He clumsily touched his changing nose with his bear paw. It was moist to the touch and way more sensitive at this point. His eyes stung for a second as they changed colour to brown. He felt a sudden jolt on his scalp, which made him reach out his paw to feel it. His human hair was gone, but in its place short fur started to grow. The man’s ears felt like warm clay as they suddenly started to change shapes and become more round in shape.

For a second he had a naive idea that he would be able to call help, but then he glanced back at what used to be his hands and lost all hope. His torso started snapping and becoming bulkier as it kept growing. His chest tensed up until it started to expand and barrel out to fit in all of his enlarged organs. At this point the itch fur covered his entire body along with his still changing head. His torso was gaining a pear like shape because of his increasingly bear-like silhouette.

His limbs continued to change. All of them changed their lengths and structures to cooperate better together. Most notably his femurs shortened leaving his hind legs and fore legs circa the same length. His limbs lost their rotary movements, but most of all his hind legs. His fore legs were left with a significant amount of flexibility iconic for bears. “Ghrhaaah! Ithuuurhs…” Jack screamed out as his shoulder blades snapped and reconfigured to encourage him to move mostly on all fours from now on. Similarly his pelvis reconfigured to support his new stance.

His spine started popping and snapping as it thickened. This change initiated his neck’s reconfiguration as well as his tailbone. Above his hips a strange tugging sensation appeared and Jack bent over and craned down his neck to witness the growth of his tail. He didn’t comprehend what he was becoming yet, expecting the growth to be relatively long. He gasped as he felt his tailbone unfuse and start to push out into a tail nub. It grew more vertebrae and formed a short stubby tail which quickly grown shaggy fur leaving it hard to spot.

Jack helplessly watched his torso thicken with hard muscles to support his new predatory way of life ahead of him. That’s when he realised something bizarre. He forgot about them – His genitals. He realised he was changing, but even there? “Mhn… Pleshhh nhrooo…” He timidly pleaded as he felt a warmth of changes rise in his furry groin. Jack grimaced as his foreskin started receding and revealing a lengthening shaft. Warm folds of skin started forming at the base of his hardening cock. Their upper parts fused with his lower stomach and formed a furry sheath for his reddening cock. Jack was getting unwillingly horny as he watched his manhood morph into something more bestial and yet his own. He bitten his lip and continued to stare as his erection lengthened. The glans of his cock lost definition and the crevices. Instead the tip of his cock flared out and became more ursine further teasing the man.

His ballsack tingled as it lost the remaining pubic hair and gained brown fur in return. Inside it his balls shifted in structure and ceased to produce human sperm. Jack wasn’t able to control himself any longer. He reached out his right paw, and immediately got reminded how rough and clumsy it was as his padded palm rubbed his animalistic shaft. “Mhnnnyeees… Mh-hrn…” He growled as he started repeating the action and stroking his shaft with his rough paw. He realised his digits were still bendable to a decent extent, but he had to be careful not to scratch himself with his claws. The warmth cumulated in his groin as his balls continued to change. His long bear cock stroked by his powerful intimidating paws was getting too much for the soon to be bear. His balls squeezed in all of the sudden and started clamping repeatedly as his cock started twitching. “Yhreeeeeeeshhhr…!” He roared sensually as he came and stained his chest fur with his cum. He panted for a while, calming down and enjoying the lingering pleasure. After a while he patted his shaft and realised his cock was gone. He looked down and noticed his tip plop into his newly formed sheath.

With his lust sated he started examining his body and realised that his head’s last strips of humanity were the last to change. Albeit furry his head was yet to change shape significantly to match that of a bear. Jack braced himself and clutched his scalp as he felt it start to painfully sink. His forehead was disappearing and his head was sloping down, making his ears migrate higher on the head in the process. His mouth ached at this point as his carnivorous dentition was inappropriate for his human oral cavity. His jaws started throbbing in response, until suddenly they surged outwards a centimetre. Jack immediately grabbed his face as it continued to push out into a snout. His lips darkened, until they became black and gummy in appearance. As his mouth painfully pushed out into a muzzle his ursine nose was pulled closer towards it. “Ghck-mhrakhit-sthopphr…!” Jack growled out as he realised his voice was distorted and sounded more like a bear’s growl. As Jack’s muzzle finished forming his gums were starting to get pierced by new fangs growing out to fill the gaps. Slowly new carnivorous teeth writhed out of his gums and filled his maw. His tongue finished lengthening and flattening and fit in his maw snuggly at this point. Jack panted as he felt like his metamorphosis was finally ending.

Last to change were minor details of his almost completely bear body. His neck grew in length and width completely stripping the man of his human voice in the process as his vocal chords changed. His bones finished reinforcing, his muscles stopped strengthening and his fur finished growing out to its full extent. At long last the painful changes were done with Jack leaving him a complete brown bear.

He pushed off the tree he continuously leaned against and wanted to attempt walking. Immediately he lost balance of his bulky body and fallen over onto his chest with a loud thump. Jack groaned annoyed as only now he had the time to ponder about his rather dramatic situation.

If only he’d be here alone at least, but he had a party of companions that would- “Fuck, is that a bear…? Silence and don’t move people…” A feminine voice said nearby. Jack’s changed ears perked up and heard the movement and the voices perfectly fine, even though they tried their best to stay silent. Jack realised that he was saved, those were his friends! He clumsily got up onto all fours and turned around to face the retreating group of people. He frowned as he realised they were scared of him, somewhat understandably. Jack carefully risen onto his hind legs alone and straightened up, trying to gesture at himself. “Guys, thank God it’s you! I’ve been turned into a bear, help! Please!” He tried his best to say all that, but bizarrely to him his vocal chords weren’t able to produce anything resembling human speech. Instead he intensively roared and growled at his friends, standing on two legs with his outstretched paws.

The group of people didn’t try to comprehend what the bear was doing. Many of his friends started running away, but some stayed and started making photos of the weirdly acting bear. Jack did his best to be understood, but it seemed that his friends didn’t even try to comprehend the situation. Jack just lost his humanity and it was a maddening fact, but the fact his friends stared at him like at some circus attraction made him snap. He dropped onto all fours again and started approaching the remaining group of people. They were surprised by the sudden change of demeanour and started backing away. Jack roared angrily – Why aren’t you listening, I’ve been turned into a bear! Those actions made the remaining people break into run for their lives.

Jack wanted to cry. He thought he was helpless while transforming, while now he became a complete animal and nobody knew it was really him in that altered form. He turned back and walked towards his backpack and clothes. He looked at them and was able to think only about how much he had lost, by making a single mistake of eating those berries.

Suddenly he felt something warm touch his broad back. He turned his head in that direction. A woman jumped away from him, thinking he wanted to hurt her. Albeit she quickly regained her composure. “Jack? Is that really you…? It’s hard to believe, but I noticed those clothes, your backpack just lying here. And well… You, the bear you acting relatively docile. Please nod and don’t eat me if it’s really you in there.” The brunette stammered trying not to freak out at the sight of a brown bear a metre away from her. Jack’s eyes widened, it was his girlfriend - Sarah, of course it was. Only she tried to comprehend what happened to him and she guessed it. Jack started nodding his furry head. Sarah’s eyes watered up and she jumped at the brown bear hugging it. Jack gently embraced her as well, careful not to hurt her with his claws or strength alone – He wished he’d be able to cry as well. “Don’t worry Jack, w-we’ll figure s-something out… I won’t leave you like this!” Sarah sniffled and hugged the bear harder.


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