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Mia was one of those introverts who preferred to spend time on their own. She lived alone and she was thankful for it, but despite it felt like she didn't fit in the community she was forcefully a part of.

She had a few passions, hobbies and such. When she had spare time she loved to visit her neighbours who had a huge farmstead. She gladly helped the neighbour couple take care of their animals. She felt much better in their peaceful and careless presence than in an increasingly robotic human community.

She felt like humans carved routinous paths and despite people being different, they all lived according to premade templates. While animals also had their instincts and routines, they were way more spontaneous, natural.

At her job she was usually calm and submissive, just doing what she was ought to to get the money to survive. Despite working hard, she hated it. Many people who also worked as cashiers also understood what she meant.

One Friday was particularly hard for her. Her boss called her over and lowered her salary. Of course he blamed it on the inflation - He was partly right, but the way he stated it to Mia made her shudder in annoyment.

She already had a bad wage and now this, even though she was said to be the best worker. Capitalism at its finest - She thought as she slowly driven to her neighbours to finally have a moment of respite, before she would have to turn into a gear at Monday and continue the miserable cycle.

She greeted the neighbour couple who expected her. They enjoyed her unique character and the fact she was so helpful. Although even they noticed her unusual demeanour. She was usually calm, but today appeared nervous and jittery.

Nonetheless she reassured the couple she was fine and that she just needed to clear her head in her own way. As always she had several tasks handed to her by the elderly couple. She was a rare sight. She loved doing simple things and being lost in her thoughts while occasionally adoring the nature around her.

The couple changed their standards, most likely because of Mia's mood and handed her a single task for today. She was ought to do as she pleased, to have fun in her most preferred way. The elderly couple appreciated all the help from Mia they received over the months and wanted her to take a break for one day.

She wanted to protest at first, but finally obliged. Although she felt like it was a weird situation. Normally she would know what to do, while now she was able to choose herself.

"You're special Mia. We wish we could help you get the happiness you well deserve..." Said Mr. Jones.

"I just want peace and to spend more time with your animals and not in my stupid job. It was never about wealth. You know what I mean..." Mia said meekly.

"Hm... Yes, we talked about your situation and worldviews the last week. I understand what you mean... You know if you'd really, really want the aforementioned I think those things may come. In this case we also have one task for you today..."

Mia's mood brightened and she carefully listened to what Mr. Jones had to say. He gave her one task for today...

Mia reached the scarecrow she was told about. She was asked to dismantle it. Scarecrow was a thing of the past. The one in the farmstead field stood there for almost a century. The world changed since then and now the traditional object had to go.

Mia thought about her life, about people and about the world as she worked on the scarecrow. She hoped to have a farmstead of her own if she'd ever earn enough money to afford it some day. Getting a farm of her own would be the closest to fulfilling her dream and getting peace from the ever changing society and its problems.

As she finished dismantling the scarecrow she started wondering how would it be to live as a careless and free bird. A raven for example. A simple, but free life which she felt would be perfect for her. Although those were just fictional theories - She thought.

As she was about to grab the sticks and materials she felt something weird. "Huh...?" She murmured as she brought her right hand closer to inspect.

She felt weird prickly sensations on her hand, but weirdly enough they seemed to come from the inside... Mia should have been startled by the realisation, but she just squinted her eyes curiously and indifferently.

She finally noticed what caused the sensations. Her smooth skin was growing tiny, yet sharp black protrusions. They extended out and seemed to blossom as they formed miniscule feathers, which kept growing longer quickly.

Her heart started beating faster. She was an outcast, but she wasn't dim - She was growing feathers. "Oh gosh, am I turning into a bird?!" She jumped at the realisation from excitement. The growing feathers hurt her flesh, but she accepted it and wanted it with her entire soul - Human world wasn't for her.

She was in a cornfield in a very peaceful environment, she quickly decided to undress figuring out she wouldn't need clothes as a bird that she was sure she was becoming by now. She shakily started undressing. Shoes, socks, pants, shirt and even her underwear - She casted her clothing aside as she spread her arms embracing the changes.

She watched amazed as her feathers grew out and started covering both of her hands completely by now. She smiled slightly at the alien sensations that were spreading from her hands and travelling higher up her body.

She didn't get distressed even as she felt her hands start to crack painfully as they started bending. Her fingers felt numb as they practically melted together and rearranged into wing bones. She didn' t have hands anymore and she wasn't bothered by it. Her hands and lower arms disfigured underneath her glossy black feathers that continuously lengthened.

Mia had no idea how her transformation would progress, what would change next. Although soon she realised as she felt her feet start to ache. She felt her skin get rougher and even becoming somewhat scaly. She watched as tiny and irregular grey plates formed on her skin.

She knew how much bird's anatomy differed and so she braced herself for her toe changes. She felt her small toes ache and throb as they were slowly getting absorbed by her shifting feet. She felt her feet start to slim down as they started elongating into avian legs.

She was forced to change her stance and stand on the balls of her diminishing feet from now on. Her big toes started aching painfully as they were changing shape and getting pulled all the way to the back of her new avian feet.

All of her toes slimmed down as well and changed structure as what was left of her toenails started shifting into raven talons. She felt them grow out long, sharp and curved to help her grab onto things in her upcoming new reality.

She had some trouble standing on her rearranged feet, but she managed to because of her determination. Her lower legs grew scaly just like her completely transformed feet. Her legs thinned down and remolded into avian shapes - Becoming more lightweight, but lithe as well.

Her upper legs slowly started shifting, she realised her legs looked like they bent the different way by now because of her changed anatomy. Her upper legs slimmed down as well and shrunk accordingly. Unlike her lower legs her upper avian legs sprouted short and somewhat fluffy black feathers.

She felt the changes start working on her hips and pelvis and covering everything around them in black feathers. Her bones snapped like twigs as they became significantly smaller and reshaped into completely different shapes. She was forced to squat down in inhuman manner - In an avian manner.

For the first time during her transformation she started feeling overwhelmed, she still wanted it, but the changes were actually getting painful and very uncomfortable. "... Owgh... Need to endure... Slowly getting... Thgheeere..." Mia groaned as her hips reoriented inside her body and painfully remolded forcing her to change her stance yet again.

Her tailbone ached like hell, until her spine started shifting and pushing her tailbone further. Her tailbone unfused and started pushing out, stretching the flesh and forming an avian tail. It stung a bit as feathers grew out of it.

Mia stood determined even as her posture shifted dramatically forcing her to permanently bend over in a bird fashion from now on. Her back cracked as her entire torso became shorter and rounder.

She felt her ribcage push outwards a bit reshaping her chest and pushing her breasts further from each other. She watched as they slowly deflated, nipples on them diminished until she didn't feel them at all. Her torso slowly finished remolding as her shoulder blades started stretching longer. New muscles formed around them to support her forming wings.

Mia gasped as what was left of her arms suddenly bent into a new position. Her upper arm bones were shifting into wing bones and they forced her to tug her forming wings closer to her torso while "unused". Slowly her arms were entirely replaced by glossy wings as fur finished covering them.

Just then Mia realised one thing, was reminded of it. She looked around her as she felt her changes slow down. She realised the corn around her was much taller, she was shrinking during the past minutes without even noticing it as she was too focused on watching her own changes. And from the looks of it she wasn't done shrinking as well to be the size of a common raven. She felt a weird sense of vertigo as body diminish into a more compact size.

Her neck ached as it started elongating slowly. She felt more bones grow inside, more vertebrae and her head was lifted higher away from her torso. She felt her vocal chords completely distort and when she wanted to say something all that came out was a low croaking sound, somewhat similar to a caw. Her neck slowly finished lengthening and slowly sprouted short black feathers to finish its changes.

She sighed relieved as she felt her head start to contort. She would be free soon. Her skull pounded painfully as it decreased in size and changed its entire shape dissolving her human visage further.

Her hair slowly got replaced by short feathers that grew out of her scalp and started covering her entire head slowly. Her human ears shrivelled to nothing, leaving only earholes that quickly got covered by glossy feathers. She felt how her head was more avian than human by now.

Her entire body was almost that of a raven, almost as she suddenly felt her genitals start to grow warmer. That caught her off guard, she realised she didn't feel them changing before much. She realised her butthole felt similarly odd.

Her disappearing face flushed as she realised that she was almost entirely an animal now and she was getting increasingly horny by those thoughts. Her anus slowly changed to accommodate her intestines and so did her vagina. The thoughts of what was about to happen to the both openings made her shudder in lust.

She raised her avian tail instinctively as she felt her two openings slowly get hauled closer to each other. It felt like an alien massage, only making her more heated up down there. She felt her vaginal opening slowly slide so close to her anus that the two started fusing together.

"Craaah-Aawh!" She cawed in bliss as her holes started merging together into one opening - Her forming cloaca.

She felt her organs adapt to the changes as the cloaca she just grew was suited for two major functions. She felt her opening pucker up slightly, making her tail feathers ruffle in bliss - She felt like her hot vent was trying her. She felt it throb with need until she let go and she felt her inner walls spasm. Her cloaca gushed out healthy amounts of juices and almost made Mia fall over from the pleasure.

She slowly came to knowing her face wasn't done changing. She panted in a human manner while she was still able to with her mouth and nose. In the meantime as she slowly calmed down from a blissful orgasm her ruffled feathers repositioned themselves as the tension left her - Her cloaca was now hidden beneath them.

Mia opened her mouth as she felt something start to push through her lips. She realised her teeth fused together and blackened becoming a smooth beak that slowly started pushing out and gradually growing into its final size.

The beak slowly pushed out making her open her mouth wider, until it started adapting to the growth and reforming into avian anatomy. She felt her beak grow so big that it started pushing aside whatever was left of her face. Her nose was slowly getting absorbed by her growing beak. Until only two nostrils were left on her newly formed beak.

Her entire head was quickly covered in the short black feathers, completing her new visage. Her head deflated, her cranium sloped down and finished reforming along with her by now bird brain. Her repositioned eyes became darker and her vision adjusted becoming sharper.

Her body shrunk down to its final size and she realised her human shell was gone, completely replaced by a raven one and she loved it. She became a full fledged bird and had a whole new life in store for her - She realised.

She had a feeling that her neighbours had something to do with her mystical transformation. She cawed joyfully and flapped her wings eagerly. She was surprised how much her new body helped her rise into the air. In a matter of few short seconds she started flying and finally felt free for once as she flew away from her old life.


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