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Ben was a 30 years old man working on his family farm dutifully. It's been like it for his entire life practically. He enjoyed it for the most part too.

As it often is, he just got used to it. He didn't know the life besides his peaceful village. Still, he had a loving family and a few good friends. He was happy with his life.

Unluckily one day it all changed as a grim silhouette approached the peaceful farmstead Ben lived in. The person wore dark robes and looked somewhat like a gangster and somewhat like a debt collector.

Ben's family noticed the shady man first and immediately ran up to him as if they knew him already. Ben was busy taking care of the barn matters meanwhile and didn't notice the upcoming fuss yet.

"You know what I came here for, you people owe me something..." The shady man grimly stated to Ben's parents making Mrs. Larson jitter.

"W-we almost have the amount of money we need, just please give us more time. We are saving the money on everything just to pay you back!" Mrs. Larson stammered as she grabbed her husband's hand for comfort.

"That won't do at all. You shouldn't have made a deal with me knowing you wouldn't be able to keep your promise. It's unacceptable..." The enigmatic man went on.

Meanwhile as Ben finished taking care of the bulls and their routinely meds dose he heard distant voices through the open barn door. Since he was done with work at the spot anyway he decided to check what's the hassle about.

"Listen. My wife told you! You don't know how it is here. Even our only son works twice as hard and he doesn't even know about our deal! We can't afford to be more productive, our last cow died last week for fuck sake! We barely have enough food to live for and you rush us?" Mr. Larson said annoyed.

The shady debt collector paid no attention to the aggressive attitude and turned around in the direction of approaching Ben. "I already said, this is unacceptable. You need more motivation to give me what you owe me. Your last cow died last week you say...?" He said with a shallow creepy tone.

Ben's parents eyed each other startled. "What do you mean? No, leave him out of this!" Mrs. Larson exclaimed as she realised what the man had in mind.

The shady man whispered something incoherently as he made weird gestures while looking straight at Ben. "It's too late. It's already starting. I don't know how productive your son was previously, but since you complained about losing your last cow I'm helping you out in that matter. You're welcome." The shady man said as he slowly started retreating into the direction he came from. "This will teach you not to invalidate our deals..." He added from the distance as he suddenly disappeared in a dust cloud.

Ben watched the entire situation, but didn't hear much of what the man said. He approached his parents and immediately asked. "Father? What was that about? What happened? I just finished tending to the bulls, but... I- I feel so weird suddenly... So hot!" Ben said with a gradually weaker tone as he was visibly getting worse.

"No! Not you Ben...! John, call an ambulance!" Mrs. Larson said to her husband as she started crying. Mr. Larson shook his head slowly while looking at his son.

"M-mother, Father? What's happening to me?! Ungh..." Ben grunted with fear rising in his eyes as he suddenly bent over in pain.

He felt bizarre sensations of his entire body bulging out, mainly his muscles and fat tissue. Slowly his clothes were getting strained by his increasing body mass. From a lanky, but athletic man he slowly turned into an obese version of himself, but there was something inhuman about his shape as the changes progressed.

"I- Ghod... What the fuck is happening to me?! Gh- Did he do that to me, how?! Agh!" Ben yelled out with pain in his voice as his bone structure started creaking and slowly rearranging his body. His parents were paralysed in fear and shock, feeling the hospital wouldn't help in that situation.

Ben's clothes quickly dampened with his sweat as his body underwent more drastic changes. He felt his nose start to throb as it slowly bulged out, malforming his nostrils. He had no idea what was happening to the spot, so he reached out his hand to feel it. He suddenly froze in shock, he felt that his nose slowly shifted into that of a creature he knew too well.

"Noo! Please help me! I'm- Uhn! Turning into an animal!" Ben groaned in pain as he felt the other features on his head become increasingly more bovine.

His calls for help were ignored, because what help would save from his fate other than the shady man changing his decision. Ben's fate was sealed.

He felt so embarrassed at his bulging body. He felt his wet clothes start to tear in places as he kept on gaining inhuman amounts of body mass.

He suddenly gasped as he felt a distant and unwilling orgasm hit his groin. He spurted out the remnants of his human cum as he felt his genitals tensing up unnaturally. He felt like he cummed harder than ever. His underwear and jeans were stained with more than just sweat making Ben's face get beet red in humiliation.

"Gh- Something's wrong, my... I feel it changing! I- Ah!" He moaned as he felt the last drop of cum leave his balls.

His belt was strained to it's extent along with the jeans as his hips started gaining even more mass. Ben reached out his hands to feel as his ass slowly swollen out. So much so that the pants slowly started to split down the seams.

"Oofh-nhg!" Ben gasped as he felt his belt explode and his pants tear away completely along with the ruined underwear beneath.

He felt like his skeleton was forcing him onto all fours along with his tremendous weight. He glanced back watching the clothing fall off him revealing his shifting hips.

Mrs. Larson covered her eyes as she shivered terrified, while her husband's eyes went wide in shock. Ben felt his hips painfully crack as his buttocks parted, reconfiguring his rump and leaving him humiliatingly exposed.

He hyperventilated as he felt his insides rearrange. His anus shifted, becoming bigger. More worryingly Ben felt his cock and balls slowly get hauled closer to his bovine asshole. He felt nauseating sensations as they migrated higher.

Until he felt them settle down bizarrely high on his butt. He panted exhausted. "They aren't done changinghaaahg! Fhuuuuck!" He bellowed as he felt his balls slowly get pulled painfully inwards. His ballsack started getting tauter and tauter. Until with a wet *shlorp* his balls suddenly shot deeper into his body as they underwent more changes and slowly shifting into ovaries.

Ben shook his head at the feelings, he felt like he was in some horrible nightmare as his manhood reshaped painfully. He felt his empty ballsack's skin get smoother. Until the scrotal raphe seared with pain as it started splitting open.

"Aaaaaaaagh!" Ben screamed out as his scrotum slowly spread apart revealing a gaping hole. It's lips parted, swelling while at it and becoming distinctly inhuman.

Ben shuddered as his cock started to twinge and contract. It started shrinking and joining the new orifice. Slowly melting down into it. Ben panted hard feeling his spasming cunt slowly finish forming.

"Mmmmh..." Ben groaned out as his cunt's lips closed up around his shrinking cock. His cock got sucked into his new pussy, engorging and fusing with it.

"W-whgnhat in the hell am I becoming...? I can't be a fuckin' cow...!" He weakly exclaimed still feeling his engorged pussy nestled on his exposed rump.

Ben spasmed in pain as he felt his spine start to protrude on his back as it changed. Soon the pain centered on his tailbone. "Ungh, what now...!?" He groaned as he felt his tailbone start to reform and form a pressure above his rump.

Until with an audible *crack* he suddenly felt his tailbone extend past it's human shape forming a small tail bump. The fleshy bump lengthened as more vertebrae painfully formed inside. The new appendage writhed mirroring the man's pain. It soon started slapping against the protruding pussy as it finished forming.

"I have a t-tail! Why is this ha-happening to mghraaaagh!?" He groaned out as he felt his rump take on it's final bovine shape with the last growth spurts.

His parents both stunned in place as they watched their son's grotesque transformation felt miserably useless unable to help him.

"S-son... We are so sorry for this. We'll find a cure, I promise!" Ben's mother cried out opening her eyes only for a second, closing them immediately as she saw her son's remolded rear.

Ben heard only bits of what his mother said as in the meantime his ears were stretched into bovine points, deafening him temporarily. His hearing came back soon, along with his reshaped ears fit for a cow he was progressively becoming.

He held his breath as he felt his lungs bloat out along with everything inside his chest as his torso started barreling out. His shirt had enough of it and slowly tore apart, giving way for his swelling ribcage to expand further and providing Ben with a hint of relief as he was able to breathe again.

Ben craned down his neck and watched grimaced as his ribcage slowly finished barreling out and widening into a massive bovine shape. Just then he noticed that his nipples faded to nonexistence.

He paid it no mind until he suddenly felt it. He felt like his stomach was getting heavier than it already was. He moaned as slowly a part of flesh bulged out of it and starter protruding from his stomach. It was warm, sensitive and swollen.

Ben stared wide eyed as he slowly grew cow's udders underneath him. He moaned spontaneously as he felt new nerves forming in them. Just to cringe as he realised how big and swollen his udder was getting.

"Ahnn, why does- Aaahn, fuck! Feel so good!? Ma-aaah!" He screamed out as slowly his fat udder grew four teats. They lengthened so much that they brushed against the ground a few times making the man moan out in disbelief and pleasure.

He grabbed one of his plump teats and gave it a squeeze, shuddering as he felt a jolt of bliss travel into his engorged pussy. The teat he squeezed started oozing and making Ben shiver in embarrassment.

Ben felt like it was pointless to fight it now. Half of his body was that of a simple cow by now. He knew he was done for, but wasn't able to control his voice from time to time with painful *snaps* of his changing anatomy he made deep sounds that started to sound like cow's mooing.

Ben grunted as he felt his arms and legs stiffen in place as his torso forced them into new quadrupedal positions. He felt that the changes started crawling onto his limbs.

His legs *snapped* as they grew thicker with muscles. Their bones reformed to be fit for heavy weight lifting for the rest of his life. His muscular legs looked like they belonged to a cow already, but the most dramatic changes grabbed his feet.

"Awh, my feet!" He exclaimed as he felt something really outlandish happening to them. They felt impossibly stiff in his shoes as they lengthened, slowly forcing the man to stand on the balls of his malforming feet.

His toenails grotesquely enlarged starting to encompass his toes and form hooves. His feet were so far gone and reminiscent of cow hind hooves that they slipped out of the man's shoes. Just in time to start growing bigger and more adequate to the rest of his humongous body.

In the meantime his arms drastically remolded into animalistic forelegs. They *squelched* audibly as muscles in them tripled in size, along with several lengthening bones. Slowly shifting his entire body into the appropriate proportions.

He felt like his feet changed most dramatically, until he felt his fingers stiffen up. "God, not my hands! Please-aghaaaaan!" He mourned the loss of his hands as their digits grew thicker and merged together. His fingernails became significantly thicker as they started enveloping his mishappen hands.

He tried to bring his hands closer to his face to at least see their horrid descent, but he wasn't even able to bend his forelegs that much. The last visible features of what used to be his hands slowly fused together into fore hooves of a cow.

Ben stomped his four legs in panic making loud *clopping* sounds which only made him more terrified, as he realised how much of his old self he had lost.

Ben wanted to let his parents see his face for the last time. He barely managed to turn around his massive body on his wobbling legs.

Mr. Larson was hugging his wife as she wept loudly. The couple turned their heads to look at their son's last moments as a human. Ben looked at them with tears in his eyes. Until he closed them unexpectedly as they stung him. He felt like his pupils were stretching as they changed their shape, becoming wider. His eyes became duller in appearance and more bovine.

He opened them and realised he wasn't able to cry anymore as his tear ducts disappeared. His eyes were that of a cow already, bulging out slightly out of their sockets.

Loud *creaks* of his shoulders *popping* into their new arrangement echoed through the ranch making his parents jump at the painful sounds. Ben thrashed his head as his neck *snapped* into it's new alignment painfully lifting it slightly.

He groaned in agony as his head drifted further away from his inhuman torso as his neck lengthened and thickened. It slowly *creaked* into place. As it did Ben's head suddenly *cracked* as it changed it's angle on his neck to fit his quadrupedal stance.

Ben's face was already contorting. His nose was that of a cow and obscured his vision greatly, but area around it wasn't done changing. Ben clenched his teeth together as he felt a splitting headache rise in his entire skull.

"Mghaaaaaaooo! Hralphmoo-ghrooo!" He managed to bellow out in agony as his skull started growing bigger, while shifting to a simpler herbivore shape. His cranium deflated, his brain *squelched* and was forced into a smaller shape.

Mrs. Larson pulled herself out of her husband's embrace and ran over to her suffering son. Mr. Larson followed with his head low in sorrow. Mrs. Larson hugged her son's altered body, not caring about it's shape. She just wanted to comfort her tormented son. Mr. Larson patted Ben's side as he shook his head in disbelief at the reality of the situation.

Ben felt his parents' weight and he felt slightly better with their presence. Although that presence didn't halt the changes. Ben's eyes widened as his jaws started throbbing. They pounded hard until they grew wider and the pressure in them started to force them to grow outwards.

"Mghroooooh! Mhg-ghhck...!" Ben mooed in anguish as his jaws elongated into a bovine muzzle making him choke in discomfort. They finally stopped growing leaving his head almost completely that of a cow.

His gums hurt as they expelled his human teeth. Ben managed to spit them out along with saliva and blood as he felt horrible aches in his gums as new and thick herbivorous teeth churned out. His tongue swollen thicker and lengthened some to fit his snout.

He finally felt some respite as the pain in his body eased up. Still he felt his bare body change some more. His barely altered skin thickened into hide and started to itch as it started growing white and black hair. The hairy coat grew denser and became iconic cowish fur. It slowly enveloped his entire body, providing him with a tiny bit of discretion.

Ben panted as he tried to catch his breath. He just turned into a cow. His entire life went to waste as he was turned into a simple farm animal and a female one at that. Ben bellowed defeated and turned his head to face his worried parents.

"We will take care of you. We'll explain you everything, just don't give up son." Said Mr. Larson as he eyed his son's altered body.

"You will b-become a human again. I swore to you." Said Mrs. Larson as she gently patted her son's bovine head. She was unsure if she would keep her promise and felt guilty for being somewhat responsible for her son's fate.

After the morbid transformation the Larsons couple took care of their son as much as it was possible. Adequately to his new form. It was truly a bizarre situation. They wanted to contact the person who triggered the transformation and was directly responsible for it, but the shady man avoided contact.

Ben had to adapt to his new life, but he still had his loving and caring parents at least. During the nights Ben had to sleep in the barn, but unlike regular cows he was allowed to walk freely in it as he pleased.

One particular night Ben was awoken from his slumber as he heard footsteps on the concrete floor the barn was full of. Ben slowly stood up, by now relatively used to his new legs.

He tried to catch the sight of whoever was inside, especially as it was still dark. Suddenly the light turned on and Ben's eyes widened. In the centre of the barn stood the shady man.

Ben mooed loudly to alarm his parents as he slowly backed away from the man. "Ben, you'll have plenty of occasions to mooan..." The shady man said calmly as he opened the fence gate of a bull's stall. "Have fun you two." He growled as he disappeared in the darkness.

Ben was terrified as he watched the bull slowly walk out of it's stall. It was slightly bigger than him, but more worryingly it was a male bull most of all. Ben still walked backwards until his rump hit the closed barn door.

Ben realised his bovine pussy was swollen and dripping. Ben mooed shocked. His body enjoyed the thrill of the situation. Ben started to turn around instinctively as he heard clopping approaching.

He realised he wanted it himself, deep inside he wanted to feel the bull's cock inside his gaping hole. Just then Ben felt a weight on his back as the male leapt onto him.

Without foreplay the bull's erect cock started prodding against Ben's meaty rump. Ben silently mooed as his cunt started oozing more pleasure juices. Until in one smooth motion it was stuffed with the bull's cock.

Ben bellowed in bliss as his walls clasped around the hard shaft, stimulating them. Even more so as the male started rapidly humping Ben.

Ben's legs felt like they were made out of jelly as they slowly lowered his upper body closer to the ground, leaving his rump high up and fully available to the pounding male.

Ben mooed in ecstasy as he was stuffed with bull's hot and leaking rod. The bull bellowed loudly as it's cock started to pulsate, stretching the tight inner walls. Until the bull started climaxing inside Ben and filling him with cum.

The bull still humped Ben as it continued to spurt cum inside him. Ben thrashed his head in pleasure, until he was unable to hold his own orgasm anymore. His walls clenched around the smooth cock and his cunt started gushing out fluids as Ben came.

Ben's mooing stuttered as his body was still lingering with pleasure and lust. The bull mooed too in satisfaction as it's cock started to soften and shrink. Ben mooed loudly as the male's cock slid out stimulating his cunt some more.

The bull walked away, leaving Ben still moaning in pleasure. Ben slowly stood up as his rump was still tingling. He looked around, hoping his parents didn't hear his activities. He started walking towards his hay pile, his rump still leaking cum. Ben was starting to accept his new life as a cow, unsure if he wanted to change back at times like this.