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"... And that is why we never hunt on full moons. It's not just a habit, it's respect for the wild spirits who hunt for us at that time."

Jack took another sip of the tea he was treated with by the local people. "Oh, I see. Again, thank you so much for having me in, I love your culture and I'm happy I could learn more of it first hand with you." He smiled towards his guide Malia.

"No problem. I'm always eager to share our history and traditions with people who respect it. Alright, it's almost midnight. We should go to sleep or we may anger the spirits, one of them is especially prominent this night. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow, we gotta go!" Malia stood up quickly as she realised how late it was as she glanced at her wrist watch.

Jack didn't argue with her, he finished his tea in a second and headed out into his tent. They resided in a small encampment with no one else around for kilometers. It felt so peaceful, especially this time of the year.

"Goodnight Malia, see you tomorrow." Jack said to her and looked at the landscape around for a second adoring it.

"Ahhhm, goodnight Jack." She yawned exhausted after their entire day of voyaging.

Jack loved trips like this. He explored the world and it's cultures and had a ton of fun. It wasn't easy, especially without shower and phone signal. Still he liked that peace and lack of constant ruckus that cities provided, he preferred huge open spaces, especially with history and beautiful landscapes.

He got ready to sleep quickly. As he slipped into his sleeping bag, he checked the photos he made during the last days. He quickly finished though as he felt he was really tired after the day.

On the last photo there was a weird, blurred and hunched over silhouette in the background. Jack didn't notice it and shut down his phone.

He woke up, his sleep interrupted by something abrupt. He felt he was getting goosebumps. It was silent, dark, but something outside the tent made rustling sounds.

Jack wanted to just ask out loud, to reassure himself that the thing outside of his tent was just Malia. Nonetheless he decided not to make any sounds as he heard bizarre sounds of some creature's sniffing. Like a dog would, but there were almost no animals around, there shouldn't be. Maybe it was a coyote?

He wasn't able to fall asleep as the creature outside made increasingly worrying sounds. Slowly Jack noticed as the animal's silhouette was getting visible through the tent's walls. Jack gulped, the creature immediately turned it's head in Jack's direction as if it heard him somehow.

Jack had enough of it, he felt like the creature would leap onto the tent any moment. Also what kind of coyote is that tall?! Jack rapidly unzipped his tent and jumped out to warn Malia.

Suddenly he saw what the creature he saw was. Jack shivered in terror as he started slowly backing away from what appeared to be... A werewolf of sorts. It was barely visible in the dim moonlight.

The creature slowly started walking towards Jack, but it walked on two twisted legs. Jack quivered as he stood there paralysed with fear. The creature started to move faster towards him in a bizarre manner - like a human, like a wolf and like something Jack never seen.

"... Go away, please. Hey... No! Ahhhhhh...!" Jack forced himself to try and scare the monster away, but it writhed towards him continuously until Jack started running away from it.

Jack ran as fast as he was able to. He prayed Malia would be alright in the tent, he hoped the monster wouldn't find her. Jack ran for what felt like kilometers, hoping the creature didn't chase him. Until he was too tired to run and he finally had time to look back.

His eyes opened wide immediately as the creature leapt onto him pinning him down against the ground. The creature had it's jaws open, ready to bite Jack. It looked into Jack's terrified eyes for a second.

"Ahhhh! Please! What are you?" Jack screamed out in horror and desperation. "What did I d- Aghhaaa-aaaaaah..!" Jack howled in agony as the creature bitten into his right arm. Suddenly both of them heard a loud howl echoing through the desert. The creature slowly let go of his arm and stood up watching the motionless human on the ground for a few more seconds before dashing away in the direction the howl came from.

"F-fuck! Agh... At lea-least it didn't kill me, but damnit this hurts! I need to get back to Malia..." Jack said to himself as he looked at his open bleeding wound.

Jack slowly stood up, still trembling from the shock that the creature just almost killed him. He grabbed his hurt arm lightly. "Ow-ow-ow! Damnit... What even was that thing?!" Jack thought out loud as he slowly started stumbling in the direction of his camp, before the creature would come back to finish him.

As Jack walked through the dark night. He felt his temperature rise and he started sweating even though it was a dead cold night around. He shivered as if he had a fever. "Oh gosh, this is bad... What if that... Creature was rabid? I need to move faster, uh..." He tried to reason with himself as he slowly started sweating and looking worse with each second.

In the meantime Malia searched all over the camp for him, hoping he was hiding somewhere and didn't run off. She searched everywhere possible. She didn't find Jack, but she found his phone and his footprints. "... His footprints and... Oh no, no!" She dropped to her knees as she noticed the beastly traces next to Jack's footprints.

She tried to gather up her thoughts, praying she would be wrong. The beastly traces looked exactly like those in her peoples folk tales. The traces of Yenaldooshi... She got up without thinking further and immediately broke into a run in the direction the traces lead to.

Jack felt too weak to walk. His whole body ached as if his muscles grew too big for his human body. "T-this isn't n-normal... What's hap-pening to me...?" Jack mumbled as he felt like his body was gradually catching on fire.

"Ah! Shit! Why am I feeling so...! Screw this!" Jack exclaimed as he started taking his light clothes off in frantic fashion. He stumbled as his body felt like it was burning. In reality his skin started changing colour to grey as it became more leathery and thick.

Jack finally managed to get most of clothes off him except his underwear. He felt strange to say the least as he didn't feel the cold air, but intense heat as his body gradually changed. Especially as his thickened skin slowly started sprouting dark fur which quickly enveloped most of his body.

"Oh God, is that fur?! Why am I- Aghhck!" Jack winced in pain as he felt his fingers contract. He watched as they cracked and to his horror they slowly started to merge together until he was left with only three of them.

Before he was able to react, he felt piercing sensations hit his altered fingertips as what was left of his nails started to thicken and push out into wicked sharp claws.

Jack panted feeling like he would pass out. "I- It can't be. I'm becoming a fucking werewolf! Ghaa-gh...!" He kept groaning as he felt his legs started cracking and jerking into their new configuration. He felt his bare feet start to elongate painfully forcing him into a different stance.

Jack tripped over his alienating feet and fallen onto all fours. "Ugh... Somebody heeelp me!" He wailed as he felt his legs bulge out with muscles as they remolded into their new somewhat canine forms.

The worst pains came from his feet as he felt like his toenails were melting and migrating into their new composition. He soon felt like he was left with only two... No, three toes on each foot. Jack managed to look down and watch as his toes enlarged and sharpened, becoming more reminiscent of claws than actual toes.

He shivered watching as his body morphed and he was unable to stop the changes, no matter how much he tried to focus. He watched as his furry legs finished altering their shape. They looked completely inhuman and unlike any animal he knew, but at least the pain in them was gone.

Seemingly traveling back to Jack's arms as they jolted with each growth spurt they underwent. They lengthened and became way more muscular. Jack had difficulty not falling face first into the ground as he felt new pains erupt from his elbows.

"Ghnoooo! Make it stop! I don't want to be a w-werewolf! Why m-me!?" He screamed out asking the wild spirits as he felt sharp protrusions erupt from his elbows. He looked in panic at his increasingly more worrying anatomy.

His arms slowly malformed further. His upper arms grown thicker with muscles and another pair of spiky protrusions formed on the unfortunate man's arms. Jack panted gritting his teeth as he felt the changes in his arms finally stop.

Jack felt like his consciousness was leaving him. It was too huge of an emotional rollercoaster, he just wanted his suffering to end. He was becoming some sort of monster. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Jack started crawling into a small cave he noticed nearby.

The changes didn't wait for him to succeed. He gasped as he felt a humongous pressure in his tailbone. "Uhnn... No way, no-no-no! Owh!" He whined as he felt the pressure sure outwards and with that a fleshy bump started extending from his tailbone. He felt it start to push against his underwear - his growing tail.

Jack grimaced in discomfort as his lengthy tail kept on growing outwards and starting to hurt inside his tight boxers. Jack used his sharp claws to tear apart his last human clothing and sighed with relief as his hairy and surprisingly long tail started swaying behind him on it's own.

Only then he realised the morbid reality. He grasped his tail with his claw-fingers and felt as it started growing luscious and long fur. "This is a nightmare, I just grown a tail... Need to hide before I'll loose myself in this form." He grumbled as he continued to crawl into the desert cave amidst the changes.

He finally reached it, he growled annoyed realising how shallow it was. He was done for. He really hoped he wouldn't loose his consciousness after the transformation and attack somebody.

The tail flailed behind him as he felt his stomach and lower torso alter with growing muscles. Bones cracked painfully, especially as the slowly reached his ribcage.

Jack choked as his ribcage started barreling out and swelling readying his body for a way stronger arrangement than his human body ever was. Jack tried to breathe, but was only allowed to as his chest finished remolding into a beastly shape entirely.

"Ugh-hhh-hhh... I'm done for..." He accepted his fate as he once again glimpsed at his monstrous lower body. Knowing his head was next and the last to change. He lowered his head as he felt his neck start to widen and stretch out a bit uncomfortably.

"Ghaaaarhhhh-fuuuuuck...!" Malia heard a voice echo through the desert. It was Jack she realised, but his voice felt unsettling. Malia run in the direction the screams came from and she finally noticed the small rocky cave and a silhouette crouched in it as if in pain.

Malia tried to keep calm, but as she approached the silhouette she realised it looked grotesque. "J-Jack...? Wh-what have the spirits done to you...?!" Malia exclaimed as she noticed all the altered features on Jack.

Meanwhile he closed his eyes and grunted in a crouched position. "Go a-away! It's too late for mghraaaaaagh!" Jack suddenly roared as he felt his head start to contort and change shape.

Malia took a trembling step forward watching as Jack's head slowly became more akin to that of a canine. His ears were painfully tugged upwards as they stretched out into points, becoming more sensitive.

His hair quickly got replaced by his shaggy grey fur. He felt his eyes sting as they changed their colour from blue to a strange purple hue. His human visage disappeared completely as a pressure started building in his jaws.

"Ngh-nkh-ghaaarghh!" He growled with an animalistic voice as his face slowly started pushing outwards into a wolfish muzzle. He brought his clawed hands and tried to stop it from extending, but he failed as his muzzle slowly finished forming.

His throbbing jaws hurt as he felt many horizontal splitting aches in his new muzzle as if it was cut in slices. The feeling quickly subsided, but Jack felt his gums ache as inside them his omnivore teeth reshaped into deadly fangs of a predator as his tongue lengthened.

Jack felt the last changes erase his humanity. He felt like his consciousness was fading from him. He tried to fight it, but it felt like he was forced to act simpler and according to his wakening instincts.

Jack fallen onto all fours and panted hard with his altered and feral looking eyes. Suddenly he felt a touch on his powerful right arm and he got startled. He felt a sickening sensation as his muzzle split into four parts and he felt an urge to roar.

"Graaa-whooooooooo!!!" Malia got startled and fallen onto her rump just as Jack emitted a booming howl. It was unnatural, it wasn't just loud it was visible in plain eyesight - the waves of force that radiated from Jack's new split muzzle as he howled out.

The force wave almost hit Malia. Terrified at Jack's reaction she thought he must have lost his human mind as she started crawling away from him.

Jack felt his muzzle close, all of it's four parts. He slowly calmed down and rubbed his wolfish muzzle with his clawed hand trying to regain his thoughts. "I... I'm still myself!" He growled somewhat happily that he didn't die inside.

Malia heard the barely comprehensible words and turned around surprised. Jack immediately understood what he did. "Agh! Malia, are you alright?! I'm so sorry! I- I- I felt like the instincts acted for me." He hissed worriedly.

Malia slowly got up, still not believing Jack was able to control his new self, but she cared too much for him. She slowly approached him and hugged him. "I'm so happy you're alive. I just can't believe it all. I mean Jack, you turned into a wer-" Malia tried to gather up her thoughts out loud, but was interrupted.

"Malia, I don't think... That I'm just a were-wroolf..." Jack stammered as he split his muzzle wide open into four parts again.

"Aaah... I'll never get used to it. Please don't do that again, alright? We... We need to turn you back, whatever you've been turned into. Let's just hope it won't worsen and you won't loose your mental humanity completely hopefully..." Malia petted Jack's furry shoulder.

Jack and Malia came back to their little camp. It was untouched by the other monster. They still felt awkward now that Jack became a humanoid wolfish monster, but it was their reality now. They tried to adapt to it.

Malia informed her close ones that she and Jack would stay away from the rest of the tribe and civilisation in general for a few months. They didn't know how to adapt to their newfound reality yet, but with time it was getting increasingly easier for Jack to adapt to his new body.

Surprisingly, Malia's theory this time deemed to be incorrect and Jack didn't loose his consciousness. Nevertheless he felt like sometimes the instincts thought and acted for him, but he had to live with it.

The two of them tried all of the possible cures they learned about. Sadly none was able to turn Jack into a human. It seemed like the trigger of his transformation must have been truly out of this planet...


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