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Not game related but I turned my own dream from last night into a sort of story. I wanted to share this with you guys because these dreams tend to be very powerful in nature. I'm not sure if you guys ever had really vivid dreams to where you could recall all of the events that happened in it but here is mine. If you ever had a dream in which you recall very vividly, feel free to share. I would like to hear some of your own as well. Also, let me know what you guys think of it or how you interpret this dream. I hope you guys find it interesting at least lol.

Below is a dream that I had last night at around 1:30 AM, and it was extremely vivid. As soon as I woke up from it, I started typing it all out like crazy as a rough draft, and finally, now I was able to put it all together as short and full versions. Here it goes...


I've woken up from a dream last night at around 1:30 AM where treacherous roads were involved. I was once being led by a beautiful woman's voice, very soothing it was, and I longed to remain with her and never leave her side. Instead, she faded away behind me, turning into a mist of her own fears and then came along her friend. This friend of hers stood alongside my vehicle and whispered to me that she no longer wanted to remain with me or speak anymore, although she was my guidance. With that being said, I took off to find my way back home, navigating these muddied-up roads with large skids enough to swallow you in like quicksand and making moving through them almost impossible. I had to go fast or I would wind up stuck in that mud, or even worse, swallowed up. I've become my own guide navigating these dangers and remained strong, never giving up. I came across fallen redwood trees, larger than I could make out, and almost went headfirst into them as my speed was increasingly fast. I was able to turn right back around, forging a new path ahead of me. This path has led me to a statue in the shape of an urn, which burned fiercely with blue flames surrounding it. I got out of my vehicle and proceeded to touch this statue which ultimately ended up teleporting me to safety. In this safe place, there were numerous different women there who guided me to the other urns which eventually led me out of this chaos.


At around 1:30AM last night I awoke from a dream navigating treacherous roads guided by a soothing woman's voice, her beauty surely captivating me. Though I longed to remain with her, fear drove her away, leaving me to traverse the muddy, skid-marked paths, where speed was imperative to avoid sinking in like quicksand. Amidst the fallen redwood trees, narrowly avoiding collision, I forged a new path, discovering a majestic burning blue urn-shaped statue and thus touching it transported me to safety, where numerous women guided me to other urns which allowed for easy navigation, promising this escape from chaos.




Sounds like you reached a save point in your dream once you touched that urn with the blue flame V. :-)