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Before closing this Patreon, I wanted to gauge if anyone would be interested in purchasing some of my most prized possessions or participating in an auction (US Only). I have a lot of items I'd like to part with, and I believe you, my Patreon/YouTube community, would be more interested than anyone else. I'll take a picture with each item and include a personalized letter as a special touch. Let me know if the majority is interested in this as a temporary farewell gesture until I get my life back on track. Thank you all for your incredible support. Sometimes, I may not realize the positive impact I have on others or acknowledge the genuine care from people who appreciate what I create. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you immensely, and I promise that in due time, I will be back doing what I love!




If it supports you and whatever ever you need to do to get back on track I fully support


I support you in whatever you decide to do. I have known you about a year now but your kindness and helpfulness I really value. May God continue to bless and keep you in whatever direction you go


Thanks Joel you've been a huge contributor and supporter of my content :) I appreciate ya very much for the immense support and also your kindness that you've always upheld. I never felt pressured to provide greatness when it came to our interactions. Keep being your awesome self and keep in contact with me on Discord.