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Hello fellow Hunters! I want to extend my sincere apologies for the delay in delivering new content for this game. The past year has been quite a journey, and finding the right schedule to accommodate this game amidst my other projects has been a significant challenge. Moreover, I encountered MAJOR setbacks as I lost my entire progress not once, but twice! Consequently, I had to start over from an early save. I understand that this final save may lack certain content present in previous versions, and for that, I apologize.

I am putting in every effort to make this new content worthwhile. Despite facing difficulties and working on it sporadically over the past couple of months, I believe the end result will be satisfying. I am truly grateful to those who have stuck around and shown patience during this project's development. The save will replace Slot #1 this time around instead of Slot #2 like my previous saves.

Kindly note that the initial save will be accessible for the US region exclusively. If you find yourself outside of the US (CUSA34118), you have the option to request a re-regioning service to make it available in your specific region. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated. As we embark on a new year, I wish you all a fantastic start, and I am committed to delivering this save as soon as possible.

The projected release is by the end of this month, so stay tuned, fellow hunters! 



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