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I wanted to take a moment to connect with each of you and hear about your experiences during the festive season.

How was your Christmas? I'm genuinely interested in hearing about the moments that made it special for you. Did you spend quality time with your family and friends? Share your favorite memories, the laughter, and any traditions you may have enjoyed.

Additionally, if you received any gifts, I'd love to know what you got and if there's a particular one that stood out to you. Was there something you wished for but didn't receive? Did you gift a loved one something that you're proud of?  Your stories and insights, I'm sure others would love to hear about your holiday experiences as well.

Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like!!

Thank you for being a part of this community, and I'm looking forward to reading about your holiday adventures and also providing content in the near future once everything is settled with the holidays!

Wishing you a fantastic start in the new year to come!!




I shared Christmas Eve with my wife's family and Christmas Day morning with my own. This year, my Christmas gifts included fidget toys, cozy pajamas, D&D dice, and various other thoughtful items. Despite the overall excitement, I couldn't shake off a bit of anxiety. Celebrating with my family after a long hiatus due to COVID felt both heartwarming and somewhat foreign since it's been super long. The food was good, and I'm secretly hoping I can burn off the festive indulgence, lol Hopefully! In the end, it was a good experience, albeit accompanied by a touch of anxiety.


I'm happy about that and I really hope that the fear will disappear again over the years, togetherness is the greatest happiness that we as humans can give each other in love


Happy Holidays everyone! Had a great Christmas with the wife and kids. Got them everything their little hearts desired, so that's a nice feeling. Also, trying out a new hobby of Gundam model building. So far the holiday seasons been great!


Awe! That's awesome. I'm actually interested in that Gundam model building. If you have photos, do share on a picture hosted website and shoot over a link, if you're able. I've gifted a lot of things to many of my family members. The wife and 3 cats got spoiled the most though lol. It was one of my highlights for sure is presenting the kitties' stockings to them and giving them a bunch of toys with catnip to play with Christmas morning. They were skeptical at first because this is the first time I've been able to do this for them all but they enjoyed their toys and were all being silly and playing.