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Patreon now offer free membership: you can follow along for no money down! If you like BOHICA Blues (or if you're interested in my other projects that are being planned) you can follow along for free! Of course a free member isn't going to see everything-- joining a paid membership tier offers a lot more after all-- but I frequently make posts available for non-paying members to see. I have four non-paying subscribers that you can join if you're not sure you're ready to offer up a kidney just yet:
David Bennett
Savannah Troxell
Wayne Gilcoine
The Brothers Moogk-Soulis

I am glad to have them aboard! Feel free (literally) to join them and see if further membership suits you!


BOHICA Blues is on a slightly modified schedule for January of 2024. Instead of posting 3 times a week on the 1st, the 10th, and the 20th, I am instead just posting on the 1st and the 15th. The reason is because of the way some military training has impacted my schedule. I am enrolled in  something called "Senior Leadership Course" which has me busy through all of January and the first half of February. 

There is a small chance I may have to shorten February's schedule as well, but at the moment I think I'll be able to get through with a normal posting schedule. I already have pencils done through the first week of March, so here's hoping I can get the inks and coloring done in time as well!

The main focus for BOHICA Blues will continue to be the upcoming deployment to Kosovo for the "KFOR" (Kosovo Force), the NATO peacekeeping mission between Kosovo and Serbia as they (hopefully) iron out their differences politically rather than kinetically. 


The "Wolf Project" I have mentioned before still does not have a solid name beyond the working title, but I am continuing to make slow, steady progress to work on that. Unfortunately, I doubt any serious movement will be made in that direction until I get back from Kosovo myself, but in the meantime I have collected a series of books by one of the premier wildlife zoologists in the field, Rick McIntyre, a specialist in wolves:

I am hoping to make a few research trips to Yellowstone at some point in the time after my return from deployment to work on that project some more.


The Empires sci-fi action-adventure series is momentarily slowed to a snail's pace as well as I deal with the very busy schedule brought on me by the upcoming deployment. I also wanted to re-evaluate some designs for vehicles and aliens I've had bouncing around in my head as well. Another factor that caused me to pause for a bit is watching modern war unfold in both Ukraine and the Red Sea, and to a lesser extent in Gaza. The way new technologies are being adapted for these conflicts are things that had not been contemplated just a few short years ago.

The Empires universe focuses heavily on military science-fiction and so I need to think about what these new technologies will look like given a hefty dose of future technology, as well as counter-measures and the impacts that will be felt from the ripple effects across military deployment as well as civilian society. 

That about wraps this up... I hope you enjoyed this peek at what's going on and will consider joining the Battalion at Patreon!

--CF Arik Grant
Copyright © 2024 Random Coyote Productions, LLC





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