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Wow, so much news! Where to begin?

First of all, as I write this, Book 3: "BOHICA Blues: Fallujah" is at the printers right this moment. And how appropriate, since March of 2023 specifically is the 20-year anniversary of the launch of the Iraq War in which BOHICA Blues is primarily set... and 2023 is also the 10-year anniversary of the BOHICA Blues comic itself, which launched on Veteran's Day of 2013.

Check out the front and back covers:

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the book will be arriving from the printer in time for the Gem State Comic Con this weekend (April 1-2), but I will be there anyway with the previous two books in the BOHICA Blues series if anyone wants to drop by in the Boise area to say hello.

More BOHICA Blues:

BOHICA Blues continues to publish on the 1st, 10th, and 20th of each month at the BOHICA Blues website, which I also cross-post to Facebook and Twitter. However, I have also started re-posting everything from the beginning at Instagram and Tapas as well! There, I am posting old episodes every weekday, so Monday-through-Friday is a solid 5-day a week BOHICA Blues stroll down memory lane. 

These platforms are a bit easier to navigate for old episodes, so if you missed anything and don't want to slog through the huge archive at the main website, you can go to Insta or Tapas and get caught up super easy. 

Convention Appearances:

Gem State Comic Con --April 1st and 2nd (this weekend!)

Boise Comic Arts Festival --September 29th - October 1st.

What else is going on? Lots, lots I tell you!

There has been a LOT of work done on the "Empires" reboot project. I have now penciled almost three full chapters of the comic, with the first chapter clocking in at 9 pages, the second chapter with 7 pages, and the third chapter will be back up to around 9 or so (it is still being developed). 

As a science-fiction original series, it is going to be much more R-rated than the BOHICA Blues series you may be used to. Here is a sneak peek of a starship in the penciling stage so far:

Members of the Coyote Pack over at my Patreon page are getting regular updates and lots of flashy, dare I say, sexy, sneak peeks of pencils in progress. Character sketches, looks at original new aliens, cool spaceships, and lots, lots more (with more to come). Check out the Patreon page if you want to be let into the Inner Circle. 

Other stuff: 

I have downloaded several years worth of .pdf data for historical research on what I have been publicly referring to as my "Wolf Project", so that is a thing. It proceeds, but slowly for now as I concentrate on prioritizing BOHICA Blues book publications, the Empires reboot, and the Wolf Project coming in third. 

No real progress has been made on the Medieval Fantasy project, however, there are a handful of sneak-peek pictures of characters posted at Patreon for those interested.

Patreon! Patreon! Patreon! I can't harp it enough!

All the best stuff is over at Patreon. Join us over there and every penny is guaranteed to go to nothing but comics and comics projects. This isn't a slush fund for my pizza and beer habit, this is the financial engine that drives publications and merch. I've recently upgraded my reward tiers, cleaned up some redundancies in my hashtags, and more. Check out what you get over at Patreon:

...and here is a schedule of just the next couple weeks of things to come:

So come on by and join our little secret society and get the inside scoop on all the projects coming from Random Coyote Productions, LLC. 

Link: https://www.patreon.com/Coyote 



Random Coyote Productions

Hey, everyone from sergeant tier on up-- check your messages if you haven't already; I'm starting to double-check everyone's addresses since it will be time to mail out books soon! Some are just getting started with Book #1, some are in line for Book #3 as soon as it comes back from the printers!