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I haven't done one of these for awhile... so it is long past time to share updates with the world! 

For one, we have a bunch of new subscribers-- welcome to the secret society of something-something-or-other. Decoder rings and secret handshakes for everyone! Let's get caught up on recent news and announcements:

BOHICA Blues: The BOHICA Blues comic, started in November of 2013, continues to go on strong. November of 2023 will be the 10-year anniversary of the comic, and a recent count of finished comics shows that I am well over 800 published comics! In fact, the 800th comic itself was the first BOHICA Blues comic featuring Juni Okuda in the "Hangul Games: Saving SSG Low" crossover with GI Low, Pvt Murphy, and the Alpha Gators! 

BOHICA Blues is currently being reposted in its entirety over at Instagram, and now more recently at Tapas-- so if you're on those platforms, drop by and give a "like" and "subscribe". At a minimum I plan to repost the main story of BB on these platforms, which will begin at the beginning and run through to the "10 Years Later" episode after the troops come back from their second and final deployment to Iraq. 

The big announcement: 

The Empires project that has been announced over and over again as a "someday" goal is finally underway! The entire first episode is entirely penciled and scanned in, and awaits only some clean-up, digital "inking", details and color! 

The project is "Empires: Blood Sun" and it is a science-fiction adventure with military themes. It is more R-rated than the light comedy of BOHICA Blues. I've posted character still of one character, Nayoo Hyraini, but this isn't "development stills", this is kicking off the real thing.

Here are a few select samples of what is to come:

There are aliens and humans and blasters and starships and... so much more. It is not related to Star Wars, Star Trek, or any other existing franchise, it is 100% my own original creation and something I've wanted to do for many, many years.. 

The final product will be released on Tapas, with a maybe-possible release on Webtoons once I convert things to their preferred "scrolling" format. If this is successful (heck, probably even if it isn't) I have another short story I want to do in the same setting, then a much larger project with a bit more of an epic scope.

Other projects: What else is being worked on at Random Coyote Productions, LLC?  

The "Medieval Fantasy" Project: My Medieval Fantasy sword-and-sorcery project about a Paladin with a troubled past continues to be on a back-burner, however, a number of character production stills have been generated and the script for the origin story is complete. While I continue to make progress on this in small increments, the overall pace is "glacial" as I focus mostly on BOHICA Blues and Empires

The "Wolf Project": The "Wolf Project" is a sort of "nature documentary" I've hinted at in the past. A story about wolves in the real world has taken a minor step forward as plans are being formulated to borrow a camping trailer to go to an area known to serve as a wolf pack's actual territory and get some pictures of the environment, hike around, and get a feel for the place before committing pencils. This is another project that is taking shape very slowly on the periphery, but I continue to keep an eye on it.

The "Alt History Project": I am not normally a fan of "alt-history" stuff, but I do have an idea that --for a radical change-- has nothing whatsoever to do with Confederates or Nazis winning their wars. Apart from some vague ideas, however, this is my "backest of the back-burner" projects. 

What about Patreon!?

I'm glad you asked! My Patreon page has been almost entirely devoted to BOHICA Blues support, but with Empires coming on line I will start to feature more of that in some of my future posts. I am also going to start posting informative articles about the Empires setting, history, and lore-- I'll look at who the different alien species are, the social and political history, the expansion of various colonies, the different military structures and doctrines, and so on. Tons of stuff for sci-fi nerds, of which I consider myself. As a "future project" a lot of this will be at the Platoon Sergeant tier, with occasional posts being shared more widely.

Reflecting this, I may change the names of the tiers at some point in the future but that will be primarily a cosmetic change; the basic structures and subscription levels will stay the same. 

Random Coyote Studios at YouTube:


I have a sleepy little YouTube channel where a lot of stuff gets posted as short videos showing my inking, coloring, and bits of Works-in-Progress as I talk about various comics things. Sometimes comics in general, as an overall subject like "Manga vs. Western comics"; while sometimes I talk about the actual character or issue being drawn. There are unboxing videos and so on, and they are typically under 15 minutes (around the 10-minute mark being the norm, it seems). Stop by and give it a look-see. It is not flashy or fancy; my videos are there to support my comics, which are my main focus. 

Hope to see you out there, and keep things interesting by keeping them Random! 


