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I am penciling the Empires reboot! Yes, the long-put-off reboot is finally underway, as "Empires: Blood Sun". As of this writing I have 3 and a half pages done already and making progress on more. By the time you read this, I will have a lot more in the bag. Penciling may even be done by now (not betting the farm on that, but...).

Here is a sneak peek/WIP of one half of one page, in which one of my big assault cruisers makes its first appearance, pulling into orbit near a massive space station. 

As I make progress on this project, I will post more in-depth upgrades on this Future Project in the works to my Platoon Sergeant tier. If this is your kind of thing, consider upgrading for all the latest!

Does this mean BOHICA Blues is at an end? No way! I will continue to make BB as well. The Empires tale is going to take awhile to get finished and I will fill this in around regular BOHICA Blues episodes. 

I am re-posting all of BOHICA Blues at Tapas and I really like that platform, so when Empires is done I will almost certainly post it there, and I am thinking about a way to put it at Webtoon as well. If you are on Tapas for anything, check out BOHICA Blues in the "Comedy" section. When Empires is published, it will be in the "Science Fiction" section (of course). In general, Empires is a gritty drama, more R-rated, as opposed to BB's light comedy. Hopefully folks will stop by and see it when it launches. 

No set time yet (I want to have at least half of the series in the bag first; this has a distinct beginning, middle, and end) and post maybe once a month, depending on how long each chapter is. 

Hope to see you here... and eventually, there as well! 

EDIT:  It's been about 2 days since I posted that and I have finished all 9 pages of the first episode. Here's a few more shots of what is coming; but the Platoon Sergeant tier will get access to these images as they progress.

Hope to see you again soon!
