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Hey, comics adventurers, here's the latest in BOHICA News. 

First of all I'd like to welcome two new members at the "Private" level; Mark Baker and A. Taylor! This brings us up to 19 members! Everyone make them feel welcome. There will be a brief "initiation ceremony" but it's no big deal' the hardest part is getting the peanut butter out of your hair afterwards. 

So, some updates...

The last few weeks have been pretty rough due to Real Life issues. I haven't been able to make as much progress as I'd hoped. At my regular day job we are at 50% staffing so I have been doing the work of three people. While I have gotten a promotion to Supervisor, I have no one to supervise so I am actually just doing the same job but in a higher tax bracket. Still, within the next couple of months we are expecting two new people to come aboard so that should help.

But the thing is, when we were fully staffed, the job was pretty easy and I had a lot of slow time. I didn't realize how much I depended on that to brainstorm, doodle, write down ideas, organize thoughts, and so on. Hopefully when the new guys/gals show up, and things get back on a more normal track, I'll have those "breather moments" back.

On the home side, my wife has been working out of town a lot and generally just comes home on weekends (and not even every weekend at that). So after a busy day at work, covering for multiple people, I also have to go home and do all the household stuff too. I've always appreciated and recognized how much my wife does at home but having  the home life and the job life all come out of me at once is pretty tiring. I had a good "buffer" of material pre-scheduled for posts across social media but it has been burned through. 

For the month of July I will be on military duty, and frankly the way things are going... it will count as a break

So I am not as far along on some things as I had hoped, but soon the logjam should break up. 

On the flip side, I applied for --and got accepted into-- the National Cartoonists Society!

From their website:

"The National Cartoonists Society is the world’s largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists. It was born in 1946 when groups of cartoonists got together to entertain the troops. They found that they enjoyed each other’s company and decided to get together on a regular basis."

Check them out here: https://www.nationalcartoonists.com/about/ 

There will be more news soon, so stay tuned... and for the best action/adventure comics you haven't read yet, remember to Keep It Random. 



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