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Out with the old year! In with the new! Let's hope we have a good '22!

Really, I'd settle for "not as bad as the last few", to be honest. I'm not picky. 

So let's see, what's up? We have gained a new member at the Specialist tier, so welcome Reviresco07 to the Battalion! 

Coming up...

--The "Empires" reboot is, I admit, behind schedule. I had hoped to have some pages at least penciled by the Summer of 2021, but a leaked water heater at home that left water pooling in the crawlspace kinda forced me to redirect my attention.  While the water heater itself was addressed by plumbers and a new water heater installation, the pool of water under the house created some mold and warped the hardwood floors. We called in insurance and a disaster response team and since summer, large parts of the house have been off-limits. As the place is reconstructed, furniture has to be moved around and truly livable space is limited to two rooms plus a bathroom.

This hasn't affected BOHICA Blues much since so much of my work on BB is digital. But for Empires I want to use professional 11x17" comic paper so I can do proper story-based comic book layouts and more detail than my 8.5x11" BOHICA Blues layouts. So not only has my time been limited by dealing with this problem, but so too has my space to work in. Things should get better by around March or so. In fact, redoing so much of the house has given me the opportunity to add an actual, dedicated art studio space with a desk and an 11x17" scanner, so hopefully things can bounce back better than before.

In the interest of keeping some energy going for that, I will try to dig up and post some "Empires" short stories here at Patreon in the next few weeks or months. 

Vox Noctem

A plan for a locally-based comic anthology project, "Vox Noctem", has also been pushed back. Again, the water heater disaster has forced a lot of priorities to be shuffled around, but as far as publishing physical, paper-based comics I am waiting to see what the Comic Convention scene is going to look like this year. The pandemic has entered a new phase, with Covid now mutating into the Omicron variant, which so far appears to be more contagious but also less deadly. What does that mean for conventions? I also kicked "Vox Noctem" off kind of late in the year, and did not have a lot of opportunity to push the word out into the local comics community and get some momentum going. So I am going to make an effort to encourage outreach and participation, and see if the ball can get rolling at the end of Summer or early Fall of 2022. 

A "Patreon-Only" exclusive comic will be posted in a few days; there was a preview WIP (work-in-progress) panel posted on Wednesday. That makes about 6 total "Patreon-Only Original Content" comics, or "POOCs". The one coming up features Marvel's "The Hulk" (© Marvel comics/Disney) in a slightly R-rated parody about post-victory celebrations.  

In other news, I have also shared some preliminary developmental sketches of the fantasy-Medieval story "Crystallized" here at Patreon, for the "Platoon Sergeant" tier. I have a script for that ready to go to, and just need to raise money to pay an artist (who won't be myself-- I have enough projects as it is!). 

Remember, the money raised here at Patreon or Ko-Fi all goes 100% to financing comics and comic operations. Patreon and Ko-Fi (and direct sales at conventions) keep the website up and running, and printing books. It does not go to my pizza and beer habit! So if you want to see more comics quicker, join us at Patreon and help make comics today!

Until later,

--Stay Random.



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