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Wow, it's been awhile! It's been a rough month for getting things done at BOHICA Blues, but the comic pulls through. 

The Competition for Attention

Generally I try to have a month's worth of stuff loaded, or mostly loaded, into Patreon, Facebook, and the BOHICA Blues site by the first week of each new month. I got a little behind in May because of a family vacation, but I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. I thought I had a clean slate for June. 

Thought I had-- my Army unit told me I had orders for Annual Training coming up in June. I'm signed up for a school later this year and had asked to use the school as my Annual Training requirement, since it will be a month long. But the Powers-That-Be noted that the school takes place next fiscal year, and would not count towards Annual Training requirements for this year (an unfortunate side effect of things like vacations & leave time correlating to the calendar year, while planning and budgets correlate to the fiscal year). 

So I end up in a tent in the desert, with --needless to say-- not a lot of access to comics-making infrastructure.

Home, home is Downrange... ♫

I was already a bit behind because of the civilian vacation, but now my military "vacation" was really going to sock it to me. I had little in my grab bag of old leftovers, but at Patreon I did post a fanfiction story a friend had written about one of my other ventures, the science-fiction action-adventure setting of Empires. So I had something to fill Patreon with, at least.

Back On The Horse

I was able to recover quickly. After 7 years (wow, seriously?) I have these characters down and can draw them quickly. And while Annual Training did set me back artistically, it did give me a wealth of absurd Army humor from which to draw from. I now have almost a dozen new comics percolating in my mind!

Here is a WIP (Work In Progress) for tomorrow's comic, which has already posted in full at Patreon! It is WIP Wednesday after all:

And here is a sneak peek of the next comic, already in progress:

Patreon All-Original Comics, Too!:

Over at Patreon I almost wasn't able to finish my "Patreon Only Exclusive Comic" but I did! Since these are special comics I share only with my Patreon subscribers, I will give a partial image of the comic while it was in production. It has since been finished and posted:

I have done at least 3 Patreon-Exclusive comics this year, with more to come. These comics frequently have little or nothing to do with BOHICA Blues; some of them may occasionally even have slightly R-rated content that wouldn't be appropriate for the way I've structured the main BOHICA Blues comic. 

Patreon Stuff:

There's been some changes at Patreon, too; as the new economic dynamics brought on by the pandemic have faded (maybe temporarily?) people have had their financial situations change. There are openings for up to two supporters at the "Platoon Sergeant" level, and of course there are unlimited openings for supporters at the "Sergeant", "Specialist", and "Private" levels! Consider supporting BOHICA Blues (and other upcoming projects) over at Patreon today, and get access to the above-mentioned exclusive comics as well as other sneak peeks and videos!

BOHICA Blues Books:

The BOHICA Blues collected comics Book 1, "MOBILIZED!" is available for sale! 

They go out automatically to Patreon supporters after a period of support, or you can get them at my Ko-Fi shop (one person has already shopped there). 


The next book, "Line of Departure", will be going to print soon! I will be selling "Line of Departure" over-the-counter at the Boise Comic Arts Festival on August 28th of this year and it will be available for Patreon supporters, at the Facebook shop, and at Ko-Fi as soon as it is available. 

Coming soon.

Other Projects:

Other projects such as the reboot of Empires have had to take a back seat during this month of fast reshuffling, but I will resume work on that as well. Coming up I will be asking Patreon supporters for their opinions on some art ideas, as well as posting some more short stories set in that universe. Some more character development art will also be posted at Patreon.... so now is a great time to jump on the Patreon bandwagon if you haven't done so already.

Well, that's all the big news for now. Lots of things coming up next month, so stay cool, stay hydrated, watch out for each other, and thanks to everyone for their support over the years.    



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