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it is a great time to join us all over at Patreon! Today is the first day I posted a screen-capture video of an upcoming comic in the process of being made! This will probably become the first of a regular feature of videos in which I talk about my art process, writing, characters, experiences, and projects past and future. 

Speaking of the future the BOHICA Blues comic that will post publicly tomorrow at the regular site has already been posted at Patreon for the last few days! It is now regular policy for me to post BOHICA Blues comics at Patreon about 5 to 7 days or so before they post publicly. So come on by and join us to be on that inside loop!

An April Fool's Day comic is made in which I take a popular and well-known meme that has been on the internet the last few years and redraw it, erasing the original characters and replacing them with my own. That will post at Patreon early as well. Special Guest Star Sergeant-Major of the Army Michael Grinston will be featured as well!

On March 30th an entirely original comic will post on Patreon only so you def want to be on board for that too. This, too, will become a regular feature as once a month something original will be posted that doesn't get air time anywhere else. Some will be BOHICA Blues related, most will not. In fact the one this month is a bit naughty (although not too naughty. Patreon has filters and stuff after all). Next month we'll have talking dogs!

Join the party over at Patreon. I am a stone's throw away from making $100.00 a month, and you know what that means..!

...no, it means I'll have more to devote to upcoming projects! I've already got a new logo for an upcoming reboot of a science-fiction story I'm planning called "Empires". Your Patreon money here paid for this!

Old Logo:

New Logo:

I am also working on getting some concept art done by a local artist for a sword-and-sorcery project that has been hovering on a back burner for awhile. With your support, I can afford to pay her more because frankly it'll be worth it and I refuse to be that guy that gives that tired old "exposure" talk. 

So join us over at Pateon! Watch & comment on my new video series! See comics before they are published in the wild! See comics that will probably not be seen outside... ever! Support an artist and reward yourself with... well, I dunno, you have my permission for an indulgence!  Cookies! Beer! Pancakes! Whatever makes you happy; "as ye harm none, do as ye will!"

Stay Random!



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