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Hello! Time for another edition of the BOHICA News. What's going on in the 213th these days? Let me catch you up! Here's a quick table of upcoming posts in Patreon:

So as most of you know I finished the main story of BOHICA Blues a few months ago. I took some time off and after about 2 months I started doing more BOHICA Blues, this time just funny stuff as I saw fit, with no real plot, storyline, and at most just a couple comics that would be inter-related. I let my natural pace determine my workflow, and it seems to have solidified at about three comics a month. 

This is a good a sustainable pace, and it gives me time to devote more attention to each comic-- hopefully people have noticed an uptick in the quality of character art. It also keeps me doing BOHICA Blues (a project I love) without becoming a chore, and I also have time to work on other projects I've had on the back burner for a long time.

I initially started posting new comics on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month. That worked out pretty well until February came along and I realized I'd placed myself in a bit of an awkward spot. I decided to just jump to March 1st, then the 10th, then the 20th. So in a few days you'll see the switch and really it probably won't even be noticed.

Another thing I'm doing now is "WIP Wednesday". WIP is "Work In Progress" and it is basically a sneak peek at comics that are coming up-- you probably saw one here today. I'm also doing "WIP Wednesday" in Patreon as well, usually at different stages of development and a little earlier. I will also be doing some WIP Wednesdays in Patreon that feature some of my other projects that aren't BOHICA Blues related. 

One new thing that will be available on Patreon will be Exclusive, Patreon-Only Original Comics. These will be just free-range comics, usually unrelated to BOHICA Blues (some may feature BOHICA Blues but that will be rare). There typically won't be any long-running stories, plots, or continually recurring characters, but just some one-shot or limited-arc short comics that Patron from the Sergeant tier on up will see. 

Some of the comics may even be a bit more "R-Rated" than typical BOHICA Blues type stuff; language and violence and the occasional butt or even sideboob might make an appearance (a couple of side/underboobs have shown up in BOHICA Blues, true, but they're the exceptions more than the norms). Mostly these will feature more saucy situations and never anything X-rated ("Once you start down that path; forever will it dominate your destiny"). Here's a sample of a WIP I shared on Patreon for an upcoming Patreon exclusive, "Pentagon Secrets":

--so, yeah. I can already tell you that the next Exclusive Patreon-Only Original Comic (EPOOCS?) will not be racy and will in fact feature talking dogs. Join Patreon today and support my works, current and future, and see more!

Thanks for being such a great and energetic fan base, and see you in the next update! Until then...

...stay random.



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