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Above: BNCOC was the name for "Basic NCO Course" and it was a school to prepare Sergeants to move up the ranks to eventually become "Sergeant First Class" or "SFC". I had my own interpretations about it as satired above. BNCOC, like a lot of schools, taught you the "book way" to do things, which meant a lot of accumulated habits you had from your home unit had to be swept aside as you learned the "proper" way to do things. 

Every NCO is "rated" by a senior NCO in their chain of command. This is basically your "annual employee performance review". Nobody wants a "rater" that is overly wordy. You want one that is "short, concise, and to the point". 

I think we were talking about "Title IX" or "Title 9" sports, so that women have the equal ability to compete at all sports men participate in. I wondered if that meant Sumo Wrestling as well and, yeah, it probably does.

Before I chose the "Random Coyote" logo, I toyed with other logos. This one was "American Military Comics" but I rejected it as too limiting, since some of my comics aren't American military but fantasy, science fiction, and other. I didn't want to trap myself, rhetorically speaking. 

Until later!




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