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Hey everybody... time for some brand-new updated BOHICA NEWS!

First of all, I'd like to welcome our new Platoon Sergeant, Mike Swinney! Welcome to the 213th Battalion at Patreon!

There's some great stuff to look forward to: by now, Patreon subscribers have already seen the last two BOHICA Blues comics up to a week earlier than the general public over at the regular BB website. Well, guess what/ There are two more brand new BOHICA Blues comics coming soon:

November 1st: New comic, "The Razor's Edge", posts at Patreon. It will post to the general public at the BOHICA Blues site on the 6th.

November 15: New comic, "Phaque Nieuse!", posts at Patreon. It will be available to the general public at the BB site on the 20th.

Yet another comic is already being scheduled for a late November/early December release and is almost done (just need to add some background at the word balloons). Another for December is scripted out and being readied for artwork, and yet another is in script phase.

What else is planned? Glad you asked! A limited edition series of comics featuring the secret lives of the Military Working Dogs will also be made for Patreon, currently with no plans to share it to the wider public although I may see if the "Pixie & Brutus" folks would be willing to collaborate (it's a long shot; they don't really need to collaborate with anyone). This will be more in 2021.

Some more limited edition goofball comics I have been brainstorming are also planned for 2021 which will be exclusive to Patreon. It will be just a few short pages of ridiculous fun that has nothing to do with BOHICA Blues or other comics posted before, and with a slight R rated theme (nothing explicit, just the themes being addressed). 

Future Projects:

The Wolf Project: Some progress has been made organizing and sorting wildlife reports. Valuable information has been corralled about the early days of the wolves. Now I have to start breaking things down into what years will be covered by which books; there'll be about eight years to cover and I am going to try to break it down into four books. 

"Empires" Reboot: This is probably the project that has the most momentum behind it. Long-time Patrons here know that I actually got four chapters mostly done several years ago before setting it aside to work on "BOHICA Blues"; now I am treating those early attempts as a "rough draft" and will build on them and start over with a strong sense of where everything is going.

Sword-And-Sorcery Fantasy Project: This project had a working title for a long time, and now I have a title but I will wait to reveal it. I have the first chapter, an origin story, scripted and I am trying to gather concept art from local area artists. The second chapter is partially scripted but needs revisions. An overall "tale in four acts" is planned in a universe that looks like a typical "Dungeons & Dragons" type high fantasy setting, but is beginning to enter into its own version of the Renaissance and even some early pre-industrial social change.  

What else?

"BOHICA Blues"  was featured, as many now know, in a book about famous G.I. cartoonist Bill Mauldin of World War Two's "Willie & Joe" fame. The book, called "Drawing Fire", was made available on September 1st, but in 2021 will have an exhibit at the Pritzker Military Museum and Library-- and then, at a point to be announced, the exhibit will go on tour, and BOHICA Blues will go with them!

Book 1, "BOHICA Blues: Mobilized!" and Book 2, "BOHICA Blues: Line of Departure" will both be invited to go along and be available for sale with the exhibit in the gift shop.  Stay tuned for updates on that... and there may even be the possibility that Book 3, "BOHICA Blues: Fallujah", will be available as well. We'll see if it is possible. 

Check out the Pritzker Military Museum and Library for yourself and keep an eye on tour dates! https://www.pritzkermilitary.org/ 

That's all for now, but stay tuned for more stuff very soon, and tell your friends to join here at Patreon for more exclusive content. I will leave you with this random thought: "Oxygen is just tree poop"




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