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Hello, and here's another issue of BOHICA News!

A new book is out called "Drawing Fire: The Editorial Cartoons of Bill Mauldin" and guess what-- BOHICA Blues is featured in it as one of the military comics inspired by Bill Mauldin! 

Bill Mauldin, of course, is the famous World War Two cartoonist behind "Willie and Joe" and, yes, he definitely was an inspiration for me. This book, just released from the Pritzger Military Museum and Library, also features other more recent military comics such as "Doctrine Man" and "Terminal Lance". I got my copy just a couple days ago and it is a fantastic read! If you're a fan of Bill Mauldin or military cartoons in general, it is worth a look. Check it out here from the Pritzger Museum (also available on Amazon):

Of course, it is important to remember that this is not the first time BOHICA Blues has been mentioned in a book about military cartoons-- there's also the very detailed and insightful "The Comic Art of War" by Christina M. Knopf.  This book is also an excellent read, and details a lot of cartoonists going as far back as 1805 and the Napoleonic Wars, comics from World War One and Two, and even a surprising number of female veterans from those early eras that also made their own comics! This is a much more broad look at military cartooning in general, and while Bill Mauldin is mentioned he is but one of several dozen comics and cartoonists that are studied. 

Check out "The Comic Art of War" at Amazon:


BOHICA Blues was also mentioned in "Stars and Stripes" while I was deployed in 2004 to Iraq. Here's a link to that article by Jason Chudy: 


--and remember, all the old, original "BOHICA Blues" comics from the actual deployment can be seen on Patreon at the "Sergeant" tier level, under the title "Before BOHICA". 

It should be noted that there are now more "Platoon Sergeant" rewards tiers available for anyone who wants to support my projects (BOHICA Blues and others) at the $10.00 a month level, and gain access to projects under development.  

What else is there to say about BOHICA Blues? Oh, yeah: NEW COMICS are being made and in fact the first one has already been posted at Patreon! New comics will be made on no particular schedule but will be posted at Patreon first (up to a week in advance, typically) and in some cases, exclusively. It could be worth it to pitch in for at least $1 a month for new BOHICA Blues content and at the "Sergeant" tier of $5 a month for more content. 

There will even be special comics that feature only the Military Working Dogs, Sadie and Butter, and the secret lives of animals in "The Humans Aren't Watching" that will also be featured first on Patreon and sometime *only* on Patreon. 

So hunker down, read some cool books, and join the cool kids in the Battalion already!

Until later... stay random. 
