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Hello everyone in the ol' 213th Battalion Coyote Pack. Long-timers here have probably noticed a few changes lately. A year or two ago I made a new banner image at the top that had the  "Random Coyote" logo in the top left, and the "Random Coyote Productions LLC" with my name and the circle-C copyright logo in the lower right. 

Then, a few weeks ago --after the BOHICA Blues comic wrapped up its story-- I changed the tagline from "CF Grant is creating the BOHICA Blues webcomic" to "Random Coyote Productions is creating comics!". And then in the last couple days, I changed the introduction, elevator pitch, and the wording on some of the reward tiers. I also expanded the number of "Platoon Sergeant" tiers from 4 available to 8 available, doubling the number. I am going to put some more "Future Projects" posts in the next couple weeks as well, available primarily to members of that tier.

So what does it all mean? Well, it is obvious by now that with the BOHICA Blues story concluding (more BOHICA Blues will be done, in fact I am working on one now) I have been talking up the "Empires" science-fiction comic a lot. I've posted a considerable amount of background stuff, old development sketches, and so on as I am beginning to pivot to that project. 

I thought about making a whole new Patreon page just for that, but managing multiple pages is hard work. And because "Empires" is also a look into the life of ordinary troops and adventures into the unusual, I felt that there was no need to start from scratch and folks here might like the new project. So I'm going to expand this page to cover a number of projects from my registered business, "Random Coyote Productions, LLC". If you liked BOHICA Blues, you'll probably like some of the other stuff that springs out of my weird brain.

So what is "Random Coyote Productions"? Does the name "mean" anything?

When I was growing up, I was bored living in my hometown of Boise, Idaho. And back then, it was pretty dull. Nothing ever really happened there. I couldn't wait to get out into the "real world" and see all the wonders that was out there. I joined the Army, went to Europe, eventually moved to California and got involved in the entertainment industry there (in a very small way) and so on. I went on to college and university, lived overseas in Israel for four years, went to Iraq, and so on. 

Over time I began to realize that Boise really wasn't that bad. It was home. And over the years, it had grown up too. It is not so boring to me now, and I realized my heart was in the American West. I love it out here, and I had to leave to find that out. 

The Coyote in a symbol of the American West. It is important in many Native American legends, it is found nowhere else, and it is a scrappy survivor able to thrive on almost nothing, and is at home in the desert, the mountains, or the forests. I felt a certain admiration for this animal. I like the idea of a coyote as a company logo or mascot. So I am using a coyote image as a kind of business signature, and not as a sort of personal stand-in or avatar-- what in the "furry" world is called a "fursona".  

I also intend to do a number of different projects. I've done real-world comedy, and I've shown some examples of science fiction. I've also mentioned projects in Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, perhaps some alt-history stuff, and a wildlife documentary idea. So in other words, a lot of random stuff. 

So when I think of "Random Coyote", I think of a creature that can surprise you by appearing anywhere at anytime, thriving and getting things done with minimal resources. I think you'll like the expansion into new worlds and genres, and there are more changes coming but the real reward will be the comics. If you think you know others that might like this, spread the word and as I get more backing I can hire artists and inkers to help me produce even more at a faster rate. 

Until later... stay random!!



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